Kassquatch's First Time Indoor Early Miss Auto On The Cheap!

Day 17: June 25th 2018

  • Morning Report: Not much changing. 28w LED light still in there from Sunday. Removed it at 10:00am and replaced it with the 4 CFL's (2-6500k and 2-2700k). Humidity got into the 70%'s overnight but thats because outside it was 100%. First 2 pictures taken at 10:00am
  • Evening Report: Was a little warming in there today because of the extra lights in there. Also noticed the timelapse screwed up a bunch so its not the best one. My phone/camera died late lastnight during an update and I had to factory reset and now the app I am using is shutting off for some reason after a few hours when it isn't supposed to. Last 2 pictures taken at 9:00pm

Todays (Day 17) daily total CFL lights: 5 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 70w FL+28wLED, 13 Hours on 110w CFLs.
Todays (Day 17) Average temp in box: 28°C
Todays (Day 17) Average relative humidity: ~50%

I use the app Framelapse on the google play store (no affiliation or anything) Framelapse: Timelapse Camera - Apps on Google Play on my old note 3 that I had lying around. I rooted it so I could save to the SD card for longer and higher quality videos.(you cant save to SD without rooting) But if you arent tech savvy, then that probably wont be for you. But a 12 hour timelapse at 30x (Default) only takes about 1.5gigs. The app itself is really easy to use.

I then use Shotcut (a free video editing program) on my computer and make it all spiffy and sped up 20x more.

And finally, photoshop for the images and youtube music for the audio after I upload it.

If all you wanted was a 30x timelapse and nothing else, then all you need is that app and a android.
Day 18: June 26th 2018

  • Morning Report: Not much overnight other than a new little growth out the top. First 2 pictures taken at 10:00am
  • Evening Report: A warm one again today in there. I did my best to try and keep the temp down with ice packs. I may have to look into some better ventilation. I think my top fan isn't optimal and is more just blowing outside air around instead of blowing air out. Only reason air going out through it is the fan blowing air in I think. The reason I think this is because I connected my large dust collector for my shop to it and it drastically drops the temp by 3-4 degrees. Only this is that it is noisy (and meant for woodworking). On that note, I really need to get a filter as I have noticed a layer of dust in there. The wife doesn't want it in the house so its in the garage. Last 2 pictures taken at 9:00pm

Todays (Day 18) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 110w total
Todays (Day 18) Average temp in box: 28°C
Todays (Day 18) Average relative humidity: ~32%

Timelapse day 12 (day 18).

From watching this, I noticed that she actually gets perkier when the temp is around 30-32°C and starts to lower below it. You can see it around 4 times in the video and look at the temp in the background. Dunno why because I am not a pro. Just noticed it.

Day 19: June 27th 2018

  • Morning Report: Again, not much to report from overnight. First 2 pictures taken at 10:30am
  • Evening Report: Im noticing a little curl on the leaf tips. I am hoping its not going to 'the claw' and have to look into more. Will keep an eye on it. the last picture shows what I am talking about. And it is all the leaves, not just the one I took the picture of. I am actually really not liking the indoor growing. Too much work. I like the set it and forget method even if it means less yields. I will just grow more plants if I want more. So this may turn into an outdoor grow soon. Who knows. Last 3 pictures taken at 9:00pm

Todays (Day 19) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 110w total
Todays (Day 19) Average temp in box: 29.5°C
Todays (Day 19) Average relative humidity: ~34%

Ya thats what I was thinking. I dunno. We will see. I may jsut be getting too 'watchy' because its the first indoor i've done. Same with the outdoor, I was doing to much and then I just let her be and she liked it.
Day 13 (Day 19 total) timelapse! Messed up on the length of the end credit on this one but who watches/clicks those anyways! Also, I find it interesting how the dirt 'eats' the ice cubes I put in (they fell on the floor and I said what the heck why not at :43 secs

Day 20: June 28th 2018

  • Morning Report: Noticed that it actually gets kinda cool at night. Not cool in the sense of cold, but it gets to 18°C in the box, and 30°C during the day and from what I have read, you want to keep it within 5-10°C. But, I am not going to do anything about it. I just noticed it. Also watered a bit because it was bone dry. First 2 pictures taken at 10:40am
  • Evening Report: Cooler day outside today which meant cooler day in the garage. But only by 1-2 degrees. Hopefully that doesn't mean the night will go colder to go with what I said in the morning report. Other than that not much to report other than from the video she grew a bunch new on the top. Last 2 pictures taken at 8:40pm

Todays (Day 20) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 110w total
Todays (Day 20) Average temp in box: 27°C
Todays (Day 20) Average relative humidity: ~37%

Day 21: June 29th 2018

  • Morning Report: Nothing much to report. Got down to 18°C again overnight. First 2 pictures taken at 9:50am
  • Evening Report: Humidity was higher than average today because of the outside humidity. About 10% higher than average. Other than that, growing growing growing. Pictures don't show it but the timelapse does. Last 2 pictures taken at 9:40pm

Todays (Day 21) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 110w total
Todays (Day 21) Average temp in box: 28°C
Todays (Day 21) Average relative humidity: ~45%

Day 22: June 30th 2018

  • Morning Report: a bit colder again last night with high humidity which again made the box a little colder and a little more humid up to 55% overnight. First 2 pictures taken at 10:10am
  • Evening Report: Super humid day today so slightly higher humidity again like yesterday. Added the measuring steak from the other build since it is past the size for it. Also noticed it was leaning a bit so using it as a straightener also. It's hard to tell in the pictures or video but there definitely is. I rotate the pot every day 1/4 turn so it gets the different lights and wind each time so its not that. Picture shown light setup and the reason why I rotate so each side gets different light spectrum. The lights look gigantic in the photo but they aren't. lol. Last 3 pictures taken at 9:40pm

Todays (Day 22) daily total CFL lights: 18 hours on timer (5am-11pm) with 110w total
Todays (Day 22) Average temp in box: 28°C
Todays (Day 22) Average relative humidity: ~46%

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