Keep killing seedlings in solo cup

People who have issues with germination or the seedling stage of cannabis should, IMHO, go to the store and spend a dollar or two on a couple packets of fruit/vegetable/etc. garden seeds. They're far cheaper to experiment on, easier to source, there are typically far more seeds in a packet of <food crop> than there are in a packet of <cannabis strain>... and you end up with something to eat ;) .

That's a great idea! never thought of that.
People who have issues with germination or the seedling stage of cannabis should, IMHO, go to the store and spend a dollar or two on a couple packets of fruit/vegetable/etc. garden seeds. They're far cheaper to experiment on, easier to source, there are typically far more seeds in a packet of <food crop> than there are in a packet of <cannabis strain>... and you end up with something to eat ;) .
But not all seeds have the same that would be useless unless im missing something
Well, yeah, there are a few exotics that seem to require being scorched in order to germinate, that presumably evolved in regions where fires occasionally devastated the plant life. But cannabis is absolutely not one of them.

If you can consistently turn "a seed" into "a healthy plant," you can do the same thing with cannabis. Because it's just a plant.

The seed just needs enough moisture to soften the seed case seal and allow it to open, reasonably warm temperature, light-energy that it can process and use in combination with its small onboard supply of nutrients to grow a root and then a stem and leaves, and access to sufficient nutrients (before it runs out of what it came to the party with) to continue. Like 999,999 out of 1,000,000 other plant species. If you want "practice material," don't walk in and ask the clerk to sell you the most difficult to germinate seeds they have - just close your eyes and grab a couple packets, lol.

It's like rooting cuttings. If you can root cuttings from a tomato plant, you can do the same thing with cuttings from a cannabis plant.

Don't overthink this stuff, bud. If cannabis was especially difficult to germinate/grow, Homo sapiens (or at least "modern man") would have never discovered it - because it would have become extinct long ago. I can kind of understand the stress/overthinking, because the seeds cost a few bucks each instead of a few bucks for 2,000 seeds. Thus, my previous suggestion.

If you want to see how strong the "drive to survive" is in the plant world, next time you finish the bunch of celery in your refrigerator - that probably sat in there for a few days, after sitting on the grocery store shelves for a few weeks, after riding in the back of a truck, after being harvested and tossed into a big pile... Stick that bottom piece of "celery trash" onto a saucer, pour a little water in the saucer, and stick it on your kitchen windowsill to get some gentle light. Before you know it, you'll see several tiny stems growing from it!
Well, yeah, there are a few exotics that seem to require being scorched in order to germinate, that presumably evolved in regions where fires occasionally devastated the plant life. But cannabis is absolutely not one of them.

If you can consistently turn "a seed" into "a healthy plant," you can do the same thing with cannabis. Because it's just a plant.

The seed just needs enough moisture to soften the seed case seal and allow it to open, reasonably warm temperature, light-energy that it can process and use in combination with its small onboard supply of nutrients to grow a root and then a stem and leaves, and access to sufficient nutrients (before it runs out of what it came to the party with) to continue. Like 999,999 out of 1,000,000 other plant species. If you want "practice material," don't walk in and ask the clerk to sell you the most difficult to germinate seeds they have - just close your eyes and grab a couple packets, lol.

It's like rooting cuttings. If you can root cuttings from a tomato plant, you can do the same thing with cuttings from a cannabis plant.

Don't overthink this stuff, bud. If cannabis was especially difficult to germinate/grow, Homo sapiens (or at least "modern man") would have never discovered it - because it would have become extinct long ago. I can kind of understand the stress/overthinking, because the seeds cost a few bucks each instead of a few bucks for 2,000 seeds. Thus, my previous suggestion.

If you want to see how strong the "drive to survive" is in the plant world, next time you finish the bunch of celery in your refrigerator - that probably sat in there for a few days, after sitting on the grocery store shelves for a few weeks, after riding in the back of a truck, after being harvested and tossed into a big pile... Stick that bottom piece of "celery trash" onto a saucer, pour a little water in the saucer, and stick it on your kitchen windowsill to get some gentle light. Before you know it, you'll see several tiny stems growing from it!
I agree. I grow many many plants in my garden, idk why i have such hard time with weed seedlings.
I've killed a few after they sprouted (immediately after). Idk it's so hard to water when they are so small. Too little and they die too much and they die

Which is why I switched to coco.
Water them as much as you like every day, and the excess just runs off.
I went from 'why does everything keep dying?' to 'I've got too many plants in my tent?' in a flash.
Which is why I switched to coco.
Water them as much as you like every day, and the excess just runs off.
I went from 'why does everything keep dying?' to 'I've got too many plants in my tent?' in a flash.
Can't i just put shit ton of perlite, like 40 60,and achive the same result, but with the pros that i dont need to feed as much?
I have much better results now that I utilize a seedling heat mat. My seedlings used to be slow and watering was always an issue because soil never dried properly. With the heat mat the pot will dry out in a few days this means even a lil overwatered is corrected quickly. I use Promix HPCC same soil from seed to harvest. Ph all water and add very light nute dose 1ml/liter canna vega and cal mag 2ml/liter. I keep it simple and it works GoodLuck Happy420!!
Started some seeds to soak today!!

These girls will be in the back yard this summer!!
I’ve been having some similar issues and have been doing extensive research. Actually what landed me on this site was searching for answers. You must read the sticky threads here
The Proper Way To Water A Potted Plant and

These threads changed my entire watering mentality.
I have been experimenting with solo cups. I think my most recent issues with soil staying too wet is over watering to start with, soil too dense (more perlite!) and lower temps. Soil is only reading about 70 degrees even though my nursery is about 80. I just added another fan and heating mat. I had to up pot a few seedlings to get them into dryer soil.

Also, my solo cup strategy was way off. I was using a very cool method I saw on YouTube to cut the bottom off a cup, cut up the side and put inside another solo cup. It makes transplanting a breeze, but I then put another cup with no holes in bottom to catch drainage, so 3 cups total probably acting like an insulated cup. I’ve been trying to transplant way to soon so needed this crazy method to keep dirt and roots falling out. If you follow Emilya’s methods in links above there should be no issue with transplant if you have a proper root ball! Really good stuff!!
I’ve been having some similar issues and have been doing extensive research. Actually what landed me on this site was searching for answers. You must read the sticky threads here
The Proper Way To Water A Potted Plant and

These threads changed my entire watering mentality.
I have been experimenting with solo cups. I think my most recent issues with soil staying too wet is over watering to start with, soil too dense (more perlite!) and lower temps. Soil is only reading about 70 degrees even though my nursery is about 80. I just added another fan and heating mat. I had to up pot a few seedlings to get them into dryer soil.

Also, my solo cup strategy was way off. I was using a very cool method I saw on YouTube to cut the bottom off a cup, cut up the side and put inside another solo cup. It makes transplanting a breeze, but I then put another cup with no holes in bottom to catch drainage, so 3 cups total probably acting like an insulated cup. I’ve been trying to transplant way to soon so needed this crazy method to keep dirt and roots falling out. If you follow Emilya’s methods in links above there should be no issue with transplant if you have a proper root ball! Really good stuff!!

hiya @Brudley ... this threads a bit stale so you may not get a reply.

in solo a common practice is to plant in a clear cup, then slide that cup in to a colored solo to block the light. this allows you to slide the clear cup out to check on root development. of course you need drain holes in both cups.

at transplant, fill your bucket with a media of choice, then make an indent with a solo cup in the bucket. invert your plant upside down, slide the cup off, reverse and insert the plant in to the indent.

this may help you a bit. :)
Well, yeah, there are a few exotics that seem to require being scorched in order to germinate, that presumably evolved in regions where fires occasionally devastated the plant life. But cannabis is absolutely not one of them.

If you can consistently turn "a seed" into "a healthy plant," you can do the same thing with cannabis. Because it's just a plant.

The seed just needs enough moisture to soften the seed case seal and allow it to open, reasonably warm temperature, light-energy that it can process and use in combination with its small onboard supply of nutrients to grow a root and then a stem and leaves, and access to sufficient nutrients (before it runs out of what it came to the party with) to continue. Like 999,999 out of 1,000,000 other plant species. If you want "practice material," don't walk in and ask the clerk to sell you the most difficult to germinate seeds they have - just close your eyes and grab a couple packets, lol.

It's like rooting cuttings. If you can root cuttings from a tomato plant, you can do the same thing with cuttings from a cannabis plant.

Don't overthink this stuff, bud. If cannabis was especially difficult to germinate/grow, Homo sapiens (or at least "modern man") would have never discovered it - because it would have become extinct long ago. I can kind of understand the stress/overthinking, because the seeds cost a few bucks each instead of a few bucks for 2,000 seeds. Thus, my previous suggestion.

If you want to see how strong the "drive to survive" is in the plant world, next time you finish the bunch of celery in your refrigerator - that probably sat in there for a few days, after sitting on the grocery store shelves for a few weeks, after riding in the back of a truck, after being harvested and tossed into a big pile... Stick that bottom piece of "celery trash" onto a saucer, pour a little water in the saucer, and stick it on your kitchen windowsill to get some gentle light. Before you know it, you'll see several tiny stems growing from it!
My thoughts exactly. Which makes this a superb post! (In my humble opinion)

Plants are like animals. They need calm reassuring thoughts.


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