Light of Jah - Early Wonder Skunk - Soil - OC+ From Seed

Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

@Cateros-yea thats what i was lookin into, buyin them with a money order, they have to take them...
@Hemp-im gonna take this big piece of cardboard and cut it and bend it so that the air can go over top the cardboard then between it and the glass and then it will get out where its open on the sides of the glass, plus i keep a towel over the cab so the light cant get in the top of the sides so the cardboards gonna be down at the bottom, i'll take pics, but i'll def make it to where no light can get in but the air can get out, i already have it mapped out in my head, but thats crazy i never knew a light leak could make a plant hermie... learn somethin new all the tim...:reading420magazine::roorrip:::tokin:


Here's some info on how to build a light trap:

Light Trap - Part #1

Light Trap - Part #2

Light Trap - Part #3

Light Trap - Part #4
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

yea its still a bautiful plant though, my fav at the moment, talkin about green ghost, but yea krip thanks for the vid but the way my cab is built i gotta do it certain way so that the air can still circulate, like i said i'll post some pics, but yea i gotta stop bein lazy and get this shit cut and set in there...i sit here and stare at them and i just wanna cut some buds off and smoke away but i know i cant and it sucks, but it will be all worth it in the end...:tokin:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Thanks guys. There is really nothing to pollination. It's going to be exciting to try my own seeds.

Show-off. "AHHHH its nothing..." I like that confidence.

If a simple light leak makes it hermie, you got problems with the genetics and you are moving toward a "natural hermie" wherein the plant is pre-disposed to hermie because it was from unstable genetics...

They call it femenization... but without a true female, proving that she won't throw male, you get hermies and then you sell the seeds for more money... it makes no sense.

I know for a fact that a few strains I have dealt with in the past year from banks are dangerously close to being "natural hermies"

The plants I am currently onto, do not hermie unless you stress them to the extreme. The seeds made with pollen from true females, will be likely to be all female... but also there is a chance you get all males... it has to do with the way the plant pushes its pollen producers... I am not sure the mechanism...
So you gotta check your seeds before warranting them a females... and the likelihoods of hermie from the process is also there...

OH, and I can say for sure that ordering pot seeds through the mail regardless of the state medical laws, is not okay. It is just the fact that so much mail is sent each day, and they don't have the ability to screen everything... But is is misconception to believe that ordering seeds online is okay and somehow "allowed". it more of a "allowable yet ill-advised"

What seed bank is the best for us though? because I was also thinking of ordering. lol...
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

i sit here and stare at them and i just wanna cut some buds off and smoke away but i know i cant and it sucks

:rofl::biglaugh::rofl::biglaugh: I know how you feel and I'm grateful that I have more than enough for myself until my harvest.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Show-off. "AHHHH its nothing..." I like that confidence.

No, not at all.
Honestly, there really is nothing technical about it. If anything, it's a little time least for me, collecting the pollen. I just separate the males, collect pollen, brush it on, and wait for them to develop. That's it! :)
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Did you notice if the pistils fell off after you fertlized them with pollen? Also the pollen you collected was yellow, right? Is white pollen still viable? I am trying to figure out if I have any seed pods growing on my two babies.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Yeah the pistils start turning brown right away and fall off. The calyxes swell and split open (just a tad) after a couple weeks. You can actually see the calyxes splitting open in my pictures.

Most of the pollen was yellow but some was very light yellow...kind of cream colored. Honestly I don't know which pollen is viable and which isn't, :sorry: Hope this helps.
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

So today my wife surprised me with this:


:woohoo: going to go see what it can do!!!
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

I soooooo hate you right now....grrrr green with envy! Better get those pictures up asap to make up for it :grinjoint:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

So my big girls are in their night cycle right now so I snapped a few pictures of the Lowryder 2's. I still don't really know how to use this camera but it's kind of idiot proof! :) Just point and shoot at this point. I'm sure my skills will improve after I learn how to use this NICE present.




Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Nice camera! Nice buds! Nice wife!

Thanks Blue. What can I say, I got very lucky with her (the wife I mean...not the MJ girl).

I've never grown Lowryder 2's. I just planted this girl on March 1 I believe. It's crazy how fast they grow!!!

Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

that bully beat-down is like a pest problem that you beat down with patience...just like the bigger kid that got punched and just waited for his time
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

that bully beat-down is like a pest problem that you beat down with patience...just like the bigger kid that got punched and just waited for his time

Pretty good video huh? I remember being bullied in school also so it made me smile when I saw that. I think though that nowadays people make too much of a big deal about it. I remember being bullied...but I don't look at it negatively. I very much believe that it made me a stronger person and it also contributed to making me the person I am today....and I like myself (not to sound conceited or anything :) )
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Looking good my man!

I love new cameras... if you want a crash course go on youtube and I'm sure there's a hundred videos with good tips. I've picked up a few tricks from a buddy who was a photographer, but learned a LOT online. Be careful though... once you start taking photos and get that really great capture, you'll have yet another hobby :rofl: My hard drive is spinning slower with all the damn pics I have :)

Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Wow can't wait to Try my grow out. I hope reading all this grow help me grow nice buds. I thing take more pics haven't seen your lady's in a few. You that cam.also take q few of yor wife so she feels as good. Just talking. Great job
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

also take q few of yor wife so she feels as good

Already done dude. :party::party: However, those pictures are for my eyes only my friend. :)
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Your wife rocks!

Thanks. You're right, she totally does. Can't believe the quality of pictures this camera takes. :rocker:
Re: Light of Jah, Early Wonder Skunk, Soil, OC+, From Seed

Howdy Hemp - Congrats on the sweet camera. :high-five: I have one pretty similar only a few years older. Love it. Once you get a good DSLR like that it's hard to take pictures with anything else. That is a very nice camera and lens.

Holy crap that Lowryder 2 is growing fast! I have to try growing out my freebie auto seeds one of these days...
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