Lil' Girls - Various Strain Continuous Grow Journal

WoW, I Have a mutation on Papaya Pheno 1. She is growing 3 branches were there are supposed to be 2. that means higher yield if this continues thru bloom. WOOHOO!! I'm gonna cut and clone this baby and see if the mutation stays with the clone. what a treat!!!!!
just read the brownie thread....when i make butter, i put in 4 oz of bud shake in one lb. of butter....yes, it is alot, and it is hard to squeeze the stuff back out....but then you dilute the it doesnt have such a strong taste then....have alot of hash so think i will start trying to use it in cooking...just sent for a couple of books on really interests me....i love the med and the taste is great...favor it over smoke....but thats me....the hubby prefers good bud, the hash makes him cranky, he smokes toooo much at a time...the 4 oz thing is from one of our local resources....later, works great tho...
just read the brownie thread....when i make butter, i put in 4 oz of bud shake in one lb. of butter....yes, it is alot, and it is hard to squeeze the stuff back out....but then you dilute the it doesnt have such a strong taste then....have alot of hash so think i will start trying to use it in cooking...just sent for a couple of books on really interests me....i love the med and the taste is great...favor it over smoke....but thats me....the hubby prefers good bud, the hash makes him cranky, he smokes toooo much at a time...the 4 oz thing is from one of our local resources....later, works great tho...

WOW, thats alot. How do you dilute the budder? I also include the shake (I ground it in a coffee grinder) and leave it in the mix. It's a superstition for me that the actual plant particles release cannabinoids over a longer period of time. I have no proof of this, but do it anyways. lol. It makes the brownies very herbal tasting, but With a nice dark chocolate I think it blends well.

It's funny you mention hash making your hubby cranky, it sometimes does the same for me. My wife smokes alot more of it than I do, but wont touch the brownies. I make them too strong for her. lol, so i make a little of each if I have enough kief. this yeild puts me just over 2oz of dried sugar leaves and I probably wont get much hash if I put them thrue screens, so I'll do brownies. more for me. lol(dont tell my wife.)

I did just get back from my friends house, and he hooked me up with a free 'Tiger Balm' Cannabis lip balm and it does give you a nice level body high, and some Canna Honey. I'm interested to try it later. He got a new hook up for it from cali, and can get it all the time now. I;m new at these unusual tinctures and cannaproducts, but we'll see if it's for me. I just like good smoke cause if I get a migrain or pian the last thing I wanna do is wait an hour before it kicks in. lol

talk to ya later Lav, thankx for the brownie tip. once I know the dilution ratio for the budder I'll give it a try. ;)
Hi J:thumb:

WOW, is that normal, or are you guys gonna end up in a new Pompei? Yes, I was in Waikiki most of my stay, and did most of my shopping there, but drove around the Island alot too. It was actually nice on the north side when I was out there. I like the rain, but not like seattle. lol, and fungus can be good if you find the right kind, right? hahaha. We'll I'll will away the rain for ya. Just give me a sec.................Hummmm......Hummmmaaaalllllooo oo.....
...ok, there, did that help? no? well it might take a day or two to kick in.

Yep.its normal:smokin: Any time the wind changes from the Big Island to here we get Vog. This time was very thick. Your away try worked! It started to clear up today. Thanks!:thumb:

And yes the right fungus can make my day!!!! :cheer:
Hi J:thumb:

Yep.its normal:smokin: Any time the wind changes from the Big Island to here we get Vog. This time was very thick. Your away try worked! It started to clear up today. Thanks!:thumb:

And yes the right fungus can make my day!!!! :cheer:

haha, Glad I could help man. Sometimes i just have the gift lol. That Vog sounds like some nasty stuff. nothing like micro vaporized pumice im your lungs, eh? Does it leave a film or dust on everything?
...and yea, I like the certian fungus. Grow oysters and shiitake occasionally here, amd still have sporeprints for over 20 Psylocibe species, but just for research purposes. thanx for stopping by OMM!!!

Man those buds look delicious and dripping with resin. Makin everything in the closet smell good!

Yes it does, but the rhino smells soo strong it kind burns my nose. thats my snowboard stuff closet, so when I go up to ride I smell wonderfull! Chicks dig, wife doesn't like that. lol I had a fan blowing on them, so the smaller nugs are in jars now, but I'm still waiting on Candy, she's soo dense it'll most likely be a full week for her. Nothing like your yield though. I'll update with weight and pics as soon as she's done so I can do a group shot. It's weird because W. Rhino is very resinous, and sticky even after dry, but Cany (cindy99) has much less resin but denser trichome production so she is relativly easy to handle. not near as much scissor hash, but i think she'll be stronger smoke.
Drop by anytime man!
OK, Time for a Picture & Update session.

I'm pulling my 2 Papaya clones out of the dome today or tomorrow, just repotted my W. Rhino mom, and Cindy99 mom, and a clone of W.R to throw into bloom soon. I noticed that the Papaya pheno1 has a nice mutation that it grows 3 nodes were 2 should be. I hope that it stays this way. It'll potentially increase the yield of that plant by 1/3. WOOHOO> Pictures below. I'm going to take a clone from the most mutated branch to see if I can grow it out and get a plant that has this trait all the way thru.

Now for the Pics.

Here are the pictures that I took of this mutation. Similar to Polyploid, but not quite. I'm crossing my fingers that this will continue.


My 2 Papaya clones. Both different Phenos. They are a week old today, and will be removed today or tomorrow. They look droopy, but it's only because I use a low profile dome for better humidity on smaller cuttings, and they are bent against the top.

This is the new WR mom. still a youngin'.

New Cindy99 Mom.

Papaya Pheno2 on the right. she is taller than 1, and seems to eat more nutes.

Group Shot of the right side of Veg area.

Freshly transplanted WR cutting to be bloomed.

Shot of the left side of the Veg area. Papaya pheno1 in the back.

Now for the fun ones.

Shot of Chrystal, middle of week 7, and Medusa middle of week 1 bloom. I topped, and topped her, and Dominated her down and tied her branches apart, and now she just has to grow up into my screen. she should be a nice yielder.

Shot of Chrystal

Closer of her lower nugs.

Trich closeups.


I hope you enjoyed the porn!!! Drop me a line if you can!!
wow, that 3 fer is good....hoping also for more later, the sun is out, and more seeds im for gardening....see ya sundown....lavendar:thumb::thumb:
thanx for stooping by Lavendar. Yea, I havent come across a mutant like that in a while. Last time it was a Leathal Purple seed. I dont remember what ever cane of the mutation though, it was quite a while ago.

Have fun outside.
...........I'm soooo alone. Aint no body but me.......

..........aint no body to hooooooooooold me..

lol Just thought that I'd add that anyone with experience with mutations like I'm seeing in the papaya should chime in and give me some pointers/advice on how to get this trait dominant in my Papaya. any info is nice! I wonder if anyone here has used a mutation or a polyploidal plant for breeding and if it can be passed to the next cross. I want to breed this trait into my hybrids, but dont know if it's completely random or somewaht inherited.
Looking great JasonLee! Those flowers are looking epic! I can't wait for your harvest pics!

Thanx for stopping by LiveTour! I'm going to be putting up the Nug picts probably leater today or tomorrow. Considering the size of the space, and the plants were only 1'9" max, I'm happy with my yield. I packed a bowl of the Cindy99 last night to test it out and WOW. for me It's 2 hit shit (or 1 big hit)
It really effects my eyes, after a few minutes it feels like your eyelids are lead, but it's an relaxing head high with a nice boost of energy, I could see how smoking too much could freak someone out though.. Unusual sativa like high for an indica, but I guess that fits with what Brothers Grimm say about this strain.

I'll do a full smoke report after I post the Harvest Pics.
Hi Mr J Nice looking plants all around. Your green thumbs are strutting their stuff. :Rasta: All is good in the garden!:thumb:

hahaha, thanx man, I appreciate the nice words. ;) I'm still working on the nutrient regimin though, I've yet to hit the max nutrient dosage on the cindy99, so I up it a little every couple days hoping to get that little extra Umph out of each bud. This weekend I'll be investing in some new beneficials, like trichoderma, Subtillius, and a better variety of Mycorhizals. I'm a huge believer that those little guys help overall plant health and yield BIGTIME. Do you use any beneficials in your pots?
Thanx for stopping by man!!
ok, so I weighed the yield, and took some picture of the yield for you guys and gals. Total Yield was 115g. 42g Cinderella99 from Candy and 73g from the 2 W. Rhinos. thats more than I thought I'd get so I'm happy with the results, especially considering that this was the first go at these strains. WOOHOO!! The WR is very resinous and has huge trichomes, and the cindy has smaller trichomes that are VERY dense on the buds, but less resinous. easier to handle without getting everything sticky. lol (not like thats a bad thing.)

I'll do a smoke report soon, and here are some pictures of the yield minus a 1/2oz of W. Rhino I gave to a friend in need.
Enjoy the porn!!!
W. Rhino in the jars

Cindy99 in the jars

Group shots


W. Rhino nug closeups


Cindy nug closeup

Here they are all laid out on the stove.






Cindy nugs

well, thats all for now. I hope you enjoyed that almost as much as I did. I'll post a detailed smoke report here sometime soon.

Feel free to post any questions or comments you have, or just stop in and say HIGH!!
go jason it's your birthday haha awesome man that is fantastic glad to hear you got such a great yield:thumb:and that jl247 in nugs pic with the badass smiley and graffiti style 420 should be your avatar if it shows up haha:Rasta: great pics and congratulations my brotha:cheer:
hahaha, thanx man, I appreciate the nice words. ;) I'm still working on the nutrient regimin though, I've yet to hit the max nutrient dosage on the cindy99, so I up it a little every couple days hoping to get that little extra Umph out of each bud. This weekend I'll be investing in some new beneficials, like trichoderma, Subtillius, and a better variety of Mycorhizals. I'm a huge believer that those little guys help overall plant health and yield BIGTIME. Do you use any beneficials in your pots?
Thanx for stopping by man!!

Hi Mr J I use the Botanicare Pure Blend soil Pro Bloom, Cal-Mag,
Silica Blast, Liquid Karma, Gravity, and one more I should pick up this weekend, and Molasses. Started slow,,,,now the are getting full doses. Was looking at them today and the buds are putting on weight. The one I pick this weekend is the one with beneficial s in it. So that should cover it for me. I like these nutes and they are good for me. Much better than the Fox Farm stuff.:grinjoint:
wow, that is beyond great or most of those words....very very nice...proud of you....great job....and beautiful besides....great pics also...later, lavendar:cheer::cheer:
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