Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

your light is under testing. as soon as I ship out, I will PM you tracking number, thank you .

Thank you so much for helping all these wonderful people Sara! You have helped so many people on these forums, I had a friend from here, go to --------- to tell me to come here :p and check out your's. I must say I am impressed with the quality and workmanship yall have put into these new 5w leds!.Im interested in the marsII 900w,do yall still got free shipping to the usa? how would I go about getting one from you = )

Thank you for your time and patience!
please send me a email, I am here now, thank you .
Thank you so much for helping all these wonderful people Sara! You have helped so many people on these forums, I had a friend from here, go to --------- to tell me to come here :p and check out your's. I must say I am impressed with the quality and workmanship yall have put into these new 5w leds!.Im interested in the marsII 900w,do yall still got free shipping to the usa? how would I go about getting one from you = )

Thank you for your time and patience!
Hi CannbisMeds, I will tell our factory, thank u .

Do the Reflector and Mars series use ball bearing fans?

If not, that would make a nice upgrade option. I know Buckshot had a fan that failed. I'm sure many people would be willing to upgrade to ball bearing for reliability ( that is, if you aren't using ball bearing fans already ).
I am looking for a sponsor to provide LED's for a new project i am building. the space will be 8mx3m split into a nursery/veg area and a perpetual flower room. This room will be due to be completed in january 2014. Any sponsor that backs me will be featured in my journals and if the product is good will recieve further sales from myself and my followers.

In 2014 I am looking to switch 11 grow spaces to LED and have budgetted £18000 ($25000 approx) on lighting alone. If any of u want to get on board please PM me. I Can pay shipping fees but i am looking for the panels on a free trial basis. im well known on this site and feel free to check out my grow journals. What u see me put on 420 is a fraction of what im involved with.

Thanks for the info, DMan. That light would fit perfect in my space. My ventilation just arrived today, so now I only need the light (well, and some seed).
Hey Sara , Thanks for the party !:woohoo:.
Ur Bang On as BID said, It's nice to know someone with good intentions .There's a mess of con-arts on LED lights .
The reflector 96x3 VS MARS II, both have come up very well . But I really like the option of having veg & flower switch.
thanks again
P.s , I might have looked u over , if it was not for this Great community @ 420 ! Thanks Team 420!
Hey Sara , Thanks for the party !:woohoo:.
Ur Bang On as BID said, It's nice to know someone with good intentions .There's a mess of con-arts on LED lights .
The reflector 96x3 VS MARS II, both have come up very well . But I really like the option of having veg & flower switch.
thanks again
P.s , I might have looked u over , if it was not for this Great community @ 420 ! Thanks Team 420!

Same here,if not for this fine community I would not have known about these new leds from sara = )
Is anyone running the white older style TOPled or the reflector ones? I am curious how they stack up to the 5w models.

yeah i have 2x 300w white ones, and sadly seem to be suffering similarly to this guy:

I keep 1 plant under the light for 5 weeks, and it' grew about 1 inch with no bushing . Added clones 2 weeks ago and they would not grow, took the light down last week and currently using a couple 42 watt ? CFL's and I'm seeing grow out of the 1 plant I added first, and most of the clones are show promising growth now. I'm going to order a 600 watt HPS and I think I will be set. I see mostly pinkish colors with the TopLed light, so I'm thinking it may be tuned for flowering..........

..although i've now been thru 4x five(ish) week fail cycles - each time getting further advice from a pro source and making adjustments to medium, feeding, watering and light - yet still any progress eludes me, to the point i have pretty much given up :(

while i readily admit that my first one or two clumsy attempts were affected by probable overfert and watering issues, the last two have only been given small amounts (like approximately 800ml) of tap water pHed down to six, and only when the top few cms of medium have mostly dried. so i now very much doubt that overfert or watering remain potential problems

as for medium, the first three times i used a mix of canna and perlite, each subsequent time adding slightly more perlite (upto maybe a 50-60% perlite ratio by the third time, which also included a little bit of those clay balls) to try to reduce the chance of the medium retaining too much water. for the fourth time, i finally followed my pro friend's advice and put only canna in the pots, but it didnt make any difference

i have a 1x1x2m tent, so took topLED's advice about coverage and ordered 600w worth of lighting. it wasnt until my second failure that i noticed in an email i'd received from them since my purchase that for veg they now recommend only 400w p/m2. having seen what happens to seedlings each time i've tried to use both 300w lights - regardless of hanging distance - i can understand why they have made this revision, but it doenst stop the situation i'm stuck in from being rather frustrating..

- on my third round of fail, i used only one of the lights for the first five weeks, which was when i began to truly despair about stunted growth (all four plants less than 10cm tall and going nowhere fast), and added the second 300w light, also setting both lights up as high as they would go within the tent. this didnt encourage any visible growth, and actually appeared to have the opposite effect !?

to date i have wasted $160 worth of seed stock and $120 on electricity, and am now out of seeds, patience and hope. i am a disabled pensioner who had knee surgery four months ago and is often in pain in general, so was trying to at least reduce my dependence on the few rather infrequent and unreliable sources of green relief that i am aware of, while also saving myself from having to regularly spend funds that are already scarce on small/expensive deals

instead, nearly five months since first switching on the power i am at a complete loss as to wtf is up, having (to the best of my limted knowledge yet extensive ongoing pro advice) over four different attempts painstakingly eliminated all possible fail factors other than these lights, leaving me incredibly curious to hear from anybody else with experience with the same model i'm certainly no spectrum specalist, but this sure does seem like a lot of red for a light supposedly intended for both cycles of growth :\

That's not a light issue, they're burned.

I have plants vegging under my MarsII 1200 right now that are nothing short of perfect, the spectrum is fine for veg. Here's a couple pics...I started them under the 96x3w...


That's not a light issue, they're burned.
by what, the ph6 water i was using exclusively? - cause the last three pics i posted were of plants that had been fed nothing but water

I have plants vegging under my MarsII 1200 right now that are nothing short of perfect, the spectrum is fine for veg. Here's a couple pics...I started them under the 96x3w...
so two different lights both not the same as the one/s i've used..
by what, the ph6 water i was using exclusively? - cause the last three pics i posted were of plants that had been fed nothing but water

so two different lights both not the same as the one/s i've used..

Your medium probably has a "nute charge" that is to strong for your seedlings. The mars II is the same spectrum...just less amount of LED's. Try starting your seeds in smaller pots in a neutral soil like promix hp then transplant into those big pots with your medium.
Your medium probably has a "nute charge" that is to strong for your seedlings.
hmmm i am doubtful as i bought what is sposd to be the good stuff, but will wait and see how they now react to natural light and water alone

The mars II is the same spectrum...just less amount of LED's.
yeah but just because two diff model lights can represent the same range of spectrum total doesnt mean they share the same ..intensity or amount of each niche of frequency / colour

ie: the lights i have seem to be heavily skewed into the red overall compared to other grow+bloom models i've seen in this thread

cheers for taking the time to reply tho, tis appreciated :)
hmmm i am doubtful as i bought what is sposd to be the good stuff, but will wait and see how they now react to natural light and water alone

yeah but just because two diff model lights can represent the same range of spectrum total doesnt mean they share the same ..intensity or amount of each niche of frequency / colour

ie: the lights i have seem to be heavily skewed into the red overall compared to other grow+bloom models i've seen in this thread

cheers for taking the time to reply tho, tis appreciated :)

Most of the "good stuff" has nutes...
i am certainly no expert, but perhaps that is still too much light for the tiny ones
maybe you could veg them up a bit with those cfl, let them strengthen up
then try the lights again,
you certainly made for a sad morning i hate stories like this
every time i get excited about the led experience i see a post like this
i know how it feels to barely scrape by and not really be able to comeback from a loss like this
yes curso is using the newest model with the 5w chip, around 340 bucks usd
and shows great pics, there are many journals showing great success
makes me daydream one day i will be able to get all i need and want to do this right
i cannot afford that at this time and just too scared to buy an older model
i have been waiting for a republican to put me in my place and tell me to get over myself and if i cannot afford the proper equipment that i don't deserve to grow or partake in the great sweetleaf and lol do not try to tell me republicans
are not partaking i was one for many years
mother earth must cringe at the treatment one of her greatest gifts receives.
anyway i ramble not give up thc. wish i could help more
Most of the "good stuff" has nutes...

i was under the impression that canna coco was sposd to contain no additives, and their website suggests the same:

"CANNA Coco substrate is a 100% organic product having a fine, uniform structure, free from viruses, chemical additives and soil diseases. The fact that CANNA Coco is not steamed is not the only thing that distinguishes it from other substrates; this is also achieved by the use of pure, first class source materials. Which come from India, where CANNA’s production facilities use fresh water only to soak the coco. This to make sure no salts gets in contact with CANNA Coco, ensuring a clean product."
i was under the impression that canna coco was sposd to contain no additives, and their website suggests the same:

"CANNA Coco substrate is a 100% organic product having a fine, uniform structure, free from viruses, chemical additives and soil diseases. The fact that CANNA Coco is not steamed is not the only thing that distinguishes it from other substrates; this is also achieved by the use of pure, first class source materials. Which come from India, where CANNA’s production facilities use fresh water only to soak the coco. This to make sure no salts gets in contact with CANNA Coco, ensuring a clean product."

Its burning your seedling's...
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