At first I thought I might have to deal with a little stretch, but so far things are looking good.
I have the light about 40 cm from the plants, turned down to 50%.

Delilah and Dolores - day 2
Do si dos #33 and Do si dos
Winter Grow 23 October 2022-Do si dos.jpg

Do si dos #33
@Barney's Farm @Herbies Seeds
Winter Grow 23 October 2022 Do si dos 33.jpg

Do si dos
@Weed Seeds Express
Winter Grow 23 October 2022 Do si dos.jpg

I'm a little concerned about the tips of Dolores' true leaves. I haven't looked closely yet, I'll do that when I take them out to water them.
It's probably nothing.

How about Delilah and Dorothy?
Thanks HG!
I like Delilah! Dorothy is good too, but I've decided on Dolores. Maybe I'll use Dorothy for my next DSD!
Have PMd Marc, apologies Mel for interrupting your thread 🙏👍 thank you @420
No problem! Hope they get it sorted for you.
Omg! The horror!

Joe missed notification! For TWO DAYS!!

I’m escalating this and getting Bill Gates involved.

Lock the place down. And people, please send my mate Joe thoughts and prayers as he tries to get through this difficult internetal time.

Looking good Mel. I do love Do si Do, and Gelato for that matter. Never had the cross and it sounds great. Dance the night away.
Stay stoneder
Looking good Mel. I do love Do si Do, and Gelato for that matter. Never had the cross and it sounds great. Dance the night away.
Stay stoneder
In the Boss’s words you can’t start a fire you can’t start a fire without a spark you can’t start a fire even if we’re just Dancin in the Dark. CL🍀
I think I've said this before, but this is the point in the grow where it's hard to tell if they're growing without the pics.

Do si dos #33 - She's doing just fine

Do si dos - Her first true leaves are still misshapen, but they're growing

If you have the Photone app or a lux meter, see if the leaves are getting more than they need. Never hurts to know what 50% at 40cm actually is!
I don't have either of those. I usually go by feel when it comes to the light they're getting. Their leaves are growing, and their stems aren't stretching, so I think they'll be fine. I'll keep my eyes open for signs of stress.
D and D gets my vote. ✅ CL🍀
Sorry, I had already given them names when you voted!
I don’t know but I’ve been told—if you keep on dancing you’ll never get old So come on darl’n put a pretty dress on-we’re going to go out tonight, and dance dance dance all night long..
Looking good Mel. I do love Do si Do, and Gelato for that matter. Never had the cross and it sounds great. Dance the night away.
Stay stoneder
I like Gelato a lot, but I've never had either Do si dos, or Do si dos #33 yet.
I'm really looking forward to it!
In the Boss’s words you can’t start a fire you can’t start a fire without a spark you can’t start a fire even if we’re just Dancin in the Dark. CL🍀
Missed the intro but in for the rest tho.

:popcorn: :popcorn:
Happy you could make it!
Here we go with day 4.
Something I don't think I've mentioned so far is I'm not planning on a long veg with these, nor am I planning on any extensive training.
I may change my mind depending on how the plants in there go. If I don't get any roots on the cuttings I took of the decorative plants, I'll have a little more flexibility, but it's starting to look like at least one of them has rooted.

Delilah day 4
Do si dos #33

Dolores day 5
Do si dos

So second set of leaves and boom...12/12? :)
I was thinking more along the lines of a 3 or 4 week veg, but I'm keeping my options open.
I'm not rushed for time this winter, and I do have space under a different light for the strawberry plant, so I think 3 or 4 weeks should be long enough to know for sure how the cuttings go.
If they're all toast by then I can let these two spread out a bit more.
Day 5
Still not much changing.

Do si dos #33 - Delilah

Do si dos - Dolores

Such a well-considered reply!

Also, untrained plants tend to take up less room (horizontally), so that may help.
Go under dog Dolores!

She's already growing out of it!
I finally made it to this one Mel! Looking forward! :Rasta:

(So sorry I was late. I'll be wondering for a while how my name suggestion of "Dumb and Dumber" would have landed!)
Day 6
They'll need some water tomorrow, but for now they're doing fine.
I'm happy to see their second set of true leaves getting started.

Do si dos #33 - Delilah

Do si dos - Dolores

Alright I'm here brother, where can I put my sack?
Whoops! Sorry I missed replying to this 12!
Good to see you!
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