Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - LED - Grow

Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

They were grown when I had all the issues mate so it be unfair to comment on them but they both smoked well....if I remember right the amnesia gave a buzz that just made me feel confused in the head lol

I was kind of thinking that they were the ones:).....thank you for the buzz report:)

Your local store sucks. My store know I can buy cheaper online so the give discounts & freebies when possible to keep me happy & it keeps me loyal. I'd do the same as you mate if they pulled that stunt on me :)

LB and i were talking about it last night and when i first started over 10 years ago it was with his shop....they had only been open a couple of years.....he gave me a 10% discount everytime i came down.....then i quit for years.....when i started back up naturally i went back to him.....spent a lot of money, but no disount....just a 30ml bottle of rapid start.....i spent well lets just say....or lets not:).....LB doesnt know the range its way i brought up about the online prices and i understood he couldnt match them but i said you can at least meet me in the middlle somewhere cant you.....and i explained i would rather travel and buy from his shop....he knows that......he made me feel like asking for it for free.....i just wanted him to come down some on his prices to keep me buying it there....not match...just come down........LB and i both agree he has gotten arrogant over the last several years and even explaining stuff to me now is talking down to is amazing i havent said anything to him, but we are an illegal state and he knows me well and what i i tread lightly.....jsut wont return....except to use my store credit up:)......woow.....did i go off on another rant:rofl:lol......It is Mr Skunny's fault:rofl:
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Geez, Green, sorry to hear about Mr. Arrogant.....All the stores round here give a 15% discount, but I think that's fake.....they just jack the prices up only to make you think you are......I bought my fan at a box store for $18, the grow shops want $60 what do they think, I'm stupido? However, 2 grow shops just went out of business around me...granted, they'd be better off closer to the city as far as the amount of consumers, but could be a lot worse for me.
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Haha, you're a cunny funt :rofl:


Geez, Green, sorry to hear about Mr. Arrogant.....All the stores round here give a 15% discount, but I think that's fake.....they just jack the prices up only to make you think you are......I bought my fan at a box store for $18, the grow shops want $60 what do they think, I'm stupido? However, 2 grow shops just went out of business around me...granted, they'd be better off closer to the city as far as the amount of consumers, but could be a lot worse for me.

I know my store jacks the price up....way up:)lol.....i wouldnt mind opening a shop once i have more experience....much more:)....but not until it is legal here though:).....nah.....scratch that.....i love growing too much to get stuck in a shop all day.....well if i could have weed growing in it that would be cool:)...ahhhh i dont know....i am heavily medicated.....i am pretty surre there is a label on my weed that says.....Do not make important decisions while medicated.......May cause drowsiness.....and oh yeah.....May cause the fooking Munchies:)lol
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Well if you love growing, and you'd love to have a shop, why not start a nursery?
best of both worlds, and you can still grow weed at home. Plus all the purchasing of growing related items would make perfect sense, and wholesale =p
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

there you go, blasting off into outer space again......all of the people who have these grow shops are growers....I, too, can't understand why they want to stand in a retail shop all day for peanuts and low margins. My time is too valuable, I could be learning from you. :rofl:
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

just curious, bro, how long from the time you order does it take to get your do you pay.....and what's the average postage cost?
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Well if you love growing, and you'd love to have a shop, why not start a nursery?
best of both worlds, and you can still grow weed at home. Plus all the purchasing of growing related items would make perfect sense, and wholesale =p

Yeah but around here....hydroponics means you grow weed....we are very backwards still here dude....i hate it......that shop was the only garden shop i visited asking about hydro that i wasnt told that we dont sell stuff to grow illegal marijuana......that opening a shop is out of the question unless it is legal as if i do i wont be able to grow my mmj for fear of the locals and 5.0:)....i wish it were that easy bro:).....I hope all is welll with you tolday:)

there you go, blasting off into outer space again......all of the people who have these grow shops are growers....I, too, can't understand why they want to stand in a retail shop all day for peanuts and low margins. My time is too valuable, I could be learning from you. :rofl:

just curious, bro, how long from the time you order does it take to get your do you pay.....and what's the average postage cost?

Normally takes less than two weeks, normally i pay with my debit card, but the tude's credit paymment systemm wass down both when i ordered and Mr Skunny so i dont knoow if it is fixed yet or not.....and i think i pay about 20 bucks extra for stealth delivery which includes replaceent of the order if it doesnt arrive whehter due to customs or other events:).....oh but i sent a registered letter containing the cash this last time and was very hesitant to do it but they gave me a discount and though in an additional 3 beans:).....which we are paying for the freebies in the long is just fun to think they are actually free:)lol.....
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Yeah but around here....hydroponics means you grow weed....we are very backwards still here dude....i hate it......that shop was the only garden shop i visited asking about hydro that i wasnt told that we dont sell stuff to grow illegal marijuana......that opening a shop is out of the question unless it is legal as if i do i wont be able to grow my mmj for fear of the locals and 5.0:)....i wish it were that easy bro:).....I hope all is welll with you tolday:)

I meant a plant nursery, not a hydro store. selling plants and planters, perlite, coco, stuff like that palm tree nurseries make thousands where I was living in south florida (which is ironic because theyre everywhere naturally in south florida)
Because you said youd like a store, but not be away from your garden, a nursery tackles both problems. I mean you're not spending all that time with your cannabis, but you'd be surrounded by what ever beautiful plants you decided to carry and you'd get to expand your knowledge of botany exponentially while taking care of all those plants.

But that is horrible, I really hate the stigma that the war on drugs has attached to hydrponics, its something that our civilization is going to rely on exclusively for survival in the future. You can't grow enough food for a population that is exponentially growing, in soil without turning most of our landmass into farming acreage and even then the damage to the ecosystem will be irreversible and you really really don't want to know what happens after that.
Vertical hydroponics labs (skyscapers of food basically) will supply the human race with their food and we're not even allowed to go into a store and buy something hydro related without being suspected of a crime...
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Its crazy bro.....i killls me that jsut about 4 hours from here is our natioons Capital where it has been legalized recreationally but we are not.....why isnt everybody is mind boggeling that i have to sweat every move i make but that close they will be freely smoking and what not:) only choice is to move to a legal state but family holds me here now so that is not an option.....just keep ducking and diving:)lol....
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Hang in there Green, we are going in the right direction and history is being made...eight more states will become legal in the very near future. There's no going back now. Keep doing what you're doing and when your state turns, it will be off to the races.

Legalizing growing hemp is in a Bill before Congress right now as well....the floodgates are going to open in that area too...prosperity will flow freely once again.

To ducking and diving then until the day is a bitch, patience is a virtue, and I ain't got none! :lot-o-toke:
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow are right....the times are a changing for sure:).....i think they used to grow hemp here...... i woud feel a lot better if they did grow the shit out of somme hemp here:)lol......once it becomes medically legal here i willl feel at ease.... i dont know if i woud be legal as number of plants but if it is legal then the chances of them chcking my grow out is i still wouldnt advertise my past time events:)lol......but as you said i will hang in there for brighter Daze:)
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Look at the both of us cheering each other up, what a bro, man. They did grow hemp in your state. Did you know that in the first 2 wars the head of household and sons were exempt from fighting if you had a hemp crop? Benjamin Franklin flew his kite with the key with rope made of hemp. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both had crops. I tell ya, the future is so bright we're gonna have to wear shades. :yahoo:
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Once again, you got my back :thanks:
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Welcome to 420 mag Chascilee....i have not grown mmj with hps.......however if you willl look up Skunnymonster he used to be hps and now he is all led wiwth the exception of a floourescent for seedlings.....he has awesome results and would be able to give you a solid answer on that:) is the link for his journal....should take you to the latest page....just introduce yourself and then ask away:)....and you are welcome to post questions here as well.....someone will get you sorted:)

Skunnymonster's Multi-Strain Perpetual LED Grow
Re: Green Dreamz - Multi-Strain - Multi-Media - Multi-LED - Grow

Look at the both of us cheering each other up, what a bro, man. They did grow hemp in your state. Did you know that in the first 2 wars the head of household and sons were exempt from fighting if you had a hemp crop? Benjamin Franklin flew his kite with the key with rope made of hemp. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson both had crops. I tell ya, the future is so bright we're gonna have to wear shades. :yahoo:
fun fact:
In the library of congress there is evidence in one of George Washington's journals that indicates he not only grew cannabis,
but was aware that separating the males and females increased potency; he noted that it was vital to remove the males before they could mature.

When everything is finally settled at the federal level, I know I'll dedicate some of my acreage for hemp on principal alone.
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