My First Grow - White Widow & Unknown From South Florida

Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

if your using one of them analogue 3 in 1 meters then their pretty much useless mate, i tried one it has ph,light,and soil wet or dry on it, its seems way off all the time, never gives the same reading more than a couple of times, if you leave it in the soil the gauge just keeps saying the soil is getting dryer or wetter really quick so unless you say left it in the soil long term in the same pot then the one i use is useless, im not even sure if the ph works properly, im gona stick it in some vinager and see what it says
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

2 things: 1.) I still stand by that ph is greatly over emphasized a good chunk of the time especially in soil grows. Check out DrBud's grow journals and you'll get all kinds of ideas for soil mixes if you actually stay with that as your medium. 2.) 21 days is an estimate, wait for the stretch to end (you are in flower, correct) and on that tall one (I'm assuming she's a she) I'd trim the heck outa it if it were me. Leave the big bottom fan leaves (for your roots) and leave the big top fan leaves and whack everything in between on the main stem. you've got some big node gaps in the middly part there anyways. I'd also thin some of that shade on them branches lower down...quite frankly, I'd also super crop the main stem for an even light distribution.

But, that's just my idiotic self.

Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

as a matter of fact, where some residences do have some pretty shameful public utility water, by in large...I'd bet my bottom dollar that if you did a side by side grow with your BPN organics, one clone grown with ph'd water the other with tap, everything else identical...if one actually grew better than the other, I'd lay stakes it would be the tap water wonder.
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Yeah, right john :laughtwo: . anyway, on the soil pH issue, I currently don't have great soil and my noobie self made it worse by cutting corners in one of the main necessaties, NUTES. I'm sure that I over fed them, under fed them and I have definitely over watered them, so I'm just looking at things that I see and hear people talking about. I am coming to understand that alot of the pH and ppm readings are geared more toward hydro grows, but still the importance IMHO, is understanding the concept and knowing that it has some merit.

I don't think that I am ready to dive that far into trimming and whacking my best looking lady. I have already hacked one until there is hardly anything left, I hope the nutes help her out, then I have this spider web, thin branched little girl who is also stunted in growth somewhat, but does show promise and potential, so I am playing it safe for the rest of this grow. I will lightly trim WW Num 1, around the 21 day mark, I did know that this was an estimate, I didn't know that the stretch had anything to do with it, I thought that was where the 45 day trim came in. Thanks for stopping in :peace: out.
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

I have one like that but I never leave it in the soil more than a couple of minutes while it stabilizes some, I compared the readings to a 3 step test strip and they where within .5 of each other. The probe is not designed to test liquids at all. I did think I had a bad one once to though and returned it.:peace:
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Checked the moisture of the buckets after 12 hours, not really much change from this morning. That could be because there was no lights or heat build up. Will check again in the morning.

Num 1 - 7, no change - Num 2 - 9, .5 difference - Num 3 - 9, 1.0 difference. Could see water stains on the wicks at the top of the buckets though. Updates in the morning. :thumb: :rollit::peace: everyone.
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Okay, it’s been a couple of weeks since I updated so this one might be a little long. There have been some significant changes, most noticeably;

  1. Started using BPN organic nutes
  2. Replanted WW 2 and Unknown
  3. Added additional cfl’s (182 actual watts (12250 lumens)) focused on weaker plants.
  4. Added air purifier sized for a 8’ X 10’ room (mine 30” X 60”)

Used the BPN nutes for the first week and had to feed all three plants sparingly due to the pots being so wet. There was no real change in WW 2 and the unknown. That’s when I decided to transplant those two into 3 gallon pots. The soil was packed and drowning the root ball which was pretty small.

WW 1 went from 18” to 32” over the course of two weeks and looks to be pre-flowering, and remained in the original soil and had not suffered as much damage as the other two, it basically continued to grow but got robust with the BPN nutes.

The addition of the extra lighting combined with the new soil and proper feedings has brought about fantastic changes in the WW 2 and Unknown. Lots of new growth on the unknown, and from what I can tell it is a female and starting to pre-flower. WW 2 had a lot of purple stems and the leaves where turning yellow, even dropping off. Now a week later most of the purple is gone and the branches are stronger and getting greener growth. I know that my wet pots put me behind schedule but now it looks as if I will have a fairly decent finish.

More pics to come - these are from my phone: WW_2
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

Hey there, sounds like things are growing good for you. Glad to hear it!!

I found this image:

and here are some I put together from my grow so far:

Hope it helps!:Namaste:
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

good to hear bpn is working its magic as usual, it really does perform better than other products and it gives amazing results every time.
i over watered early on in the veg stage and stunted growth by loads, but i didnt notice my pots draining so quick and have been leaving my plants dry, the leaves started dying and turning yellow so i watered last night and noticed it runs strait out the bottom, so i put the pots in bowls and watered and left over night with the run off been sucked back up, by morning the bowls where dry and the plants looked good again, no dying leaves the wilted leaves came back to life and stretched for the lights and the buds doubled in size, so they must of been pretty dry, from now on ill use bowls under all my big pots
Re: My First Grow - White Widow and Unknown From South Florida

BNP has been pretty amazing:cheer:. I have always kept my pots sitting in bowls. They catch what run off there is and allows the plant to absorb what it needs through out the next day. The problem with my pots was they would drain but would not absorb any of the run off. They where completely soaked. I would drain the run off but it didn't help with the pots, the top was always dry but underneath was a different story. All better now.:yahoo:
How did this grow turn out?

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I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.:Namaste:

Thanks and hope all is well in your world!

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine!
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