Can you get a ppm reading for the water you are using? Keep in mind that ppm of your water is part of the ppm you are feeding your plants overall.
alright so the ppm of just the water itself i use is 119, im going to contact vivosun and see if they can send me another pH meter since it broke same day. I did try it again today, im only getting an error reading when calibrating it and its idle is 0.64 ph, i was hoping that it would still make readings but it just fluctuates at the 2-3 range and never higher then that.

so what is better than mylar or flat white walls? i got that off a grow site too, its by earth start. i mean the walls are white with flat paint my wife said but i thought mylar added to the intensity of the light or whatever? let me know i guess i can take it down.

and yeah agreed, my wife and i have largely been talking about making a flower area, i only have one other closet, our other thought was we will be getting a bigger apartment soon. maybe in the future ill get two tents for each stage but right now, i gotta try and make the best outta a one bedroom. ct medical allotment is only 2.5 ounces monthly, so i really need this to work out lol.

so i took what virgin and chris were saying about making soil changes, i repotted and my new soil combo is 30 fox farms oceans forest 30 fox farms happy frog 10 perlite 10 coco
That is a really good soil mix. Smells nice and earthy with no ammonia smell. Light and fluffy for good aeration. Almost identical to the soil I am using.

Fox farms typically has a pH of 6.2-6.4 due to its buffers. When they are young you will want to pH your water to 6.5. When they get into flower you'll probably want to pH at 6.8. This will allow the pH to drift down to 6.4. This makes sure you are not locking out P,Ca and Mg, as they are more readily available at a higher pH in soil.
Go with flat white walls. I wish the U.S. carried the white lined grow tents. I can only find the Mylar versions.
so what is better than mylar or flat white walls? i got that off a grow site too, its by earth start. i mean the walls are white with flat paint my wife said but i thought mylar added to the intensity of the light or whatever? let me know i guess i can take it down.

mylar sheeting doesn't bounce light better than flat white and creates hotspots that can damage parts of the plant.
the mylar used in tents etc is bubbled, or has a texture which helps spread light, it is not the flat sheet type.

sounds like you are getting ahead on everything else. good work.
20181126_152721[1].jpg 20181126_152745[1].jpg critical auto

20181126_153014[1].jpg 20181126_153025[1].jpg purple queen

20181126_152844[1].jpg 20181126_152925[1].jpg amnesia auto

20181126_153047[1].jpg 20181126_153104[1].jpg either gg#4 or black sugar i messed up the tag on that one

20181126_152943[1].jpg 20181126_152955[1].jpg unknown strain

hey so heres a couple weeks or two later with the same plants i originally posted up with issues. i do have a proper pH and ppm meter and idk im still having issues. its like some of them are experiencing deficiencies and i think im misdiagnosing them. i know its tedious for you guys to help me with them each but the more info i have the better i can address it. i think the gg4 or BS is nitro def but idk ive done some foliar sprays and ive given it a feedings other than water. some plants seem to be cupping up at the leaves, dunno what that means. some looks like wind burn but i actually have fans that oscillate on a scale of 1-3 with 3 being wicked strong, i keep them all on 1, i think my super silver haze (ill post a picture after) has light burn or nute burn but im not sure. i think the purple queen is in need of cal mag maybe? but ive been also giving that 1ml foliar spray and adding a bit more to that ones feed. the unknown strains, (I could only include photos of one in this one, ill add pictures of the other) both still have mangled new growth and they havent amended, I really dont want to let it go to waste the stem on one of them is bigger then any of the other plants other than the super silver haze. the critical auto just has some sorta like rip or tear in it, and that one is actually stacking really well but if you look at its side view the bottom leaves are starting to look shitty.
thanks guys again! hope we can figure this out!!!
Did you say you fed them after repotting? What and how much?
I have to leave my house in a few minutes, so sorry if I suddenly disappear. Just wanted to touch base with you. I can devote more time tomorrow. Assuming that my cold doesn't take me out.
Since you just repotted using Fox farms soil you should not be giving them anything but pHed water. They can feed off of new soil for a few weeks.

Adding too many fertilizers can effect the osmotic pressure in your plant. It can't take up the nutrients and they end up burning your roots as they sit in nutrient salts. Less is more.
so i know my handwriting is a little rugged but that was after i repotted, ive fed once or twice since then. but ive checked my waters ppm. naturally the ppm is 14 so those initial readings in the 1000s on the super silver plant, theres just no way that was the case, if it was i amended it. likewise with the ph, i mean you are right and i feel like at times i still see some fluctuations as a result of either not flushing enough or whatever, i mean i repotted most of them but they still are seeing some results of the defects. Now my ballast has no dimmer on the qb. I am just wicked inexperienced and dont wanna misread the deficiencies. like ive seen lots of pics of light burn, nute burn, and ph issues with what ive got going on for some of my leaves but i feel any more wrong moves and im really at risk of ruining these plants. Ive already lost a first harvest and severely stunted this set of plants. im kinda at a rock in and a hard place because the super silver is much taller than the other plants which is why im trying to LST so late in the game. i actually had my wife take the pallet and cut a piece off to stack it like a stair so that the shorter ones can be level in the canopy with ssh.
so yeah i mean what i did was not repot the ssh but flush it, and then that one got the inital feeding. then i had about 1/4 or a 1/3 left of my nute solution, filled that with pHd water, and that was the feeding it got. Again im not just using ffof im also using ffhf, the perlite, the coco.

was going to ask what you thought was better for a germination medium. rn I use jiffy peat pellets, but i have relaitivly little success with that, i end up tossing more then not. i have 3 seeds in 3 jiffys rn but i also have some rockwool i wanted to try. maybe would have better root growth and startup. which really sets the tone for how the plant is going to grow during the process. i dont know. its pretty warm, my propagation tank has a heating mat in it, 4 100 watt cfls, and its humidity and temps are on point, but i use the wetting a paper towel method for germination and its cold in ct even with the heat on in dark areas ive been having a real diminished success rate of seeds popping. idk im just trying to shed as much info as i can. thanks mucho virgin i actually was going to try and ask you so im glad you responded quick!!
If your running fox farm ocean forest soil, and you just re potted, and started adding nutes right away, most likely you are nute burning them

How much nutes did u feed them

Less is more, remember that
Since you just repotted using Fox farms soil you should not be giving them anything but pHed water. They can feed off of new soil for a few weeks.

Adding too many fertilizers can effect the osmotic pressure in your plant. It can't take up the nutrients and they end up burning your roots as they sit in nutrient salts. Less is more.

Think this is all yers Hun

Good luck
Ok. Let's look at your environment first. Just quote my post and fill in the blanks. I need to organize this a bit. Sorry if it seems redundant. It's easier than having to go back to hunt out answers. So bear with me, please.
What is your rh?
What is your temp and where is your gauge located?
Is there a fan blowing directly on your plants?
What lights are you using? Brand name and wattage.
How far away are your lights positioned above the plants? repotted all but your super silver haze, which you flushed. Correct?
And this far you have been only feeding the ssh?
Or have you been feeding all of them?
What is your rh? ------ rh: 45 high: 55 low: 41 ;over ten days

What is your temp and where is your gauge located? ------ temp: 75 high: 81 low: 86 ;over ten days. i have two gauges, one in the plants and one above them, i mean its a degrees difference if anything.

Is there a fan blowing directly on your plants? ------ yes I have several fans posted so that the air flow should be as best as I could circulate. from top to bottom blowing exhaust in the top and in from the bottom.
20181112_144912.jpg its hard to tell and theyre slightly misplaced here but i have 4 in this photo.

What lights are you using? Brand name and wattage. ------- King Plus 1000W, HLG QB V2 135W soon to get a primary flower light. I really would like to stick to QBs and maybe some cobs for additional lighting, and then ill eventually move the king and i eventually want to get some more leds specifically for flowering

How far away are your lights positioned above the plants?
20 from the smaller plants, 8 from the ssh.
Ok. Your qb is a bit too close. It should be at least 24" from the canopy. If your plants are really struggling you can back that off to 26" until they see improvement .Fans should not point directly at your young plants. I point mine toward the wall just above or below. You want the leaves to slightly rustle. As your plants grow you can move the lights closer. I am in full flower and my qbs are 12" from the canopy.

Which driver came with your qbs?
20181205_121742[1].jpg so this ones just been planted, and if you can see theres some rusty colored splotches on the fan leaves there.. not sure what to do about that. a foilar spray? I have it in just ocean forest and a tad of happy frog and a hand full of perlite since theres already perlite in there. I dont know if they do or dont but im thinking that maybe when there in the jiffy pellets they dont get any nutrients at all and maybe thats where im messing up? they have just been potted up into I have this one in a plastic pot for now because i dont have any more fabric pots. havent given this anything but just phd'd water.
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