Need Help Before I Do A Hulk Smash On Grow Room


Active Member
So I have been growing for a little while and never ever in my life have I been plagued with so many problems. Every grow I did went as smooth as butter until this current grow. I have 9 plants 4 green crack, 4 og kush and 1 gorilla glue. I have a few threads on here where I had a shit ton of nutrient problems that was caused by multiple broken POS ph meters. The problem was continuing for nearly 1 month until now just when I managed to get a box full of brand new ph meters and ph liquid for backup and flushing agents etc. etc. 3 days ago I did a flush which took me 20 hours because I flushed multiple times. Once with florakleen and then 2 more times with pure ph'ed water to straighten out my system and plants which were batter and beaten from the relentless onslaught of nutrient deficiencies.

Anyway after the flush I topped up with perfect perfect perfect ph'ed nutrient solution and I have a perfect perfect:
- ph reading of 6.0 ph
- ppm reading of 980 (nutrients used floraseries with botanicare CalMag)
- water temp reading of 68 degrees
- room temp of 73 degrees
- room humidity of 55-60% rh

- My system is a custom built 9 site RDWC. Each plant is in their own 5 gallon bucket and supplied by a 35 gallon reservoir.
- Air intake is a household air exchanger with around 900 cfm and hi low control switch
- The lighting is 3x - 1000 watt hps grow lights with air cooled hoods all hooked up to a 6 inch inline fan and filter with a 6 inch duct booster for added exhaust power.
- Room Exhaust is supplied by a 8 inch inline fan and filter.
- Grow lights are 20 inches away from plants
- Air circulation is supplied by a 24 inch fan that gently blows atop the canopy.

I am bloodied, weakened and famished by the stress and concern created by these problems.

I need someone to tell me its going to be alright and that this is just normal because the plants have been through hell for the past month and right now it has only been 14-18 hours since they had their top of of fresh nutrients and still need time to recover.

****** The 4 og and the 4 green crack and superb but the gorilla glue on the end is f-ing killing me. All the leaves are all clawed under demonstrating a nitrogen toxicity but that is impossible.......... the other 8 are perfect and coming back from their hell of a ph and deficiency experience the but gorilla glue is starting to look like death again.

******Also the res has some foam in it and it smelled like a sports equipment back this morning after just flushing and adding all new nutes to it. I did use hydroguard in their the recommended amount which is what i think is causing the foam and stink and i have a big industrial pump that i always use in the res. I have never had this issue before.

******Also this past month is the first time in my life I ever used floraseries gro, micro and bloom together.

Is it just because the gorilla glue still needs time to adjust to the new perfection that is of the perfect feeding and ph or is there some invisible entity that is cursing me and going in their during dark hours and fucking with my life?????

help please!!

the first 3 pics is of the gorilla glue with issue and the last pic is of the rest that look amazing and are recovering


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Not sure what issues your seeing in those pics but they look fine to me, maybe it's the light

Growing is an everyday event, remember that
Not like a veggie garden, plant and forget

Just relax, any issue that does arise takes time to fix and effected leaves never get better

Your doing much better, chill and be proud of yourself
thanks man. i was always using the dutch nutrient formula gro and bloom and never had any problems with it. but i hated the bloom because the the nitrogen was to high and the potassium was to low with those nutes which is why i changed to floraseries. the dutch nutrient bloom is a N-P-K of 4 - 0.5 - 3.

i just dumped another 50ml of hydroguard in the res and added a couple of ice jugs to try and fix the smell. my temps are ok but i will try to down them to about 66 or so.

should i be worried about the foam and smell or is that just caused by the hydroguard doing its thing and killing off any bad bacteria etc.. and the foam is just the powerful air pump making the hydroguard foam in the res?
What smell???

Mine never smells, using same nutes

Pics of rezz
Rezz edge where water is at
Any buildup
Any settling of stuffs in bottom
How long since u changed all her water
Are the roots nice and white
yea its weird. it stinks like a sweaty hockey equipment bag. and it only started smelling like this, this morning. i have never had an issue like this before or never had this smell before.
i did an entire flush and cleaning 2 days ago. and i just put all fresh nutrients back yesterday and everything was fine.
then this morning the res smells this way.
this is my first time using floraseries and i have never had this problem before with my dutch nutrients.
but i also just got my hydroguard and used a bunch to help as i normally always use forever but just ran out and only just got the jug in the mail yesterday.

i have no clue whats happening i have never had this happen before. it all started in my other thread with my calmag problem / nutrient problem. but that was due to multiple broken ph meters.

the only thing i did different now versus past years of growing is that now i am using floraseries.

here is pics of the res and some buckets and some roots

the res is that dark color because of the floraseries. because it was perfect clear the day before i started using it.


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So I have been growing for a little while and never ever in my life have I been plagued with so many problems. Every grow I did went as smooth as butter until this current grow. I have 9 plants 4 green crack, 4 og kush and 1 gorilla glue. I have a few threads on here where I had a shit ton of nutrient problems that was caused by multiple broken POS ph meters. The problem was continuing for nearly 1 month until now just when I managed to get a box full of brand new ph meters and ph liquid for backup and flushing agents etc. etc. 3 days ago I did a flush which took me 20 hours because I flushed multiple times. Once with florakleen and then 2 more times with pure ph'ed water to straighten out my system and plants which were batter and beaten from the relentless onslaught of nutrient deficiencies.

Anyway after the flush I topped up with perfect perfect perfect ph'ed nutrient solution and I have a perfect perfect:
- ph reading of 6.0 ph
- ppm reading of 980 (nutrients used floraseries with botanicare CalMag)
- water temp reading of 68 degrees
- room temp of 73 degrees
- room humidity of 55-60% rh

- My system is a custom built 9 site RDWC. Each plant is in their own 5 gallon bucket and supplied by a 35 gallon reservoir.
- Air intake is a household air exchanger with around 900 cfm and hi low control switch
- The lighting is 3x - 1000 watt hps grow lights with air cooled hoods all hooked up to a 6 inch inline fan and filter with a 6 inch duct booster for added exhaust power.
- Room Exhaust is supplied by a 8 inch inline fan and filter.
- Grow lights are 20 inches away from plants
- Air circulation is supplied by a 24 inch fan that gently blows atop the canopy.

I am bloodied, weakened and famished by the stress and concern created by these problems.

I need someone to tell me its going to be alright and that this is just normal because the plants have been through hell for the past month and right now it has only been 14-18 hours since they had their top of of fresh nutrients and still need time to recover.

****** The 4 og and the 4 green crack and superb but the gorilla glue on the end is f-ing killing me. All the leaves are all clawed under demonstrating a nitrogen toxicity but that is impossible.......... the other 8 are perfect and coming back from their hell of a ph and deficiency experience the but gorilla glue is starting to look like death again.

******Also the res has some foam in it and it smelled like a sports equipment back this morning after just flushing and adding all new nutes to it. I did use hydroguard in their the recommended amount which is what i think is causing the foam and stink and i have a big industrial pump that i always use in the res. I have never had this issue before.

******Also this past month is the first time in my life I ever used floraseries gro, micro and bloom together.

Is it just because the gorilla glue still needs time to adjust to the new perfection that is of the perfect feeding and ph or is there some invisible entity that is cursing me and going in their during dark hours and fucking with my life?????

help please!!

the first 3 pics is of the gorilla glue with issue and the last pic is of the rest that look amazing and are recovering
These plants look fantastic.. nice color perky leafs and a pretty even canopy.. Beautifully preformed sea of green.
the only thing that i can think of that is causing this smell is the hydroguard.

the only problem i had with this system was the calmag and nute lockout due to the ph being off. everyday before the flush i did 2 days ago was perfect. no foam. no smell. no nothing. i didnt have any beneficial bacteria or anything for my system i was ran out.

so 2 days ago i did that flush and yesterday i put back all new nutrients and i added a ton of the recommended amount of hydroguard. and this would be the first time i put hydroguard in the system for this current grow.

so the only thing i can see is that the smell that is there which stinks like a sweaty gym bag is being cause by the "good" bacteria (killing off all the bad). because the day prior to this the res did not smell and there was no foam ever.
i mix everything together in a 5 gallon bucket and then i add it to res 1 bucket at a time lol. labor intensive and time consuming but its what got me by until now.

the white on the tub is just the staining or residue from all the air bubbles flicking. i have a 1200 gph air pump with 8 air stones in the res.
yea thats what got me wondering because hydroguard is all i use but i live in remote area so i have to order everything in the mail so i only got my hydroguard yesterday and the same for me it would never create a smell like that before
yea as for using the micro 1st that is something i didnt do. and it takes around 12 - 5gallon buckets to top up my entire system. so for all 12 of the 5 gallon buckets i just used random orders of it.

also i forgot to note that i didnt have floragro. i only had floramicro and florabloom. so i just substituted the floragro with my dnf gro instead. my floragro only got in today.

should i flush my system again and just call all those nutes and hydroguard a loss?
Give it a few days, see how it goes

But it's imperative you do micto 1st.
I put 1,2,3 on the jug caps so I don't make that mistake

If you don't do micro 1st, and let it dissolve, it will be like dirt on the bottom and edges of the water level

Get in the same process every time and it will be easier for sure


I'm changing a rezz in a few, I'll smell it for
sweet thanks man. yea i closed my eyes and flushed lol. i will take it as a loss all that calmag, floranutes, hydroguard etc... lol
i used my dnf gro A and B with the floramicro and florabloom. and i didnt use the micro 1st. but now i have floragro so i said screw it and did a good flush again and i will top up using micro 1st and do it the right way this time.

but even now with my res full of just ph'ed water there is no smell so its very odd. i think it must of been the bacteria killing off something lol.
hey again, yea i think it was definitely the hydroguard for sure. everything is so far so good. i will check in tomorrow with an update again but i think for sure it was the hydroguard doing its thing just raping and destroying all the bad that managed to accumulate over the course of the veg period.

at least i figured out what was causing all the foam lol. it was the floramicro. i didnt even shake the jug yesterday it was my first time using it and the only directions i read was the amounts needed. not to mention i only had bloom and micro so i was using my dutch nutrient gro a and b in with it to substitute for the floragro which i didnt have. but anyway as soon as i started shaking up the floramicro before adding it, it was like a suds fest inside the jug.

but i guess the flush could only do more good than harm because the clawing on the gorilla glue was definitely nitrogen toxicity. i keep a written journal of what i do each day and for this top up yesterday i added:

- 60ml of A and 60ml of B of my DNF Gro
- 40ml of florabloom
- 40ml of floramicro
- 20ml of calmag
- 20ml of bud candy
all of that per 5 gallon bucket which is kinda sorta just on the line of what i should give but my problem was using dnf gro instead of floragro and it just skyrocketed the N. not to mention not mixing the nutrients properly with the floramicro 1st which probably sent all the nutrients out of whack to begin with.

anyway all i did after this flush just now was add exactly what it called for:
(i and 8 days into my 12/12 light cycle switch so still veg to bloom transition)
- 50ml florabloom
- 30ml floramicro
- 30ml floragro

will update tomorrow when the rdwc system is in full swing and everything stabilizes
yes but i will usually try to level it out according to my ppm chart at these stage the 2nd week of transition i aim for 900-ish ppm so with the around 60 gallons in my system it will work out to 50ml bloom - 30ml micro - 30ml gro (per 5 gallon bucket) i will usually only under or over depending on my ppms and the general health of the plant(s)
Don't go full strength unless you can read what the plants are needing and telling you

Back off to half strength, is what I do with GH floura trio still, and I'm doing DWC too
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