Hey Van Stank, Not good news, had a few spots of mold show up on 3 of my plants a few weeks ago, which I cut out, then I went away for a couple of days and came back to find the 3 plants covered with mold and they had to be disposed of. I have three plants left that show no signs of mold, they were not kept near the others, hoping they can make it three more weeks! The hazards of growing outdoors with high humidity. If this fails I may have no choice but to start growing indoors> thanks for checking on me.
Man, sorry to hear that brother. Weird weather this summer. I don't remember an August with this cool of a stretch for such a long time. Can't say I miss the heat but I know that the outdoor gardens suffer with this stuff.
My three remaining plants, Strawberry Kush (3 wks to go), Bubblegum (4 wks to go), Blueberry auto
Hi All, I'm growing outdoors and worried about mold, I already lost three girls. This is My remaining Strawberry Kush, Day 45 of flower, book says 55 days, should I harvest early or wait and hope the mold doesn't get her.
I would check the weather report and see what it looks like for the rest of the week. If it stays in the 70s during the day, I would say try to ride it out if possible. Humidity seems to be lower the last couple days if I am not mistaken.
Thanks Van Stank, Just real nervous since I lost 3 plants, I hope to ride it out, rain possible on Friday. I plan to hang in the cellar with dehumidifier after harvest. What are the consequences of an early harvest??????
Thanks Van Stank, Just real nervous since I lost 3 plants, I hope to ride it out, rain possible on Friday. I plan to hang in the cellar with dehumidifier after harvest. What are the consequences of an early harvest??????

Well I can't really speak to what it does to potency. IT will reduce your yield. And it can affect the type of high you will get. If you end up harvesting when all the trichomes are still clear (never have the chance to become milky or even amber), you will likely get a much headier type of high. It won't be nearly as much in the body. But I don't know if it affect the THC or CBD %.
Day 51, Trichomes have began to turn cloudy, may be hard to tell from picture, but I have a magnify glass for close-ups, I have even spotted some turning red, very humid now so I am watching closely for any mold, if any does appear it will be harvest day! Thanks for the advice Van Stank, still learning and hope I cure enough to make it though a long New England winter>
Hello All, Well it happened, mold has won out, very humid the past few days and I noticed a few small spots, but when I checked hidden ares of the buds, it was everywhere. My season is done with no results, oh well lessons learned. Ordered a small grow tent for winter, will grow one plant at a time and see if I have better luck. Will be checking out more indoor grow journals. I guess it wasn't meant to be. peace!
Hello All, Well it happened, mold has won out, very humid the past few days and I noticed a few small spots, but when I checked hidden ares of the buds, it was everywhere. My season is done with no results, oh well lessons learned. Ordered a small grow tent for winter, will grow one plant at a time and see if I have better luck. Will be checking out more indoor grow journals. I guess it wasn't meant to be. peace!

Just get you that tent going with proper ventilation and you shouldn't have that problem again.. that sucks but I guess thats the risk of outdoors. Thankfully I havent had a mold problem and I flower in 70-80% humidity pretty often... just keep lots of airflow in the tent with a proper exhaust. And defoliate so there isnt any stagnant air under the canopy. Defoliation is a BIG key to not getting mold in high humidity you cant have all these leaves and buds in stagnant air.

Again sorry for the loss but youll make it up soon enough.. and with an indoor grow you can go year round.
Planning on FoxFarm soil with 2 plants:
CBD Hash ( Seedman) --- remains a fairly short to medium plant which is very relaxing with medicinal properties
thanks to the high levels of CBD
Papaya (Nirvana) --- short, hardy plant that is both resistant to plant diseases and mold

*****any suggestions on what are the easiest plants to grow, I'm open to change or next grow, I prefer Indica's, relaxing, insomnia
I am not a huge fan of Indicas in general...they tend to be too sedating for me. I like mellow indicas, the Seedsman Blueberry was good for me and easy to grow. But stick with what you have. Indoors its fairly easy to grow most indicas.
Well I finally got around to posting my tent grow, still learning, but things are going along nicely, hope you can check it out, thanks for all the info I have picked up on this site
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