New here and need urgent help


New Member
ok hello all new here and on first grow, im using thefollowing
2x2xx5ft buddah grow tent
ruck rk100 fan
rhino pro filter
acoustic ducting
200w dual spec cfl with reflecter
ghs white rhino strain
biobizz all mix soil
a house thermomeotor

my temps are as follows

with fan and lights on around 20c with fan off 25c, at night around 16c, mmight move into an insulated cupboard to help the tempts stay nearer to the same,
dont know humidity but just added a small glass of water to make it better for plant, shes 2 weeks a a day since popping through soil

iv started to notice my leaves are cupping likr tocos she was huungry last night so i gave her tap water left to stand for a few days then ph to around 6-6.5, i only have a few seeds ghs indica mix pack c, i had ph problems to start first set of leafs went yellow but i though i was going good intill i woke up this morning soil almost dry little moister left so i gave her a little water same batch as last night not alot no run off, here are some pictiures i have no idea what to do any cant get any nutes till next week and will be using biobizz range
] With thanks to cannafan here is my sick lady
High, i am not familiar eith the soil u r using but if its for seedlings u should be ok with jus watering her with ph water for a month or so. Since she is jus starting out they r very sensitive at this stage and can get nutr burn easliy. I would water her when the soil grts dry/ the pot becomes lite. Besides the leaf curl shes looking good to me.
Hello blazzin

Yea im not using newts till shes atleast 3 weeks then im going to introduce nutes at quarter strengh amd do water water feed.

I just now repoted her. Roots were comong put off her pot so I though she would would appreciate some growing room. Tbh I never knew those white stringy looking things were roots haha. So I figure not only will a repot better her grow the new soil contains good stuff so that should rule out nute def and root bound. Also I didnt give alot of water for repot only enough to bind new n old. Will long out till next watering. What you all reckon????

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