New Member - Old Grower - From Canada!

Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

Right now I am trying to figure out the best number of colas to max out my yield in 2x4 bloom cabinet, it seems a lot is good but too many and there may be a reduction on overall yield. Right now I have like 50 per plant. I think 30-40 is better for me.

Are you doin SCROG?
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

So just tie those girls for as long as I can then eh?

I would. Can you tie them to something else other than rest of plant? Might be easier and better for rest of plant...
Not sure I don't need to tie mine, I do so much training in veg my stems are very strong and bulgy...
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

Are you doin SCROG?

No they stand up on their own... Been thinking about trying that but so far figured the negatives outweighed the positives... Would welcome that discussion though. Feel free to discuss it in my journal.
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

So just tie those girls for as long as I can then eh?

Do you have any bamboo stakes? And yes, I'd tie these branches up and let them ride it out Pigeons. They hit that point when they begin doubling in size every week. You'll thank yourself for doing it when you watch them swell.

That said, I've picked some early. We all have. If they drive you crazy, chop them down and enjoy the freedom from frustration with a wicked buzz. Or two, or six. It's a win-win. :laughtwo:

Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

Haha well That sounds mighty tempting. However I am a better fan of delayed gratification rather than instant gratification so, I'll wait it out. I've tied her all up to the roof. String hanging everywhere, looks like a puppet show in the grow room
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

Good morning 420. Beautiful day in the grow room! I hope this Saturday brings much love and comfortability to you all.

Just a few photos of the buds as they start to thicken up. I gave a little squeeze test of the bud and they are nice and dense with a nice new smell. The smell is no longer a ranky ammonia smell, it's more sweet now. When I come upstairs the old lady no longer tells me I smell like cat piss. It's a nice aroma. Which is a great sign in term of getting this complete. Hoping for only another couple weeks. I have every intention of letting them dry then cure for 2 months but the longer this takes and the nicer it smells. It's going to be difficult to allow for a 2 month curing. But we will see.
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

Those hogs sure turn into bushes! By far the biggest girl I've had. If I didn't have light issues I'm curious to know how much I really would have gotten because this grow has been nothing but problems. Because of learning and moving into different location and still she is a big woman. And I love big women ;)

Thanks a lot for stopping in! I took a look at your journal and Youve got your ducks in a row over there! So your gonna actually see her true potential. Keep poppin in!
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

Gday pg420

always tie them up,unless out of smoke,taken to early will result in headaches(clear trichromes)

the silver walls is a great improvement,and will help tremendously.

she is getting heavy,but still a ways out from finish.
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

It's a bit of a change in there now eh C?

I've done just that, I have tied all the colas and branches to the roof. Looks silly but it's doing the job. I'm really starting to see some color changes in the hairs. Some like yellowing to orange. I'm getting excited!! However now that the other girls have started in veg she has taken a back seat. So time is going a little faster with her. I believe today marks the 55/55 days flower. But I haven't checked. What do you think 3 more weeks?

Good to see you C! Thanks for throwing down your thoughts!
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!


Do you have something to help you see the trichomes? like a 60X magnifying glass? If you don't have one, I would highly recommend it. That way you can tell what color the trichomes are and you'll know when she's ready.

Hard to guess but maybe 2-3 more weeks still to go if I had to guess. but the 60X will let you know for sure.
Re: New member old grower :) From Canada!

I don't have one but i have been looking for one. Looks like I'm going to have to get one from eBay or something. I've been using a magnifying glass but I don't know its rating. BUT I DO HAVE A TELESCOPE!!

I'll be right back!
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