New to indoors


420 Member
Just starting out inside. Have a plant outside supposedly sour diesel. Cut some clones and have 7 rooted and in cups and put 5 more in the cloner yesterday. I have a 2x2 and 2x4 tents. My oxyclone is in a tote with a small 2’ cheap T5. And I have been running it close to the clones 24-7. My question is , should I go on and move to a tent under big lights up high 24-7 for a few days or jump right into 18-6 I have an SF2000 and an older king led 800 in the smaller tent. Also running FFHF soil and nutes. Could also use advice on where to start feeding schedule and when. Thanks in advance for any help you might give.
Big lights 18-6, 2-3 feet away, put a fan on plants. You may have to make adjustments the first 2 weeks or so if you see evidence of leaf burn or droopy leaves halfway through the day. I like to think I have the lighting schedule and height correct when I see leaves starting to droop a little during the last hour when my lights are on.
Welcome @Kymike

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Stay safe, and grow well my friend,

Tok.. :bong:
Big lights 18-6, 2-3 feet away, put a fan on plants. You may have to make adjustments the first 2 weeks or so if you see evidence of leaf burn or droopy leaves halfway through the day. I like to think I have the lighting schedule and height correct when I see leaves starting to droop a little during the last hour when my lights are on.
Thanks for your reply , about How long after initial transplant from cloner should I start giving 1/2 strength nutes and for how long before going full strength. Also how long would you leave them in the cups ? Sorry for all the questions.
I've not transplanted clones (yet) just work with seedlings right now so what I do for seedlings may be different then what you need to do. Maybe others with more experience on clones can chime in with better guidance.

My only advice is if your transplanting to pre-mixed potting soil be careful adding nutes in the beginning because most potting soil mixtures are already amended with nutes that should last 2-3 weeks. After that consider 1/2 dosages working up to full dosages per the guidance of your nutes.
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