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Help! I'm a first time grower, Dutch Treat Medicinal, auto flower feminized seeds. I have my plants on 12/12 light. They have soooo many nodes! The plants are really top heavy and healthy, one main branch... I think if I trim nodes they will continue to get even top heavier! I was told to just let them go... Is that good advice?? Im so inexperienced at growing I don't even know where to begin to cut the correct nodes off; I have cut off a few here and there according to a video but I don't want to damage the 2 plants as they have been growing for over four months already! I just put the lights on a timer for 12/12 two weeks ago and they are growing like crazy!! They are probably over 4 months old. I didn't think of keeping a journal!!!


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Hi @Stage3B , welcome! I think your plants look pretty awesome! Green and healthy even though they are lanky. Regardless of how long it took I love how tall they are!

Just noticing the one pot that's visible, I bet you could stand to put them in bigger containers, then get some sticks and prop those baby's up and let them fill out now that you have your 12/12 going.

What light are you using? Keep at it those girls want to get fat for you!
Hi @Stage3B , welcome! I think your plants look pretty awesome! Green and healthy even though they are lanky. Regardless of how long it took I love how tall they are!

Just noticing the one pot that's visible, I bet you could stand to put them in bigger containers, then get some sticks and prop those baby's up and let them fill out now that you have your 12/12 going.

What light are you using? Keep at it those girls want to get fat for you!
Yes, was thinking about putting them in bigger pots. I'm sure there is quite aa overload of roots in the pots. Thanks for the encouragement...
Yes, was thinking about putting them in bigger pots. I'm sure there is quite aa overload of roots in the pots. Thanks for the encouragement...
That's what we do here! I don't have the best lights (understatement) but I am obsessed with them! I've only been growing for 3 months now but man have I had nothing but a bunch of fun McGyvering my lighting dilemmas.

So spill with it mate, we want to know what's cooking those ladies! Also, if that's a closet your growing in you get a extra +1 from me I also love unconventional grows!
I'm a lighting idiot! I have a 60 watt bulb on the floor in a lamp and a 200 watt bulb above them in a metal shade meant for setting on the lizards cage! Lol... I also have a small space heater on the floor which has a fan in it that comes on and off keeping the closet between 70 - 80 degrees. The heater fan circulates air well, almost tropical in the closet!!


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I'm a lighting idiot! I have a 60 watt bulb on the floor in a lamp and a 200 watt bulb above them in a metal shade meant for setting on the lizards cage! Lol... I also have a small space heater on the floor which has a fan in it that comes on and off keeping the closet between 70 - 80 degrees. The heater fan circulates air well, almost tropical in the closet!!
Top light I got from Lowe's, 2700 lumens, for just about $4
We all start somewhere eh? Check out this monstrosity:


If you want to keep it real to your theme, you can get awesome stuff at the resale shop. CFL's are good lights for growing cheap, they don't put off a ton of heat and you can get better light spectrum out of them than incandescents. You could rig some side lights and a few more on top and BAM you got yourself some budding power! Or if you can swing it decent LED's are cheap, efficient and REALLY effective. Just make sure you go by actual power from the wall instead of manufacturers claims. For example I have a Viparspectra Par450 but it only really pulls 202w from the wall.

Also take it from the cheapest cut corners guy around, try and get a light from a known brand if you can. I've messed around with cheapos for a while and I got cheapos out of it. They are ok but if I were to have saved my multiple 20-50 dollar investments and spent a hundred and fifty instead I would have been way better off.
Awesome!! I'm adding some light to the side of the plants this week where it's lacking... Go newbies!!! Can't wait to get more seeds ordered and try other ways on the cheap! Spring is here, going to start some new ones and transplant them into my friend's corn field this summer and let mother nature have at it! Grew some years ago in the corn; old school guy here..., and had much success!
200 watt bulb
Reminds me of my first grow 45 years ago,except I only had a 100 watt incandescent bulb.

It didn't end well.It may be a little late,but you need to get some real light on those girls...
As long as you don't start making hats out of that foil,it's fine.....;)
If you can find a better way to stop "them" from reading your mind, I'd love to hear it....:eye-roll::cheesygrinsmiley:
Watch the heat, if sticking with conventional lighting, get bulbs with decent spectrum. CFL's and florescents look for 2700k and 5000k spectrum. Otherwise you aren't throwing the right light at them.
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