Noob Grower Budget Grow

Hello "audiobassiks" and happy belated Birthday! Let's see da bubbla. common Hows tha plants?
plants slowed the fuck down i seeing amber on the lower leaves so i flushed them last night,, ive been lazy on the pictures need to charge the cam batt and cant find the cord. i did move the babys into the other side of the closet.. little bit of light comes thur the closet but i stuck my head in there and hid behind the blanket for 5 mins and i could not see my had.. bruins score sweet ,, i am thinking once i see a little more amber on the lowers not the tops i will chop .. i want to try and get some engry weeds like i read about. then let the other one let go longer.. idk playing by ear.. kinda want to get it cut down now.. i am parinode like no ones busness.. between the sherrifs coming here by acident the other night seeing a lot more cop atcivity around my road.. seen a cop not drive by my house but stop to just where they can see it and stop sat there for a min and then backed up.. he stopped right a round my electric meter. but then again the cop and the sheriff where more then likey for the same thing or the kids up the street , but cops never come around here in least there called but idk end of next week i can be leagal if i want too be but i kinda dont want to be on paper.. but i want the bennys of being on paper.. i am very anity gobermeant.
My moms ain't been in complete dark at night. Still in veg though, for the time being. Kitchen light on till 10, partially glowing on the leaves long after sundown, LR light on at night, often till midnight, shining on the leaves unless I remember to drop the paper curtain, lol. Hoping they're okay. Clones are about to go up there, and moms in teh closet, hoping for a good harvest. Can't afford to keep buying shit.
so ready for some pictures an a true update...

so i transfured two of the jb 2 of the hillbilly 2 of the late nite 2 of the boston boom.. 6 are in 5 gallon pots and 2 in 1 gallon pots.. i left the others in the solo cups.. i am not going to have the room or light for all 20 of them.. figure i am going to keep 8 total but want them all in 5 gallon pots.. might half to try and get extra money for lights ..

the babys



not sure why there sideways needed to use the phone to take these






some mob

my new toy

went on a nature hike to hang with the birds and smoke some weeds.. spent 4 hours out there feed birds, ducks, from hand. got bit by a goose, chased a snake got really high had a blast.




the asshole tree in the peace circle

plants got a flush yesterday
My moms ain't been in complete dark at night. Still in veg though, for the time being. Kitchen light on till 10, partially glowing on the leaves long after sundown, LR light on at night, often till midnight, shining on the leaves unless I remember to drop the paper curtain, lol. Hoping they're okay. Clones are about to go up there, and moms in teh closet, hoping for a good harvest. Can't afford to keep buying shit.

same boat i am thinking it can be like a full moon a coming seeing i am hoppng to harest this week
Sickness ! Compliment... like that glass piece Hella sick. I want smella vision on my monitor! Or maybe take out! Mmmmmmm Nugs are tight. They common along good. I got a issue with two of my girls,i think. Can i shoot you a pic in pm?
Sickness ! Compliment... like that glass piece Hella sick. I want smella vision on my monitor! Or maybe take out! Mmmmmmm Nugs are tight. They common along good. I got a issue with two of my girls,i think. Can i shoot you a pic in pm?
sure but i cant just guestamate,,,

as for i was going to say something and i forgot wow thats really really bad fuck me... never mind then.. and i was all excided about it
holy rememberbery i rememebred wicked fucked up right now incase you did not gather that..... i think i am going to enter one of my sexy bitches in plant of the month charging the batt right now for the cam hope to have it all charged so i can take some wicked sexy naked pics of the bitches....

side not first car show coming up need to get the burp bitch ready for it.. need to test as for its a org i never really compete in.. so going to be a busy next 5 days
hang on i trying to find my dam cord fer da camera I be sending it shortly.
is that there lil pussy cat suplexing that fella r what? Wow those are gettin super frosty brau. Daaammmm Hey i just looked again did she get that excited and tear him arm off I hope he liked it. HeHe Nice
oh yeah Enter it double quick chop chop Buddy
idk peoples you guys are pretty twisted ,, not going to lie i like it. lol when i took it was thinking of the family guy epioside when peter was doing the roadhouse bit and destroying everything. i did a whole bunch of pictures like this the other day. this one was my fav,, but had them all out over the yard. we made a little action play,lol hey we was high at the time..

plant of the mouth .. i entered into.. i hope it dont break the rules me saying its up.. i was number 4 with a entry yip yip.. but so everyone still sleeping going to pack up my peace pipe and go sit out on the front steps and enjoy this beautiful morning,, LOVE SPRING
Yowiieee that is the excellent. And the lil feller seems to not mind.
so i thought i would be closer to harvest today but i am not.. little confused,,, plant 2 seems to have a lot of what i call cloudy and the milky looking like kinda see trough but only light,, not much amber at all but all the white hairs are turning brown,, going by plant 1 i would think there would be more amber.. as for plant 1 i see more amber but not as much new amber,, no to not many at all browning white hairs.. now for how the amber come onto plant 1 one day none then next day there where more then just one of two,, a few big clusters like,, but nt getting more a few days later i want to say almost a week,, from my pictures dates i came to see they starting flowering 3.12.13
So what r u gonna do ? keep watching or explore other options? How much longer till your amber color meets what you are looking for?
What is going on "audiobassiks"? Journal is looking good. Plants look really good. Like the little creature segment up above nice to break up the monotony. Nice job!
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