Our Ongoing Grows

I get the feeling I pretty much beat the fools.. Hard to tell until I get an outbreak.. But I put a chastity belt Hodinine couldn't break. That pup looks great for a reveg... And truth,,,, after everything I put into her,,,, if I see ANYTHING,,,, she's dead.......................... Believe that............... I'll kill every mother fucker if I see anymore................ That's a fact................... Maybe myself too????? JK Kind of.......
I get the feeling I pretty much beat the fools.. Hard to tell until I get an outbreak.. But I put a chastity belt Hodinine couldn't break. That pup looks great for a reveg... And truth,,,, after everything I put into her,,,, if I see ANYTHING,,,, she's dead.......................... Believe that............... I'll kill every mother fucker if I see anymore................ That's a fact................... Maybe myself too????? JK Kind of.......
I have every faith in you woody you will overcome and I don't mean that in a funny way!
But reading nightmares about these things burrowing into the mainstem to winter over,,, is some scary shit. Especially with clones.
Wood...I read once about them getting into your bamboo or wooden stakes used to support the plants. I think anything that is made from cellulose. Yes scary shit indeed. Just something else to think about. good luck :bongrip:
I just thought of something else you may want to check into, Brother....BENEFICIAL NEMATODES. I spray them on my lawn every few years to help keep down the pests. I don't think it will effect the adults, but these nematodes basically find there way inside the larvae of many bad insects (I'll need to see if mites are on the list!) and eat the little buggers from the inside-out! I'll see if I can find any info on it's effectiveness on broad mites.
I just thought of something else you may want to check into, Brother....BENEFICIAL NEMATODES. I spray them on my lawn every few years to help keep down the pests. I don't think it will effect the adults, but these nematodes basically find there way inside the larvae of many bad insects (I'll need to see if mites are on the list!) and eat the little buggers from the inside-out! I'll see if I can find any info on it's effectiveness on broad mites.

Yes! They work against Broad Mites!

Check these two pages:

How to Get Rid of Russet Mites | Planet Natural

Broad Mite & Cyclamen Mite Control With Beneficial Insects - Keep Your IPM Program Going

Introducing beneficial nematodes just as soil temperatures begin to warm and ahead of planting can help destroy eggs that are in the soil and nymphs once they hatch. Apply a second round of vermiculite-carried nematodes if damage to lowest leaves is spotted.

The beneficial nematodes from PlanetNatural are pretty cheap but those mite predators from Arbico can get pretty expensive!

Mite Predators - Greenhouse, Indoor & Outdoor Mite Control
I think I got mite free cuts now... I just used a changeup spray with Nuke-Em. I'll keep a close eye on them.. Sorry, I'm getting further behind on all threads.. I have just been bummed about the garden this year... WTF Rained today to.. Just what I needed...
Blap blap!

Sorry saw ya poke yer head out.. I know how ya feel buddy.. Almost pulled 2 today 3 weeks early cos of damage. But had to take the missus to the hospital &didnt have time to take em down. &wont be able to til tomorrow cos she was supposed to have her surgery today, now they cant do it til tomorrow morning so im stuck here for the night. &i have to spend the night in a hospital recliner. Worst 9/11 ever. Anyways im sure we both will get plenty of sweet tops this year, we can look forward to that. Most of yours should be done, yeah?

Keep em green buddy
Blap blap!

Sorry saw ya poke yer head out.. I know how ya feel buddy.. Almost pulled 2 today 3 weeks early cos of damage. But had to take the missus to the hospital &didnt have time to take em down. &wont be able to til tomorrow cos she was supposed to have her surgery today, now they cant do it til tomorrow morning so im stuck here for the night. &i have to spend the night in a hospital recliner. Worst 9/11 ever. Anyways im sure we both will get plenty of sweet tops this year, we can look forward to that. Most of yours should be done, yeah?

Keep em green buddy

Best wishes for a successful surgery & speedy recovery to the Missus! :goodluck:
I think I got mite free cuts now... I just used a changeup spray with Nuke-Em. I'll keep a close eye on them.. Sorry, I'm getting further behind on all threads.. I have just been bummed about the garden this year... WTF Rained today to.. Just what I needed...
that's good news glad about that I new you would win now if the rain will hold off!
Mornin Wood. I saw your post on BL's thread regarding Russet Mites. I came over and read your last 5-6 pages. Mean huh. I thought I had them at bay in my yard grow but not. I know your scoping and you will see the difference with Nuke Em. An ISO wash at 50/50 woks too but not as well. I chopped a TGA Plushberry a few days ago. It had 70% visual damage and that means they are a gonner. The rest have no visual damage but have mites. Im spraying them twice a week with the Nuke Em now till two weeks from harvest. An ISO bath once a week also. Im shutting down. The sprouts I have for my next indoor are going to be given away, if they live. All three of Bohdi's Chems popped too. No yard grow next year. Im taking a hiatus. Ive got 3 yrs. worth of smoke. Regroup. Ive got sick family and rehabbing my youngest kid so my plates full.
The Russets are much easier to control indoors if that helps. I used a dry paint brush to spread the D.Earth (They Say Dont Breath That Stuff). The spreader is probably better and will get before the next tent run. Thats next year this time.
Hey Wood just so you know I couldent of become this advanced a grower in such a short time without you and BL and the MANY good people here. Ive done 3 indoors runs and all have been successful because of this site. So thanks!! Your bud pics couldent look better!! Kinda cool to hear you talk about your college ed here in Sacto!!! They say its harder to pass the GED than High School, so props!
Hey man! I hope your war on mites is effective. It doesn't feel to good to lose a large part of the harvest!
Hello everyone and Welcome Back Birdie and 4-D..

Sorry peoples,,, I haven't been up and at-em alot lately. I've got some problems holding me up for a minute or two. But thing are going fine.
Started cutting the Harvest down. This grow as an experiment is a failure. I had to take all the popcorn buds and I only kept the tops going till term. They are still good buddage. But it wasn't all she could be so I say a fail on this grow. But I'm going to do it all over again in a minute. I've molested all the cuts enough that nothing could survive bug-wise. And I just up-potted the Chems I've got into three-gallon pots, I plan on going into so 7-gallon pots to finish. I'm also going to get acouple bales of pro-mix and a bag of worm shit along with afew other goodies..

Hope your wife is doing good there 45th.
And also your kid there 4-D, rehabbing? Bummer. GL if that is what I think it is...
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