Outdoor grow in the near North Ontario Canada


Well-Known Member
Hi Everyone: Been lurkin and learnin since the spring as a first timer/"total" newb. Thanks to all for the great tips. Planted a CBD Dream and OG Cali in May from seed, transplanted from pot to pot (pardon the pun) then finally got fed up and stuck them in the ground. They are starting to pre-flower and both appear to be female. Started on some bloom nutes and they are about 4 feet tall. Worried about the weather here, as it will start to turn cold at night in a couple of weeks. Will have to build some kind of shelter. If they are a weed, how come they can only handle 10 c temp? Must be a southern weed - lol. Practicing for next springs 4 plant grow right now as things will be legal this Fall. Haven't had time to journal anything - next year for sure.

Great site, nice photos, super people and knowledge. Thanks!!!
Greetings & welcome. Let us know how the grow goes!
Thanks Pennywise. Lets try post a pic... This is the OG Cali. If this works will post a couple more.


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cbd and pre-flower on the og.

I didn't do much trimming to get more stalks and they are not in the best sunlight right now, so they are a little tall and stringy, but I'm super glad they grew as well as they did. I had to transplant them 3 times too.


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Ouch, that bites Nick.

Noob question... if you separate the boys and let them mature, can you still smoke them or make butter? Obviously you won't get the same quality, but how much less are they degraded? Is the sex determined within the seed? - ok, thats three questions. LOL

50 years ago I smoked my first J and there was no buds, just leaves and seeds, which went "POP" when they burned. Obvious to me now they must have been males. Seems like lots has changed.
Not sure as I'm not an expert but I believe they still have some THC so you can use them for oil, butter etc. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Not worth smoking them IMO. Not sure exactly how they determine sex. Would be interested in finding out if anyone knows. At least I know the next 3 should all be female, they're feminized. LOL Link to my grow journal below.
Thanks Nick. I used feminized seeds, but I read here, that is not always a 100% guarantee that they will be girls. I feel lucky, since I only germinated two seeds, first time grower and they are doing well (so far, fingers crossed for a long warm Fall).

I saw a white pvc frame that someone on this forum built, so I ordered the special corners and will be going to Home Hardware for the pipe this week. Building 6' x 6' x 4' - At least then I can cover them up when it gets cold as they are over 4 foot tall now. Plus I can use it for next years plants in full sunlight, since it will be legal for us.

Hope your one girl is a hum dinger!
Angler Baby!!!! I "love" to fish (responsibly), even more than my husband. Walleye and perch are the best eaters. We mostly catch and release. We have unfair (to the fish) slot limits on our lake so you can only keep the big breeders (ridiculous), so we only keep a couple a year of the walleye. Perch are elusive but delicious no limits. Going out this Fall to find the Muskie.

We did some bass and crappie fishing in the winter in Okeechobee, Fl. My hubby got a 10 lb bass (released it). People are greedy for crappie down there. Once again, we only kept what we could eat right away. Lots of fun though.
I am both. I catch and release though. I wouldn't eat anything out of my river. Some of the lakes are questionable too. There are a couple of places I take them from though. Gotta watch out for the Muskies in the shallows around here, they'll take a bite out of ya.

Autocorrect at its best again, trying to make me seem racist. I wrote Muskies and it autocorrected as Muslims. Not funny. Glad I caught it. Geez Louise.
OMG - thats too funny (auto correct)...That would truly get you in hot water. Read your "very first time"! Wow, sounds like a huge learning curve, but worth it for you. I think I will just grow outdoors. Way easier for me - I'm using for pain too. Lyme disease and arthritis.

You have tanked fish? Sounds peaceful. Nice to meet you. I'm going to start a journal next grow in the spring. Can't wait to build my pvc frame. Will post pics when done.

Hope today is a good day for you.
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