Over watered or something else?


420 Member
So. I'm using foxfarms soil. My girls are 6 weeks into veg. I picked up some worm castings and decided to give them a treat. I followed the instructions to top dress the plants and then gave them a big drink. Water had ran from the bottom of the pot and I left a puddle which dried out in a couple days. Yesterday I noticed a very light yellow on the new growth leaves and this morning they were drooping. Not sure if it's over watering or something else. Help please!
I didnt think of taking pics this morning. I'm stressing over this ill tell ya. Lol. They were doing so good. I plan on posting pics as soon as I get home from work this evening. The worm castings and extra water are the only things that have changed. But idk if either of these things are the issue. It's heart breaking to see them so unhealthy. 😥
Like Skunksta stated.
Pot size, pot type (plastic or fabric)
Temp, humidity.
Anything else added to the Fox Farm.
I guess I am of a different view of most but to me there's really no such thing as overwatering. Its always lack of oxygen, you can water coco pretty much several times a day with no problems whatsoever, obviously with hydro you're growing in water.
My soil in 20+ gallon fabric pots i can water a gallon plus everyday with no ill effects.

The problem comes in when your soil is too heavy, too much compost and not enough aeration thats when roots lose oxygen.
They're in 2 gallon pots plastic. All I've added to my soil is the worm castings. Everything I've read said worm castings will not hurt my ladies. I garden in the summer and have had issues with to much water but usually it's do to poor drainage. I'll be posting pics as soon as I get home. I can't believe how worried I am about these plants. I have dogs and kids and I swear it's like one of them is sick 🤦‍♂️
Well one problem is they're 6 weeks into veg in a 2 gallon plastic pot which if they've grown even remotely like normal they're more than likely root bound.
If your space allows it i would transplant to a minimum of 7 gallon FABRIC pot and add about 25-30% of pumice to that Fox Farm even a little biochar and rice hulls if you have them, try to get as much oxygen to the roots as possible and put the fabric pot on top of a pot elevator so there's an inch or two of airspace under the pot.
They definitely should be real close to rootbound in a 2 gal. at 6 weeks, but normally when root bound the bottom leaves die off and the top leaves keep growing. Basically, once rootbound the roots can only support X amount of foliage, so as the plant grows, for every new leaf, an old one dies. Pics, we need pics!
They're in 2 gallon pots plastic. All I've added to my soil is the worm castings. Everything I've read said worm castings will not hurt my ladies. I garden in the summer and have had issues with to much water but usually it's do to poor drainage. I'll be posting pics as soon as I get home. I can't believe how worried I am about these plants. I have dogs and kids and I swear it's like one of them is sick 🤦‍♂️
6 weeks in 2gl. pots you have nothing left to feed them but pictures will tell the problem. CL🍀
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