Parents of Absence Seizure Patients: Phenobarbital


Well-Known Member
Looking to find any other parents out there that have treated their child with phenobarbital for absence seizures, or any other medication and then tried to switch to CBD.

A bit of back story,
Earlier this year we noticed our son was having very weird staring spells. These would last anywhere from 6 seconds to upwards of 30 and 40. These were different then his "I am too busy to pay attention" stairs. His pupils dilate, and he is motionless. You can snap your fingers around his head, call his name and even touch him without response. When he finally "comes to" he often seems scared or has a confused look on his face.

We had first mentioned this to our GP as soon as we noticed this happening. He advised us this could just be toddler behavior and to monitor it. So we did, and went back two weeks later with data recorded to show him of the dates and lengths of episodes and what he was doing at the time. We got a referral to a neurologist.

First appointment we met, discussed what was happening and they did some checks of his vitals and I think they drew blood for testing. We were sent for a EEG, they prescribed and provided a melotonin strip and advised us of instructions to go to the appointment.

Went to the appointment took him forever to get sleepy but we finally got it done!

Next appointment we are advised that there is no concrete activity shown on the EEG, (Or ECG I am forgetful with medical terms, the one that measures brain activity) They advised that they would require a 3 day hospital stay to run the same test consistent but the doctor stated that with our son and his age this was probably near impossible. So he stated we should medicate, and if the seizures stop then we know what is happening.

Fast forward, to the follow up appointment this past summer (after we have been treating our son with phenobarbital (45mg at bedtime and 7.5 mg in the morning) We have noticed that a child who was once developing to show extreme intelligence is now slowing down, his speech he trys so hard to speak but it is not coming out correct and we can see his frustrations. He displays extreme symptoms of ADHD (a side effect of this medication), as well as goes through ups and downs with his moods (another side effect)

At the first appointment that we were advised to medicate, we mentioned CBD and our wishes to explore that path of treatment and we were looked at like we had 9 heads. We were at the time worried to push this, as he was the professional, not us. We did not want to come under fire with people accusing us of wanting to "drug our child".

Now that we tried their way and I have been noticing all these negatives over the last few months we want him off this medication.
I would like to use CBD to assist with the side effect symptoms he currently has and to aid in the weening and withdrawal YES withdrawal from this chemical they put my son on. Then at that point, I want to ween off of the CBD/THC (as i know you need minimal THC to make the CBD more effective, but hey our children can handle higher dose then adults of CBD anyway due to the recent activity from mothers breast milk and the endo canaboid system)

Absence Seizures are usually 90% outgrown with age.
The interesting thing, and I hate myself for just blindly trusting the neurologist on this one, phenobarbital is not even used to treat absence seizures but instead it can induce them. Now m y sons seizure activity ceased while on this medication with the exception of 2x when he had missed his medication due to falling asleep early and us letting him sleep through the night. That leads me to believe there is something but not absence seizures.

My main question, who here has had issues even getting a referral for your child to a cannabis clinic?

First i was told he just flat out wouldn't send the referral. Then when I stated it was our right for our son to go to a specialist she comes back with, well there are no cannabis specialists its too new...... I stated well then a medical professional who is exploring the use of CBD/THC for medicinal purposes either way he can not deny the referral to a specialist for a 2nd opinion.

I know how to do a self referral for him, but that is going to make it a long hard battle due to his age. Who else has had this battle, any input? what happened, did you succeed in legally treating with CBD/THC or?

Thank you to any who respond, this is a frustrating situation at least and just looking to rant/brainstorm and speak with others in our situation. We have not stopped and are pushing forward with the cannabis clinic. But at the same time awaiting a follow up with the neurologist regarding getting my son off this medication.
Looking to find any other parents out there that have treated their child with phenobarbital for absence seizures, or any other medication and then tried to switch to CBD.

A bit of back story,
Earlier this year we noticed our son was having very weird staring spells. These would last anywhere from 6 seconds to upwards of 30 and 40. These were different then his "I am too busy to pay attention" stairs. His pupils dilate, and he is motionless. You can snap your fingers around his head, call his name and even touch him without response. When he finally "comes to" he often seems scared or has a confused look on his face.

We had first mentioned this to our GP as soon as we noticed this happening. He advised us this could just be toddler behavior and to monitor it. So we did, and went back two weeks later with data recorded to show him of the dates and lengths of episodes and what he was doing at the time. We got a referral to a neurologist.

First appointment we met, discussed what was happening and they did some checks of his vitals and I think they drew blood for testing. We were sent for a EEG, they prescribed and provided a melotonin strip and advised us of instructions to go to the appointment.

Went to the appointment took him forever to get sleepy but we finally got it done!

Next appointment we are advised that there is no concrete activity shown on the EEG, (Or ECG I am forgetful with medical terms, the one that measures brain activity) They advised that they would require a 3 day hospital stay to run the same test consistent but the doctor stated that with our son and his age this was probably near impossible. So he stated we should medicate, and if the seizures stop then we know what is happening.

Fast forward, to the follow up appointment this past summer (after we have been treating our son with phenobarbital (45mg at bedtime and 7.5 mg in the morning) We have noticed that a child who was once developing to show extreme intelligence is now slowing down, his speech he trys so hard to speak but it is not coming out correct and we can see his frustrations. He displays extreme symptoms of ADHD (a side effect of this medication), as well as goes through ups and downs with his moods (another side effect)

At the first appointment that we were advised to medicate, we mentioned CBD and our wishes to explore that path of treatment and we were looked at like we had 9 heads. We were at the time worried to push this, as he was the professional, not us. We did not want to come under fire with people accusing us of wanting to "drug our child".

Now that we tried their way and I have been noticing all these negatives over the last few months we want him off this medication.
I would like to use CBD to assist with the side effect symptoms he currently has and to aid in the weening and withdrawal YES withdrawal from this chemical they put my son on. Then at that point, I want to ween off of the CBD/THC (as i know you need minimal THC to make the CBD more effective, but hey our children can handle higher dose then adults of CBD anyway due to the recent activity from mothers breast milk and the endo canaboid system)

Absence Seizures are usually 90% outgrown with age.
The interesting thing, and I hate myself for just blindly trusting the neurologist on this one, phenobarbital is not even used to treat absence seizures but instead it can induce them. Now m y sons seizure activity ceased while on this medication with the exception of 2x when he had missed his medication due to falling asleep early and us letting him sleep through the night. That leads me to believe there is something but not absence seizures.

My main question, who here has had issues even getting a referral for your child to a cannabis clinic?

First i was told he just flat out wouldn't send the referral. Then when I stated it was our right for our son to go to a specialist she comes back with, well there are no cannabis specialists its too new...... I stated well then a medical professional who is exploring the use of CBD/THC for medicinal purposes either way he can not deny the referral to a specialist for a 2nd opinion.

I know how to do a self referral for him, but that is going to make it a long hard battle due to his age. Who else has had this battle, any input? what happened, did you succeed in legally treating with CBD/THC or?

Thank you to any who respond, this is a frustrating situation at least and just looking to rant/brainstorm and speak with others in our situation. We have not stopped and are pushing forward with the cannabis clinic. But at the same time awaiting a follow up with the neurologist regarding getting my son off this medication.
Hi, welcome. Some obstacles might be understood by a good man @InTheShed if I remember right. Another possible resource is @SweetSue. Good luck with your son.
Welcome @SolarSon. :hug: Thank you for starting the thread, and may it catch the eye of other parents living with the same concerns.

Take a breath....... There, now.... I’d like to know if you’re in the US or Canada. Regardless of the location I’d like to refer you to Dr Bonnie Goldstein, located in California. There’s extensive information on her practice and her clinical findings treating children with seizure disorders. I’ll link you to a post I have that’ll send you to her paper on treating patients with cannabis therapeutics. There’s a wealth of information there that I think you’ll find helpful.

Dr. Bonnie Goldstein

It frustrates me to hear of clinicians still shying away from cannabis therapies, considering the safety of their administration in comparison to all the pharma drugs they throw at children.

Tapering off the pharma drugs is best done under the supervision of the prescribing physician, who should be aware of potential hiccups and can cut the doses down incrementally. I heartily endorse your decision. You’ll likely be needing a cannabis chemovar that offers a ratio of at least 1:8 THC:CBD, up to one that’s 1:20 or higher.

It’s reassuring that you already understand the madness behind all the talk of “protecting the children” when children handle the doses better than adults, and no one gets hurt in the process.

There’s a way through this that doesn’t compromise your son’s quality of life, I’m certain of it. :hug: :green_heart:
blessings and good luck with your journey. :)

trust sweet sue. she is more versed on this than many "physicians". you know your family best, and can observe and interdict on your son's behalf faster and with more positive result than any one else.

in do not have any experience with absence disorder, but have direct experience treating adult adhd with low thc / high cannaboid canna pills. all i can tell you is it is a godsend. i have directly benefited from the therapy and my quality of life has improved drastically as a result. both my personal life has improved, and i have been promoted in my professional one as a result of the gained control through this therapy.

i strongly believe your instincts to be correct. at worst - it can do no harm.

the first point in the hippocratic oath taken by all doctors is - " first, do no harm". they could all benefit from remembering that in relation to low dose canna therapy.
Thank you for all the kind words and input everyone!!!!

I apologize for the delay, life got in the way and through a few hurdles. We have managed to overcome and are now progressing forward.

I can hope and dream that the right to medicate my son will be answered with open arms but I fear for the worst.

It is reassuring to have information and papers to back what I want to suggest. Thank you @SweetSue!!!?

I willl update this post as we progress.

Referral into a pediatric doctor in town who I shall be taking him to see. I shall gauge if she is prohibited or anti cannabis and move from that point. I may get a recommendation right away to a clinic or she may be supportive and I won't need to go that far.

Either way I am going to read the information provided.

Thank you again
Looking to find any other parents out there that have treated their child with phenobarbital for absence seizures, or any other medication and then tried to switch to CBD.

A bit of back story,
Earlier this year we noticed our son was having very weird staring spells. These would last anywhere from 6 seconds to upwards of 30 and 40. These were different then his "I am too busy to pay attention" stairs. His pupils dilate, and he is motionless. You can snap your fingers around his head, call his name and even touch him without response. When he finally "comes to" he often seems scared or has a confused look on his face.

We had first mentioned this to our GP as soon as we noticed this happening. He advised us this could just be toddler behavior and to monitor it. So we did, and went back two weeks later with data recorded to show him of the dates and lengths of episodes and what he was doing at the time. We got a referral to a neurologist.

First appointment we met, discussed what was happening and they did some checks of his vitals and I think they drew blood for testing. We were sent for a EEG, they prescribed and provided a melotonin strip and advised us of instructions to go to the appointment.

Went to the appointment took him forever to get sleepy but we finally got it done!

Next appointment we are advised that there is no concrete activity shown on the EEG, (Or ECG I am forgetful with medical terms, the one that measures brain activity) They advised that they would require a 3 day hospital stay to run the same test consistent but the doctor stated that with our son and his age this was probably near impossible. So he stated we should medicate, and if the seizures stop then we know what is happening.

Fast forward, to the follow up appointment this past summer (after we have been treating our son with phenobarbital (45mg at bedtime and 7.5 mg in the morning) We have noticed that a child who was once developing to show extreme intelligence is now slowing down, his speech he trys so hard to speak but it is not coming out correct and we can see his frustrations. He displays extreme symptoms of ADHD (a side effect of this medication), as well as goes through ups and downs with his moods (another side effect)

At the first appointment that we were advised to medicate, we mentioned CBD and our wishes to explore that path of treatment and we were looked at like we had 9 heads. We were at the time worried to push this, as he was the professional, not us. We did not want to come under fire with people accusing us of wanting to "drug our child".

Now that we tried their way and I have been noticing all these negatives over the last few months we want him off this medication.
I would like to use CBD to assist with the side effect symptoms he currently has and to aid in the weening and withdrawal YES withdrawal from this chemical they put my son on. Then at that point, I want to ween off of the CBD/THC (as i know you need minimal THC to make the CBD more effective, but hey our children can handle higher dose then adults of CBD anyway due to the recent activity from mothers breast milk and the endo canaboid system)

Absence Seizures are usually 90% outgrown with age.
The interesting thing, and I hate myself for just blindly trusting the neurologist on this one, phenobarbital is not even used to treat absence seizures but instead it can induce them. Now m y sons seizure activity ceased while on this medication with the exception of 2x when he had missed his medication due to falling asleep early and us letting him sleep through the night. That leads me to believe there is something but not absence seizures.

My main question, who here has had issues even getting a referral for your child to a cannabis clinic?

First i was told he just flat out wouldn't send the referral. Then when I stated it was our right for our son to go to a specialist she comes back with, well there are no cannabis specialists its too new...... I stated well then a medical professional who is exploring the use of CBD/THC for medicinal purposes either way he can not deny the referral to a specialist for a 2nd opinion.

I know how to do a self referral for him, but that is going to make it a long hard battle due to his age. Who else has had this battle, any input? what happened, did you succeed in legally treating with CBD/THC or?

Thank you to any who respond, this is a frustrating situation at least and just looking to rant/brainstorm and speak with others in our situation. We have not stopped and are pushing forward with the cannabis clinic. But at the same time awaiting a follow up with the neurologist regarding getting my son off this medication.
Son of a bitch! That's what those bastards put me on for my "staring spells" for several years in grade school. Majorly fucked me up too. I STILL remember how much harder everything got on those damn meds. All the tests all the bullshit. I'm really upset that they did this to me!
Then because everything got so hard the herded me to specialists at school and said I was LD and all this other bullshit. I am LIVID right now as my sicko hypochondriac mother joyously subscribed to everything these quacks said and made my life shitty for a long time. Meds, testing, specialists. Fucking bullshit. To prove nothing was EVER wrong with me, I kept a 4.0 all on my own as I worked my own way through college after I grew up. I went on to accel at ANY job I ever took and worked my way up into management in several positions over the years. I dont mean fast food either. Manufacturing, machining, etc. Not to mention a military career. I dont know what to say here. Feeling very emotional.
The reason I even found your thread is because I am looking to get my son off the meth they have him on for ADHD. All the teachers and docs were quick to put him on all that shit and I dont like what it does to him. The daily withdrawal headaches that have him in tears every evening first and foremost. Breaks my heart to see him hurt like that. Their solution? They keep upping his dose! I saw that there are many claims that cannabis can naturally treat ADHD. I aim to make CBD oil for him so I can get him off the prescription junk. Best of luck in your search to help your son.
@Scottsquatch i control adhd with mid strength thc canna pills. the idea is to micro dose. it creates a mild mental benefit while avoiding intoxication levels of thc. i use an indica with a max thc level somewhere between 12% - 14% for the base. i take 1 - 2 pills per day. i take a few days off every now and then to ensure my tolerance does not build up.
It doesn't cause a high? I cant get my kid high here in MN or they'll take him away and lock me up

it depends on what you define as high.

when i was on ritalin i knew for sure it was a drug. i had guys trying to buy my pills all the time. there are a couple different ways to soundly abuse that stuff.

i feel more like me on the canna pills. it's hard to explain. it doesn't feel so much like a drug. there is an effect tho. i really don't notice it unless i really wanna. you have to be responsible tho. if you take a handful you're gonna get real fried.
Oh, I see now where you say it doesn't intoxicate. What's in the cannapills? Is it like RSO? You have my attention.

if he's real young you can prolly get a similar benefit with high dose cbd pills without thc content. high doses of cbd can have the same effect, not as profound as thc content, but similar.
decarb the bud then cook on low heat with coconut oil or olive oil as a carrier. coconut oil seems to be a better carrier. a slow cooker or instant pot cooker usually works best.

@SweetSue has a picture tutorial thread on making the base product. i hope she chimes in.
if he's only 8 then you'll wanna stick to a cbd version. i use high dose cbd pills as well, but for a different purpose mostly. i take the two together as cbd greatly moderates the effects of thc
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