Peyton's CS Side Project

alrighty, another day another spray.

I've got my sprayer set to the finest mist it can, and try to get the future budsites the best, but I figure if the leaves absorb it it can't hurt much. I just try to get as much of all the plant I can
I have been spraying the whole plants and focusing on the bud sites:).......Hey....can someone tell me.....are we looking for balls or nanners?.......if it is nanners then i think i finally see some coming in....if not then i might be screwed:) far as spraying the whole plant it seems to take it fine.....the only issues i have is where the two plants are taller than the space and they are touching the light bar which draws 15 watts from the wall....but a couple of leaves are burnt but just a couple...other than that the two girls/boys/whatever the hell you consider them:)lol......look good:).....and they are in 2 liter hempies....i only have to water them once a week:).....i imagine the spray is helping with that other 2 liter hempies in flower have to be refilled everyday:)
It'll have all the signs of a male, nanners and all. The only difference is that the pollen will be female. Other than that, act like you're just weeding out a male i am confused because the pics of nanners i have seen have been growing out of the bud.......the males that i have dealt with in the past had balls that hung from where the pistils normally first start? i confusing myself more?:)......and am i right abotu the nanners growing out of the middle of the buds?
Hey Dr Fish...:)....when they form nanners from going too long that would turning into a hermie right?.....and if i am correct the pollen and seeds formed would carry that hermie gene?.....seems like i have heard conversations on here about that and i think that was the general memory is crap most days so that is why i ask:)lol......i let myself get confused easy with new projects:)lol
From what I know Dirty, lets take a 10-12wk sativa as an example. It flowers for 12wk & has lots of amber but we take it beyond that & on wk16 it throws out nanner. That pollen will be female & like every other pollen, it carries the genes of the plant from where it came. As it took 16wk to throw out nanners, the seeds it creates will have the same trigger built in.
If you take pollen from a plant that hermies as soon as it goes into flower, that trigger gets passed on in the genes & all seeds will produce plants that hermie straight away. :)
Gave her another spray today. Can start to see her leaves doing that ugly inverted canoe sag. I'm hoping she'll turn fast. I talked to wildjim and he said he only sprayed 4 times on his fnv. It still worked for him, but I think his health got in the way of going further. I'll keep spraying til I see something.
Awesome to hear. So we are going to be on track with the spraying, so that'll help us find some variances in the way they go on.

Just for purpose of record keeping here... My HGK clones were cut on 2 JAN 15.

My thc bomb clones cut on 27 FEB 15.

I already have the 12/12 flip date and spray dates here, so should be good to go
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