Pilots Nirvana Freebie - Znet4 LED Closet Grow

Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

Good morning all. Amelia has gone straight now. Sporting some tiny little leaves :) they are so cute when they are little, But I am glad to see them grow up :)

Day 2 Amelia:

Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

So i threw a Herbies Skunk Haze freebie in some water a few days ago, thinking my Amelia wouldn't break ground. Well, the skunk sprouted a tap root, so she is in a solo cup for now. I am out of soil so i will buy some more if she takes off. Looks like I may be growing two strains this time around.

If skunky takes off, I will probably start a new journal for her and keep these two separate.

Hope you all are having a great day.
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

subbed, read your first grow before I knew how to subscribe... newbie, thinkin bout getting a BCNL Bloombox Royal package, any thoughts?
They are cute but amazing to see when grown!
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

Day 4 update: Amelia is moving in the right direction. I noticed a couple of tiny bugs that jump in the FFOF soil. I may put some sand on top of the soil to see if that helps. Still no sign of the Skunk Haze as this is her 2nd day under soil.


Have a great day!
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

Day 4 update: Amelia is moving in the right direction. I noticed a couple of tiny bugs that jump in the FFOF soil. I may put some sand on top of the soil to see if that helps. Still no sign of the Skunk Haze as this is her 2nd day under soil.


Have a great day!

I see those also sometimes but dont know what they are. Do they look like green fleas?
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

Tokehontas, Hard to tell what color they are, they could be green. I had a few last grow and didn't have any issues but i did not see them until late in the grow. I have heard of folks putting a layer of sand down to combat these sorts of things and I have plenty of sand around here so I will likely do that.
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

So my Skunk Haze just broke the surface. Trying to come up with a name for her. Looking for suggestions.
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

MaPilot, If the bugs jump after you water them then they are Springtails. They are harmless to your plants and are common in any household soil mixture. My fox farms soil had them also. They live and thrive on moist soil so once your seedling gets a little bigger and strong let the soil almost dry completely and they will leave. You can also put sand on top and it should keep them away. After a watering get down eye level with the soil and you will most likely see like a thousand jumping like jumping beans lol...
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

Thanks Hunter, i think your right. Gonna keep an eye on them but thinking they are no big deal right now.
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

just an FYI, the 10-pack of freebies that Nirvana sends out are regular, not feminised... so just keep an eye out for balls as it grows ;)

I sent an email to Nirvana that, while I understand they were regular (and not fem) if there was any way in the future they could label WHAT STRAINS are in the freebie pack. They emailed me back that the freebies are just regulars "from their line of available strains at random" meaning you could end up with anything.

It would be nice to know WHAT STRAIN I'm growing in case I really LIKE something I know what I want to order more of in the future. oh well, I guess free is free ;)
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

I know, they gave me a list of like 5 strains my seeds came from, but i have no idea what i am growing with it. I switched to herbies as they are faster and they label their freebies :)
Re: Pilots Nirvana Freebie | Znet4 LED Closet Grow

I also ordered a seed from china. but they took too long to arrive. She loved me wrong time. :(
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