Purple Kush, 1st Grow In 38 Years


420 Member
So here is one of my three out-of-seven beans that made the cut.
CKS, Purple Kush, 4 weeks into Veg, topped and manifolded.
1st grow in many years, 1st indoor.
2x 450w LEDin a 2.5w x 3.5l x 4.5h DIY grow tent drawing 408w actual.
3 part Flora Series nutes + Calimagic, Microryza, Azomite, and vermicompost in organic Peat based soil.
Started with 7 Crop King seeds beans.
Just sharing the experience. Modified manifold, 20ish tops per plant, 1-2 weeks from flip.
Heavily defoiled, 4" tall.
6 weeks from sprout, 5" tall. Center lady is from above pic. Flipped today. Hoping for close to 1/2 lb between the 3.
Nice looking plants man. What size pots are using? I'm Keen to watch your manifolding technique as I'm thinking about it for my upcoming Gg#4's
They are 5 gallon fabric pots with the top folded down about an inch so maybe filled to 8" tall. I used a peat-based organic mix that has pearlite and micos, I added mushroom compost, Micos, and azomite, and fertilize with 3 part Flora-Series and CaliMagic.
First topping when plants had 6 nodes, topped at node 3 and stripped everything below it. Pinned the side shoots horizontally as they grew, de-foliated as-needed to allow light to all of the tops. Basic shape established.

My tent sits on one end of a big desk and is is 2.5'w x 3.5'L x 4.5' tall. Height management was a must. Purple Kush can hit almost 26% THC yield, 75%/25% Indica/Sativa strain able to reach 3-5', so I needed to control that from the start. 8" of soil depth, 6" from ceiling for max light elevation, 16" from light-to-plant leaves only 24" for finished plant height.

I'll be interested in seeing the final stretch and how it stacks through flower.

Thanks for stopping in and viewing.

2' plant height no dramas... Where's @gr865 when you need an expert at height management lol.


Man, you just got to move them where they have room to grow, I bet I rearranged the cola's at least 15 times during this last monster crop grow. That was major rearranging, along with the daily or so movement to get them their best light.
I am so ready for this next vert grow. Excited to say the least.
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