Ricky Bobby's - Soil - T5 - Sativa - SOG - First Journal

Hey bro I get u on the amber cloudy. I like to see mainly cloudy I like a kinda uppy high if I'm smokiness apposed to digesting. Amber I find tends to take things to coach lock. To many clear can end up with crazy tippy smoke if u get a super potent strain. I won't go into details because I already posted my trip before. I took a sample bud of a plant maybe two weeks early and didn't expect much so I took two bowls consecutively and fek me it was a weird head trip. Almost hallucinogenic I had flashes in my mind from childhood memories I'd all but forgotten. Little tiny things that had not crossed my mind since I was 4 or 5 year old. All good I must add. Anyway that was a very potent strain with all clear trics I like all cloudy. Between tippy and sleepy
Hey bro I get u on the amber cloudy. I like to see mainly cloudy I like a kinda uppy high if I'm smokiness apposed to digesting. Amber I find tends to take things to coach lock. To many clear can end up with crazy tippy smoke if u get a super potent strain. I won't go into details because I already posted my trip before. I took a sample bud of a plant maybe two weeks early and didn't expect much so I took two bowls consecutively and fek me it was a weird head trip. Almost hallucinogenic I had flashes in my mind from childhood memories I'd all but forgotten. Little tiny things that had not crossed my mind since I was 4 or 5 year old. All good I must add. Anyway that was a very potent strain with all clear trics I like all cloudy. Between tippy and sleepy

it's crazy what some good bud can unlock in your head. I had some back in the day like that and I would have swore it was dusted with some angel dust or something hallucinogenic, it was just like you described. But it was I think a combo of early harvest and just being way way too high lol.

Anyway yes I have found the same as you that I like mine on the clear and cloudy mix with no amber. Preferably as close to all cloudy, it's an up high but still pain relieving and functional. The stuff I let go amber was extremely pain relieving but make me so lethargeic. I would about be too lazy to get up and sleep in the bed. Just like awww this couch is the best thing ever, good night. Which don't get me wrong at the end of the night I'm still like that with cloudy trics but with amber I'm like that well before the end of the night. Like hours before my usual bed time.

Ok I have a couple pics to post of something strange. See if anyone has any ideas... Gotta get them uploaded

The one is just random pic of the stems. But the other three the plants that should be getting close to harvest time are putting out a new top on top of the bud with new single leaves like it has vertical growth again. This strain does foxtail on me when it gets mature but this is not foxtailing, it is like the main tip started growing again. I'll try to get better pics of it tonight. Had to quickly snap a few this morning .
I agree that too much amber can just nail ya too the sofa.... Defo more sedative than head high...

I do like occasionally havin a good ol smoke up... But if its too sedative, you just end up grinning n dribbling like a nutter....

Thats ok for sleepy time but not during the day....

A bit of trial and error really, on each strain....

Personally i prefer all cloudy with approx 25 % amber.... But as we grow for us, you could cut early n smoke more...

Buds are looking lovely ricky..... Only gonna fatter too....

Hope you are having a great day

Hey them buds are pretty ur right there big for foxes tails lol and I see what ur saying I'm stumped iv had it I think but not close to the end
I have been checking my timed like a mad man wandering if they were accidently getting too much light but is At 11/13. Maybe they are just goofy fox tails. If so they will be getting chopped tomorrow and a bud washing run to be documented in the journal.

Dont worry matey.... Mono does it all the time.... Bit a protein for ya....

Ive gotta husky... Im doomed :rofl::rofl::rofl::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Lol we have a great Dane and considering a German shepherd puppy now too. And two pain in the ass cats that are always trying to sneak into the gr and I'm casting them out and splashing water at them and the usual ahhhh get outta here you sob.
Thats a pony, not a dog !!!!

Only joking dude... Bloody great softies aint they ??.... Knew someone that had 5 danes... Gert lumocks the lot of em.., she was 5'1...... Lol

At least they a proper dog and not a rat thats learned to bark

Mine is a total softie, great with little man... But if push comes to shove, like when another uncontrolled dog set on him.... Within seconds, he had that little shit pinned, in the " night night" position... Not hard, but enough.... I told him too leave, immediately released and sat down.... It was the 3rd time that dog attacked him for no reason... Well known for being a wandering little shite....

It was the 3rd and last time.... Last time we saw that dog, it turned and ran...

as for cats... Mercernary bastards.... Only want food, sleep and stink ya house out.... Not a fan really
Sisters cat... Keeps doing same as yours... Go and check on the girls... Bloody cat kipping in there.... Bless her she does love the warmth

Oopps.... Dropped phone and posted....

Was gonna say, did have some gorgeous cats when married.... Just prefer dogs... Our house is 3 dogs and 1 cat... When the cat kicks off.... Doggies leg it afafp

Bet yours do too mate
BW our Dane is like a horse lol. Big ole softie though, never seen a dog that liked to cuddle so much! He squishes me on the regular thinking he is able to sit on my lap. Then he gets in the bed and puts his head on the pillows and spoons like a human. Cutest Damn thing. I def prefer the dogs to the cats too but they still are cute sometimes.

Shep I am the type of person that is not real exotic with my bud descriptions. My smoke report would be looks like weed, taste like weed, got me stoned, yep it's weed Lol but the paitients I have say it's super skunky. Its got a super strong smell after it has cured I know that.

Will get pic update tmr morning. Head is pounding at the moment.
Quick update. Chopped and washed the oldest plants. Didn't get to document the washing process but will next time. Trimmed the bottoms of each plant. That's all the trimming I'm going to do this time. Going to try a couple rounds with no defol and then a couple with defol again. Every one got fed last night. New nute line that I'll share eventually. Put 15 new seeds in soil in the veg box and brought all the "fem" seedlings from the veg box to the flower table. Will see how the fem seed theory plays out here in the next couple weeks. These guys are getting to the end of their stretch it looks like.
Congrats on the harvest ricky. :high-five:

Soon be time for smokeypoo's

Forgive me for asking, but do you get fed up with the same taste all the time ??

Or do you just love that varieties taste n hit ??

Either way my friend.... Looking awesome in there.... Its like that " evolution of man " t-shirt.... From left to right.... Babies, teenagers and ladies.

How " dirty" were the buds.... I seen quite a few growers in here do it... I am intrigued mate

Dennise does it.... Uses same panel as you... Always washed em in bath... Dunno what it is about fat buds and a shower scene tho.... Gets me hot under the collar. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Thanks brother! No worries asking, I love questions that I can answer lol I personally eat mine most of the time and smoke every now and then so it's not often enough to me to get burnt out on the strain. Too add to that the seeds that I run all seem to have different traits even though they are from the same set of female and male plant pollination . some grow very sativa looking and some grow very indica looking. Some grow fat buds, some skinny, some have more and some less trics. So I think there is still a great deal of variations in smoke attributes as well. My paitients a never displeased with quality but have mentioned one batch being different from the last so maybe that's the better answer lol.

These buds didn't seem too bad dirty but I'm sure there could have been some lingering chemicals and nute salts and scum from foliar sprays. I basically only trim fan leaves off. Any other leaves with trics stay on and go into the jars with the buds so I think it's very good for getting those leaves washed. The buds just looks so green and plump after the washing. I think they dry faster too. All in all it seems worth it. Not that much extra work in my opinion
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