High Mr. Sauga,
Cute dog in your avatar.

Ok, I snuggle in with @Smeegol and the rest.
Dutch... You just made made my day! Cookies yum Yum!
Welcome Birdie! Thanks for taking the time to join my journal. I hope I don't let you down. :)
The dog is my Lab, 5 years this month and is not happy unless he has two balls in his mouth. A big yellow one we call Spongy, and a little orange one he knows as Orange. I have no idea what he's going to do when one gets lost.

Heidi Hi peeps. You're gonna love the PE MrS she's a stinker for sure. I have overfed my girls a tad but shes taken it well enough.

Nice Bilbo, and thanks for stopping in. I love the smell of weed and of course there is no need to be stealth here anymore, so I say the stinkier the better. I have some Pungent Skunk I may do on my next grow, so ya, stink good. Awesome looking plant btw. I hope I can get mine to fill in that nice.
:hug: your lab is adorable (cuddling with him already)
I'll try to fly by as much as I can. It is the only way, since I can't grow on my own, just yet.
Well aren't you the sweetest little thing...thanks Birdie..I look forward to your birds eye view on my journey.
So it happened...my paper towel hit the dry side. I think I caught it in time...I hope. I checked it was well hydrated before beddy bye time but there was a little too much heat in the room. The heater on/off range is not that good and can jump 5-10 degrees either way of the set point.
So in the bag they went and in the future I'll still do it the same way but use the ziplock like many others do. I found out the hard way that the baggy is more of a safety buffer zone for things like what happened to me, or if you just plain forgot about keeping an eye on 'em. Lesson learned, and hopefully not an expensive one.
Welcome Magoo, page two is a good place to start. Already hit a small snag but things are still on track. I have to admit I'm a little jealous you're next to Birdie, but she always looking for a good hand to hold so I can't think of anyone better. Sit back and lets have some fun.
Right on! You planting them right In soil or are you using jiffy’s?
I'm actually using the old soil from my last grow for the seeds. Not hot but probably just enough to keep them happy for a week until up potting
Welcome Magoo, page two is a good place to start. Already hit a small snag but things are still on track. I have to admit I'm a little jealous you're next to Birdie, but she always looking for a good hand to hold so I can't think of anyone better. Sit back and lets have some fun.
Awww.. You are on stage... So you can't be next to me... But your dog is just here, by my feet:love:
It is not so much a hand to hold, more like I want everybody in the gang to be happy.

I have to say about jiffys, they contracted spidermites in my grows. Lots of them.
Morning everyone so new trick I learnt ( it's old but new to me ) is paper towel and then into ziploc bag, it works.....haha. And keeps the seed moist and warm....

When I left school and went to hospitality school on my wine sommelier course the guy running the course had about 50 odd wines and an intriguing box next to them. Inside the box were stoppered bottles 30-40 of them and every time we smelt one of these stoppered bottles there was a bottle of wine to pair the smells with which was truly amazing..

Now for newby-ish growers like me, wouldn't that be an awsome piece of kit for describing/pairing smells of canna strains.... Out of my 3 grannies I've got going 2 of them are smelly and pungent when I rub the stem its like an ammonia/skunky/cheesy smell with some floral notes maby citrus of some sort....???

My brother mentioned yesterday he's also got 2-3 grannies of the same pheno and smell which I noticed when I was last there 2 weeks ago but I wasn't paying attention...lol

He dropped his last 9 grannie seeds last week, so will see if anymore phenos come out and I'm going to be hunting a for a stud male in that group as it looks like we've found some fire....lol

Top of a merry morning to you all.......
Awww.. You are on stage... So you can't be next to me... But your dog is just here, by my feet:love:
It is not so much a hand to hold, more like I want everybody in the gang to be happy.

I have to say about jiffys, they contracted spidermites in my grows. Lots of them.
Point taken Ms Birdie and I don't think there's a person here you haven't made smile when you make a post. It's a pleasure to have you around here brightening up people's lives.
From me to you, and my dog just loves meeting new people, here's a pic of Brodie when we first got him.

And I told you he always has a ball in his mouth...

And finally, I found this in my library and decided you should have it as well :hug:
Morning everyone so new trick I learnt ( it's old but new to me ) is paper towel and then into ziploc bag, it works.....haha. And keeps the seed moist and warm....

When I left school and went to hospitality school on my wine sommelier course the guy running the course had about 50 odd wines and an intriguing box next to them. Inside the box were stoppered bottles 30-40 of them and every time we smelt one of these stoppered bottles there was a bottle of wine to pair the smells with which was truly amazing..

Now for newby-ish growers like me, wouldn't that be an awsome piece of kit for describing/pairing smells of canna strains.... Out of my 3 grannies I've got going 2 of them are smelly and pungent when I rub the stem its like an ammonia/skunky/cheesy smell with some floral notes maby citrus of some sort....???

My brother mentioned yesterday he's also got 2-3 grannies of the same pheno and smell which I noticed when I was last there 2 weeks ago but I wasn't paying attention...lol

He dropped his last 9 grannie seeds last week, so will see if anymore phenos come out and I'm going to be hunting a for a stud male in that group as it looks like we've found some fire....lol

Top of a merry morning to you all.......
Smeegs, I love the pairings idea...honestly I am no good at that. I can smell the differences and taste the differences but could never describe what it was like. If you ask me to do a smoke report on my harvest it will be something like this:
It tasted good and I got stoned. 9/10

As far as the ziplock goes, I ended up using it and it worked great. My concern was not having some air movement but I just burped it based on Derby's roasting bag method trick... and overall I decided that no air movement but moist seeds is better than air movement with dried up paper towels and dead seeds. :Namaste:
Point taken Ms Birdie and I don't think there's a person here you haven't made smile when you make a post. It's a pleasure to have you around here brightening up people's lives.
From me to you, and my dog just loves meeting new people, here's a pic of Brodie when we first got him.

And I told you he always has a ball in his mouth...

And finally, I found this in my library and decided you should have it as well :hug:
Awww that is soo sweet :) thank you
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