Sillysally's First Grow - Strawberry Blue & Blue Widow

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Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

So I'm having some issues now...
The Strawberry Blue's leaves are starting to yellow then turn brown and die. I'm not sure if this is nutrient burn? They're in a perlite FFOF mixture. HALP!

The Blue Widow seems to be doing ok, but the first set of true leaves was curling under a bit. I thought might be overwatering so I was letting it dry out a bit. Thoughts?
I am well aware that this grow is years old...but I also know if I just came across it, someone else might see it in the future, so that leads me to my comment: Ocean Forest is NOT, repeat, NOT, ideal for VEGETATIVE growth; also, it is notorious for running "hot", in other words, overfeeding plants.

I suspect you screwed WAY up like we all do our first time out the gates...and to help others avoid making this mistake, here is what you should have done...IF you insist on using Ocean Forest potting mix, it goes in a BIG pot and only in the BOTTOM THIRD!!! The top 2/3rds of the pot used should be filled with Light Warrior and a VEGETATIVE blend.

What you did was cause MAJOR stress to the seedlings, by making them start from seed into a flowering type of growth, characterized not by flower formation if the light cycle is longer, but by trying to make extra branches and not having the root system in place in such a tiny cup to support the health of thpse branches and its leaves.

These plants tried to prepare for flowering and used up all the energy available for nothing...imagine a bricklayer who is trying to build a wall out of four regular size bricks. It isn't that he couldn't have built a wall in general, or that your plant was doomed even as a seed, but rather trying to do too much too soon and with the wrong equipment. You can't pour a gallon out of a pint sized bottle, and you can't get a plant to turn out that you severely shocked and malnourished as a seedling.
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