Smokeyjoe's First Grow

Thanks L8tnightskunk, I DONT REMBER and estranged.

Well the management came through today and installed the smoke detectors in the room I have my tent in.

To my relief it was an outside contractor not a resident employee, he took one look at the tent and proceeded to screw the smoke alarm into the ceiling test it then left lol.
I have my exhaust running 24/7 so my room doesn't stink up but I thought ahead and brought my box fan into the room and cranked it to 3 which completely drowns out the sound of the exhaust so all he heard was a screaming box fan and my dog barking at him. I stacked all my clean linens on top of the tent like it was a wardrobe storage thing, towels, blankets, pillows and sheets which covered up the ducting and fan on top of the tent completely.

Here is what he saw.

All in all I feel very good about the way it went.

I was pretty pissed as I had asked my roommate to be here because I had class today, he managed to leave before me and still isn't back lol.
I got lucky and made it home 15 min before the alarm guy did
Now that's the kinda help I DON'T need ..

I am starting to think I might have to add a screen and SCROG these LST'd plants.
My oldest plant has about 3 times the height of my younger plants and I am starting to worry about spacing and light penetration.
I will have 5 plants flowering, one going to veg for mother.
If the clones I took 2 weeks back root I plan to bud them out as well in smaller containers and try to keep them very small "bud on a stick" style, just for experimental purposes really.

Thanks for reading and all the positive feedback, it really is helpful to hear from you guys! :grinjoint: :cheer:
Well so far I have 3 clones that are rooted so the bud in a cup sounds like a challenge to me!
I actually have them in 1.5l pots so they have a bit of room to grow.

Pan, thanks for the smiley on hiding the grow lol.

I have a question, I hear people say they like to wait till the plants naturally show sex or alternate branching before they flip.
I know that 12/12 from seed works I have seen the journals but what I am wondering is: Does not waiting till sex is showing (maturity) have a adverse affect on potentcy?
My girls are right around 4 weeks old and I am getting itchy to flip the lights and start the fun stuff, do you know if it has been proven to matter?
I really think it's cool that you want to wait for the plant to show maturity. I agree with this method. Most people flower before maturity because of height restrictions. I don't know of anyone who has compared methods to see results. It really is very refreshing to see someone wait to flower. Very good. +REP!
Thank you Ms.Fox and L8tnightskunk:cheer:

I plan to continue the LST until someone shows sex, they were all germ'd and planted together and the 600W MH has kept them very short and bushy so far. What can I say, I like my girls mature!
I can get the light about 6-8 inches from the tops without burning them and I have roughly 4.5 feet to play with before things get crowded up top. Lets just hope they show in the next few days. :popcorn: :ganjamon:
How do I get my grow signature to be "Smokeyjoe's First Grow" like L8nightskunks instead of the ugly script line I currently have?

When you edit your signature, write whatever you want, change it to whatever font you want, then highlight it, then click on the link button - paste the link to your grow into the box that comes up - now your signature line is linked to your grow.

like this:

Smokey Joe's First Grow

if you quote this post, you'll see what it would look like above with all the formatting and link tags... you could then copy and paste it to your sig. line too...
What can I say, I like my girls mature!

hmmm i was just about to type a couple things but then i thought about it for a second... maybe i shouldnt lol

+reps for holding back, i have always wondered if this effects potency? taste? bud size?
I haven't found a definitive answer to this question yet either.
I know yield will most likely be based on root mass so obviously an early flower would affect overall yield but no one seems to have a good answer as to whether it affects potency or taste.
I read through my Jorge Cervantes Indoor Bible before I asked here because nothing is mentioned about forcing flowering and affects on potency and taste.

If I pull a mother right now I can experiment myself with it, force flower the first crop and let mom mature on her own and use her for the second crop but I am more interested in hard scientific numbers, THC, CBD tests etc.

Just an idea and every day that they don't show sex I notice the distance between them and the light gets smaller and smaller.
Might just be easier in this situation to do that to avoid the height issues and play with Mature VS Forced.
Maybe I am just high, think I'm rambling now any comments greatly appreciated! :rollit::thanks:

BTW thank you Obx!
Ok so its official I am running out of room. I know what your thinking, all that talk about waiting till maturity... :popcorn:

Well I still plan to!!!
I moved all 5 SLH to the veg closet to let them mature another week or 2 under the CFL's.
They have 4 weeks under 600 MH at this point and are stacked like a brick shit house.

The problem is the other plant which I took in from clone at the same time I popped my seeds has hit 12 inches.
If it decides to triple up on me I am going to be hurting for space so I have decided to start flowering that strain and in a week or two when the other girls hit maturity they will go in as well, all except mommy. Here are a couple pics of the set up at this point.

Veg closet as it stands now. 1x 125w 6500k CFL w/hood 4x 23w 6500k CFL supplemental lighting on the ends and 1 big ass box fan.

The size queen...

Here's what I am looking at in the flower area.

Well what do you guys and gals think?
Is this a sound idea?
I mean of course I want 25 foot plants but until I get a chance to go outdoors with them I just don't think its wise. :grinjoint: :bongrip:

O and if you are wondering, yes the big culprit is fully mature as are the 3 little clones I have on the floor next to her.
Thanks Pan, Stony and Happie!

Ya pan the tent will be very full.
I will be flowering 5 plants in there this first time (plus the tiny clones) and adjust my methods and numbers for the second grow.
Kinda gotta see just what I can do in that space to utilize it all effectively.
If only the plant limit wasn't 15 here in Wash, gonna take a little work to get the rotation down and get a perpetual harvest but I think that's the eventual goal of all this.
Unless one of you guys or gals has an extra room they aren't using! :rollit:

Stony, I did the research online the brand I am using is "Hydrohut silver edition 3x3"(3'3"x3'3"x6'6") I think McBudz (Grow Support) is looking at a "DR240" (3'11"x7'10"x6'7") by "SecretJardin" if I am not mistaken and I know he currently uses a tent at least for flowering.
I made the final purchase at my local hydro store.
I feel better about larger purchases like that (250$) when I have someone I can go back to face to face and ask questions/ get results with any problems that arise.
None of that send me an e-mail and we will get back to you customer service bullshit.
In the end both brand of tents are good and many people have great results with them!
Just don't get stuck with a cheaper older "White inside" version of "hydrohut" or anything else they tend to have off gas issues that will kill your plants and you will still find those particular tents all over Ebay and the internet so be careful. The newer "Silver Edition" changed the inside material and off gassing is no longer an issue.
Hope that helped bud!
I have had some clones in the flower chamber for 4 days with the big Satellite. Tonight I moved one back (the best one) as I decided to make it a mother, hope the cycle switch doesn't stress it out to much. What do you ladies and gents think?
I also trimmed some of the longer skimpy growth from the bottoms of the main cola stems. I thought they would only produce popcorn buds anyway and more growth could be directed to the colas. Someone correct me if I am wrong on that.

Still no signs of maturity on the Super Lemon Haze, raised the light today and I have 3/4 that will be flowering LST'd. I will post a couple pictures later tonight or tomorrow of them and the clone I chose as a mother for the Satellite strain.

Picked up some no name purple last night and am heading to a friends house to vaporize some pretty flowers.:grinjoint:
Pictures inc! :cheer:

One of the satellite clones I took 2 weeks ago. Was in flower for 3-4 days, hope it will revert ok want to make her a mother.


This will be my super lemon haze mother.


4 for the flower tent 3/4 LST

Next generation

Veg closet, a bit crowded for the next couple weeks.

Well that's it for now wish there was more to show but right now its kinda just hurry up and wait! :thanks::rollit:
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