Smokey's Mystery Bud - First CFL/Soil Grow 2010

Hey everyone! Quick picture update ...

This is MB1, my healthiest looking girl (positive thoughts!).



And here is MC1. Looking healthy, although one of her cotyledons seems to be growing upside down. Strange, but otherwise perfect!



Now, my lone God Bud sprout (GB1) is looking like it is making progress, although it is very slow. Still in the seedling tray until it seems stable, but she is still green so all is well.

As for my seeds I have germinating, one of the mystery seeds (MB2) and the God Bud seed (GB3) have cracked as of this morning. So, I should be transplanting them to rockwool cubes after work. Still waiting on the 3rd mystery seed (MB3) to crack.

All in all, everything seems to be moving in the right direction. Send me good vibes!!
Nice little set up you have there smokey!!:bravo:

I would personally lst them b/c of the limited space that you do have. That would help you get the biggest amount of product in the end in my opinion. I love to lst, it really does double your amout of colas in the end.

Best of luck SMP...
Nice little set up you have there smokey!!:bravo:

I would personally lst them b/c of the limited space that you do have. That would help you get the biggest amount of product in the end in my opinion. I love to lst, it really does double your amout of colas in the end.

Best of luck SMP...

Thanks for the feedback L1up! I have been going back and forth in my head on this matter for days now. I have never done any sort of pruning before, but that doesn't mean I'm not scared to try!

I have been leaning toward LST a bit more lately, because of my limited height. Although, I can control height with supercropping as well.

In the back of my mind, I am almost positive I will LST and then FIM all my tops a week or so before flowering. As you said, that would seem the best way to maximize yield.

Thanks for popping in, and I hope you enjoy the ride!
Thanks Burmese, glad to have you along!

Welcome to my grow Anomoly! Yea, it is a T5HO 2' x 2 bulb, 48 total watts. Puts out 4000 lumens by itself. I am building another fixture right now that will house another 6 23w CFL's, for a total of 13,600 lumens. Should be sufficient for this grow, and I could always add more if I feel it is necessary.

Nice looks like its gonna be a nice grow to watch, the more light the merrier I believe :popcorn: I'm about to flower mine!!:) cant wait!


Experimental LED/Plasma Induction Grow
I like your setup and plants look healthy,Im going to keep an eye on this one,kinda like mine,I just pulled 2 males today so I just had to plant more seeds this morning,
but you got to start somewhere,lol...

Thanks man, and :welcome: Tough luck with the males, but that's the chance we take with seeds. Good luck with your new ones!

Nice looks like its gonna be a nice grow to watch, the more light the merrier I believe :popcorn: I'm about to flower mine!!:) cant wait!


Experimental LED/Plasma Induction Grow

Thanks bro. I believe I have checked out your journal, but I'm gona take a second look just to make sure :grinjoint:
Just a quick report from last night, and an overview of some decisions I have made for this grow.

Last night, I deemed the God Bud sprout inactive. When I removed it from the cube, there was only a sprout with a 1/4" root that was very thin. I'm sure if I had some rooting hormone I could have saved it, but oh well. But, some good news followed. Met up with a buddy who surprised me with another mystery seed. Don't know what it is, but he assured me that it was a lone seed that came in some dank nuggets. So I dropped it in some PH balanced H20 and will add it to this grow.

The other 3 seeds I had germinating all cracked and were transplanted to rockwool cubes last night. So here is a break down of where we are at.

MB1 - mystery strain; healthy sprout
MC1 - mystery strain; healthy sprout
MB2 - mystery strain; cracked seed in rockwool
MB3 - mystery strain; cracked seed in rockwool
GB3 - God Bud; cracked seed in rockwool
MP1 - new mystery strain; germinating in H20

GB1 & GB2 are deceased.

Didn't realize how much could happen in 2 weeks! So from here I am planning on LST for all strains. I'm thinking if I end up with 6 females, LST will give me the best usage of my space. I will also FIM all available tops for yield. Plus, I am in the works of constructing my 6 CFL light holder to add to my existing T5HO, for a total of 13,600 lumens. I will be using 6500K lighting for veg, and 2700K lighting for flowering. But, I also plan on keeping the 6500K lighting in for the first 2 weeks of flowering, to minimize stretch.

Well, that's all I can think of for now. More pics to come when things get a little more interesting. :bong:
Thanks for the kind words SF. You will enjoy these next pics especially!

Here's a couple shots of my 2 sprouts. First up is MB1 ...



And now for MC1. She's looking really funky, but healthy as well. I'm already guessing she's going to be indica dominant by the fat looking leaves shes got.



That last pic came out really crisp. All the pics in this journal have been taken with my cell phone cam, so the quality isn't too great.

Well, as you can see, we are about 2 weeks from seed and both of these sprouts are starting their second leaf set. Good start I'd say. Still waiting for signs of life from the 3 seeds that were transplanted to rockwool, and the one soaking in PH balanced water has not cracked yet, but I will be checking all of these when I get home from work.

Be sure to tune in again! Same bud time, same bud channel!
Nice read man will be tagging along on this one.:popcorn:

Thanks DB, glad to have you in the audience!

Just a quick report, 2 of the three seeds I had in rockwool cubes broke surface over night. They are the MB2 and MB3 mystery seeds. God Bud (GB3) has still shown me nothing, but I remain positive and hope for the best.

So, here is my current line up:

MB1 - healthy sprout
MC1 - healthy sprout
MB2 - sprout broke surface
MB3 - sprout broke surface
GB3 - no signs as of yet
MP1 - mystery seed still soaking in H20, no signs of germination

So, at this point I am at 4 mystery sprouts. I'm hoping the God Bud will pull through, but with the seeds being so old I am beginning to lose hope.

Pics will be up later of all my babies!!
:popcorn: Just checkin' in Smokey!
Too bad on the GB. I hate that. I had few not pop for me on my last batch too. One Grapegod and two LAW decided they wanted nothing to do with sprouting so i was SOL on about $30+ of seeds. Luckily the others popped and have now surrendered some good healthy clones so all is forgiven. The Ganja Gods have a funny way of working things out. ;)
:popcorn: Just checkin' in Smokey!
Too bad on the GB. I hate that. I had few not pop for me on my last batch too. One Grapegod and two LAW decided they wanted nothing to do with sprouting so i was SOL on about $30 of seeds. Luckily the others popped and have now surrendered good healthy clones so all is forgiven The Ganja Gods have a funny way of working things out. ;)

Yea it sucks a little, but it is mostly my fault for waiting 4 years to try and plant them. Luckily I did grow one when I first bought the seeds, and it was phenomenal. That's why I was looking forward to growing it again. Oh well. Plenty of other strains in the sea!

I'll be thankful for my 4 sprouts that I have and shut up! :tokin:
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