Sneaky's White Widow x Big Bud Outdoor Feminized

I grew some bag seed outdoor last summer turned to shit all hermied and ended up with fluffy seedy bud! If this one keeps going well I'll take a few cuttings saves ordering seeds again for winter and a ton of time

Ha... I had a very similar experience except I brought them indoors when they were getting to big. I got over 200 seeds from 1 plant and a clone. I am growing autos now. Will probably try growing those photos again one day in the future.

With a peg for indicating size

Covering the 450mm pot now!


And the pre flowers she's ready to flower

Getting a heap of branching too
Probably top it at 50 cm I'm thinking so a couple weeks time it's branching out really well without it ATM once I top her I'll cage it too I'm thinking get that extra support happening

Yes!!! Agree with everything you said you're doing and going to do. Hey is it reducing the amount of fingers the leaves have? Cage it up like the mendo dope boys. They do triples .

Yo stems so fat it's got stretch marks. Haha it does though a bit shedding some skin down at the base there heard it was a sign of very healthy plants because they grow faster than that very outer skin. Anyways man lovely to hear from you.
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