Spike's Grow Room

Sounds great Herbs,I'm like you none sold.This is my next bloomer a bubble gum and shes the farthest along, her twin is 2 wks.behind her, they are coming along.

Yea, the Facebook guy is being very generous now that that movie is going. I'm certainly glad he thought to send some of that generosity toward our cause. A good sign for the movement. So, my hat's off to the Facebook guy! What's his name?
One plant at a time, huh? One huge plant!? With my yield and Tommy Chong consumption, I'll have to stick to my 3-4 plant rotation.:lot-o-toke::biglaugh:
The Yummer coming up looks gorgeous!:yummy:
beautiful plants bro.. Haven't stopped in for a while, been kinda busy, but I still got the same going on. 2 plants are ready for harvest next week, so finally getting in the perpetual harvest schedule.

Oh, and my 2 wonder woman beans are finally growing. They both took a couple weeks to break soil and show leaves. I don't know why they're growing so slow, I figured good genetics would grow better than anything else I've grown. I bumped my t5 up to 24/0 for the time being until they get a little bigger. I'm hoping it will boost their growth a little. I planted them when I took my clones and 2 of my clones are almost a foot tall.
Boy K2 I hope them wonder woman come through for you,I have never had good luck with plants that come up so slow,I hope you can do it and then
let me know how.Way to go on the perpetual,I'm doing good on my p growing
have not even ran short in months.

I am so upset they turned down my insurance saying I make too much.Do
you know they don't care about any of your monthly expenses.NO BACK

Yeah!!! don't get me started on all that crap!!! that is really sucky..hope it works out for you soon
Boy K2 I hope them wonder woman come through for you,I have never had good luck with plants that come up so slow,I hope you can do it and then
let me know how.Way to go on the perpetual,I'm doing good on my p growing
have not even ran short in months.


yeah i think they're gonna be fine, it just took them a while to open, but the leaves are already starting to grow at the usual rate. I have both in the same pot though so I'm in desperate need of soil to transplant them. Otherwise they're doing well and both growing at the same rate. I'm very excited about these ones. I'm gonna top one and take clones off both. Curious to see how they bloom when they're grown straight up as well as topped. I plan on keeping this strain around for a long time.

Yeah the perpetual thing is great. I would have to wait another 2-3 months for a new batch but fortunately since i'm down to my last 1/8th I don't have to wait too long and probably won't even see a lapse. the only thing is it's bagseed so I'm going from smoking high grade kush to bagseed, but you do what you gotta do. These 4 are my last bagseeds I'm growing, then it's sticking to the good genetics.
I just saw on news the young owner of facebook has given 100 K to the
Pro effort on Prop 19.

$100,000, huh? That's great. Seriously - I'm glad that he did.

But let's put that into proper perspective, shall we? His net worth is ~6.9 BILLION dollars. So he just donated 0.0014493% of it.

Now... I'm not worth much - in financial terms, lol. And I owe enough on my house (the only thing that I "own" that could realistically be sold for more than $250) that if I have to sell it, I'll not only not make any money... I'll still owe on it. But taking the amount that it was appraised for (not by any stretch of the imagination what it would sell for in this economic market and in this location) and subtracting what I actually owe on it, I have a "theoretical worth" (not really, but just to pretend that I have SOME monetary pile) of just about $24,000.

If I give 0.0014493% of that $24,000 to a cause that I believe in, I'll be giving approximately 35 CENTS.

I gave some bum 50 cents so he could ride the bus last week.

I'm just sayin'...

BtW, your grow continues to look great! And you might ask your Mom's BF just HtH he figures that an alien species could cross many light-years of space (the few stars that are close - in astronomical terms - to us do not seem to have planets of the type that would be at all likely to support life) without having the technological capability to punch our tickets in a heartbeat if they so desired? I jokingly mentioned kinetic bombardments in another thread yesterday. But... Given the motive power required to cross interstellar distances and the ability to negate or at least significantly compensate for gravity - accelerating to anything approaching c in a reasonable amount of time would REQUIRE that - even I could whip up a perfectly viable plan for grabbing a chunk of rock that would make the dinosaur-killer look like a cue ball and dropping said rock pretty much anywhere on the planet I cared to. And I'm just a (slightly) crispy underachiever, lol. WtF... I'm going to guess that any aliens who made it this far would be slightly more capable than I am. Furthermore, I'm also guessing that they would be highly likely to either: Look around, shake what passes for their head, and leave; take whatever they wanted - possibly without even bothering to determine if we meet what they would consider to be the requirements for sentience; send some poor alien SoB down here to straighten us out in no uncertain terms; post an alien equivalent to a WARNING: Dangerous & Noxious Insects Ahead sign so that no other travelers were likely to land on the planet unsuspectingly; set up a nice uncrossable "line" around our solar system (if not Terra itself) so that they could wait and see if we somehow against what must by now be STAGGERING odds grew into what might possibly one day be a worthy neighbor while making sure that we could not get out of our cage until and unless that happened; or just turn our lights off now on the basis that we are a fragmentary and warlike people of unstable makeup who's greatest accomplishments have apparently been to find new and creative ways to kill EACH OTHER.

<SHRUGS> So I'm guessing that if they ever did visit us, they were lost at the time and left just as soon as they could. BtW... Did I mention that your grow is going well?:)

EDIT: Or they might, just possibly, have already moved in and gotten hopelessly addicted to soap operas, "reality" television, and professional "wrestling". In which case, the universe in general is in even worse shape than our local neighborhood is.
well K2 I am glad your not going to run out at least----------------

TorturedSoul you are right about his wealth and if he truly wanted to help
he could have gave a lot more.Thx for the kindness on my plants,they are coming along.very nice to have you come by,THX BRO.
$100,000, huh? That's great. Seriously - I'm glad that he did.

But let's put that into proper perspective, shall we? His net worth is ~6.9 BILLION dollars. So he just donated 0.0014493% of it.

Now... I'm not worth much - in financial terms, lol. And I owe enough on my house (the only thing that I "own" that could realistically be sold for more than $250) that if I have to sell it, I'll not only not make any money... I'll still owe on it. But taking the amount that it was appraised for (not by any stretch of the imagination what it would sell for in this economic market and in this location) and subtracting what I actually owe on it, I have a "theoretical worth" (not really, but just to pretend that I have SOME monetary pile) of just about $24,000.

If I give 0.0014493% of that $24,000 to a cause that I believe in, I'll be giving approximately 35 CENTS.

I gave some bum 50 cents so he could ride the bus last week.

I'm just sayin'...

BtW, your grow continues to look great! And you might ask your Mom's BF just HtH he figures that an alien species could cross many light-years of space (the few stars that are close - in astronomical terms - to us do not seem to have planets of the type that would be at all likely to support life) without having the technological capability to punch our tickets in a heartbeat if they so desired? I jokingly mentioned kinetic bombardments in another thread yesterday. But... Given the motive power required to cross interstellar distances and the ability to negate or at least significantly compensate for gravity - accelerating to anything approaching c in a reasonable amount of time would REQUIRE that - even I could whip up a perfectly viable plan for grabbing a chunk of rock that would make the dinosaur-killer look like a cue ball and dropping said rock pretty much anywhere on the planet I cared to. And I'm just a (slightly) crispy underachiever, lol. WtF... I'm going to guess that any aliens who made it this far would be slightly more capable than I am. Furthermore, I'm also guessing that they would be highly likely to either: Look around, shake what passes for their head, and leave; take whatever they wanted - possibly without even bothering to determine if we meet what they would consider to be the requirements for sentience; send some poor alien SoB down here to straighten us out in no uncertain terms; post an alien equivalent to a WARNING: Dangerous & Noxious Insects Ahead sign so that no other travelers were likely to land on the planet unsuspectingly; set up a nice uncrossable "line" around our solar system (if not Terra itself) so that they could wait and see if we somehow against what must by now be STAGGERING odds grew into what might possibly one day be a worthy neighbor while making sure that we could not get out of our cage until and unless that happened; or just turn our lights off now on the basis that we are a fragmentary and warlike people of unstable makeup who's greatest accomplishments have apparently been to find new and creative ways to kill EACH OTHER.

<SHRUGS> So I'm guessing that if they ever did visit us, they were lost at the time and left just as soon as they could. BtW... Did I mention that your grow is going well?:)

EDIT: Or they might, just possibly, have already moved in and gotten hopelessly addicted to soap operas, "reality" television, and professional "wrestling". In which case, the universe in general is in even worse shape than our local neighborhood is.
tortured I just read this again in a better attitude and man this shit is funny and Thx for the kind words on my plant.You should have been a writer TS and Thank-you bro.
Once in a while I manage to forget what a fierce mood I'm in and post a rant. Later, I'll feel kind of bad about it. Then I'll reread it, and feel a little guilty for laughing. Then I notice that someone else got a laugh... And it's cool.:ganjamon:

tortured I just read this again in a better attitude and man this shit is funny and Thx for the kind words on my plant.You should have been a writer TS and Thank-you bro.

Unfortunately, editors and publishers do not seem to share either your opinion OR your level of intellect and ability to walk upright, lol.

But thank you for the thought.
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