Spike's Grow Room

yeah i see everywhere in the reviews that Nirvana takes care of its customers, thats why we keep going back there
Yaa they are great,and I like attitude,AMS,Dope seeds.com,Nirvana are the 4
so far.:peacetwo:
Great news,the newspaper wants to wait till feb.1st to just start the story
as they want to devote 1 reporter full time for the story and it will be very
in-depth,I am going to shout till the seas part.:peacetwo:
:bravo: You are a true cannabis warrior, Spike! Fighting for your Bro, cannabis, freedom, and justice. It's great your local paper is giving you such a sounding board. With this publicity, things should lean your way. If you're not around the site much next month, we'll understand. :goodluck:

:blunt:Congrats on your new sprouts! Dirt clone and outdoor are looking NICE!
Keep fighting the good fight. We're behind you!:peacetwo:
Thanks Tricome,I am not backed down by no,or maybe I will put forth
an effort,how ever long it takes and fate has put me in a place to
see the and notice the wrongs near and dear to me in my own life.
Now it has got me angered a little but even more so,it has given
me the will and attitude I will need to take this to the next level.
wht. widow.fem.
nice bro, our widows are going to be so close together. Mine cracked yesterday and this morning are starting to show some root.. I'm hoping by the time I get home they are ready to be dropped in soil, so they will only be a few days behind yours.

Man, the wonder woman is seriously becoming one of my favorite strains to grow. I put the KB in bloom a few days before the woman went in, and as of now, the top cola on the wonder woman is about the size of the KB buds I have yet to harvest (its in its last week). The woman still has another month to go, so this is going to be a good ride I can already tell. No signs at all of burn and both plants haven't lost a fan leaf yet. I didn't nute them too heavily in veg, but in bloom I've been giving them tiger bloom at full strength once or twice a week, and its loving it.

Can't wait to smoke it and see how well it does. The trich development is really kicking in now too and they're getting really frosty. I definitely think it's a strain you wanna try out in the future since you like the widows (wonder woman is a cross of widows mom and a fast blooming high producing male to help it bulk and shorten bloom time.)
Well K2 now I want to try the wonder woman.Right now I'm doing a lot of studying,cause sooner or later I want to go to court for the right for 3 people
1 terminal to smoke the herb,whether this state has it or not.On the basis if these folks can't get the relief from this plant,and I will document them with
relief and without and then I want to hold the state responsible for undo
stress that they need not go through.:surf:
sounds like a good plan bro, they can't do anything when the facts are put right in their face. My girl is going to law school, so I'm banking on that being my biggest resource when it comes to getting more actively involved in legalization. Ideally though, if my state doesn't put something in the books, we'll move elsewhere to a place that recognizes the benefits. I don't really feel passionate about anything else so I know this is what I want to do with my life. I see how harmless it is, and how destructive the current laws are, and just makes no sense to hear people say how America is the land of the free, yet we can't even grow a harmless plant to make ourselves feel better. Even when there are laws, people are still being locked up for abiding by the laws. It's just really upsetting and I want to do something about it,
Spike!! I will be reading the story and I can't wait. Are you posting links too it???I am sorry to hear about your news. You would think any Doctor that cared about their patient would honestly say off the record even that less methadone and more smoking is a great idea. The pill companies if you ask me pretty much rule USA..Those big dollars.. I really hope it all gets better. Like everyone says.. FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! We are far off from the fight in our area.But trust me, we will be fighting when that time is near.. I have watched my best friend and love , warrior, go through hell and hurt over his parents. It is all a bunch of bull. We would love if his dad could smoke instead of all the damn pills. and like he said, his mother would still be here too... it is all just whack!! I have some issues myself that aren't deadly by any means, but cause many complications.lots of pain, in and out of ER.surgery is needed(but ya know, no insurance)..my last ER visit I was slapped on the butt and sent home with a vic script(which I didn't even take,,lol) Smoking does the trick for me..I am thinking of you and your family.. Much luck.. much love.
Hi Stari,yes you will know of all the action,I want to see the reaction of people as they tell a dieing man he cannot recieve comfort from this natural
plant.That he still won't sleep as good or his appetite will not get better.
You know to me this is really a common sense thing,ya know.More
I talk of it the madder I get.
Talked to michigan lawyers and can't help unless we 3 move to michigan.
They don't think I can start a lawsuit here until mn. has mmj.So now its
back to just getting a dieing mans story out,that the relief he could get from medical pot he can't have.Its totally sad and makes no common sense,now I'm getting pissed again.I also e-mailed Willie Nelson he could and would help me get this story out.:peacetwo:

got the mn. Independent interested but I have been down this road before,doors slammen and I don't care,I go on!
Talked to michigan lawyers and can't help unless we 3 move to michigan.
They don't think I can start a lawsuit here until mn. has mmj.So now its
back to just getting a dieing mans story out,that the relief he could get from medical pot he can't have.Its totally sad and makes no common sense,now I'm getting pissed again.I also e-mailed Willie Nelson he could and would help me get this story out.:peacetwo:

got the mn. Independent interested but I have been down this road before,doors slammen and I don't care,I go on!

Hi all,hope every 1 had great holidays,I got a bottle of Tiger Bloom from a friend and he told me he got it at a store in Faribault Mn.Never knew they had a hydro and soil growing store there.Indoor gardening is the place and really Indoor is the only way we can grow here as its,20 BELOW 0 half the time.
whats good spike? good to see you're still moving forward. I have some super lemon haze beans on the way that are gonna be dropped the second I get them. Real exciting time for my garden.

got this wonder woman really starting to get fat on me.

cant wait to roll some of this up and :tokin:
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