Subliminal's First Grow Ever

i have not ventured there nefore but emilya or angrybird would be ideal candidates to help there. Both so knowledgeable around organic and even diy nutes. seems you have some knowledge and possible feedback for us after all ?. I have toyed with the idea of home nutes and super soils from veg and waste but only eve a nice idea. busy at home dad of 3 girls so time to compost and mix would be impossible without having to keep digging my kids back up !!!. lol
Edit. I'm noticing that she is starting to show what looks like long pistil growth or am I crazy? I didn't even think about a bag seed being an auto. What are the chances?
I think she's telling you she's ready for flip. It's showing her sex so not really pistils yet. I could be wrong as it's close up but autos don't produce seeds since they are females. I guess if it hermied but I don't know too much about hermie autos if they actually even do!
Huh, so just reading around and this just popped up. You can make an auto seed with collodial silver.
Creating Auto seeds with colloidal silver

And from doing a little more digging I did read one post say that you can get male Autos, or at least he thought. How am I gonna sleep not knowing now?
I’m subbed up and following along sub! What’s up my man I’ll spark this blunt and see what trouble I can get into around here!

Looking great so far with the training and keeping them happy. A bagseed could be an auto but do you have more pictures? A few more picture might help of a few tops
@MrSauga I'm not seeing any hermie stuff happening? I just see female pistils wrapping a bit on the new growth of every bud. I just tea soaked her, and I'm reluctant to mess with her much until she adjusts to the "alt" flush I just gave her. I will pull her tomorrow for pics in favorable light and distance.

@Dutchman1990 and all of you watching this thread thank you, and I will post more pics. That particular plant I have topped and trained, you can look back through my thread at the semi-minifolded three node plant I have in the yellow pot

Edit: this plant has shown significant signs of potassium deficiency over the past week. I flushed and waited, then added a high K mix... no avail. I flushed again two days ago and I decided to try an organic solution today. I want to add that this has been my favorite girl, short and stout from hatching till now. I trained her and tied her and watered her just like the others....which was my mistake. No plant is just like the others. I'm gonna be bummed if I lose her, even if she is an auto lol.
@MrSauga I'm not seeing any hermie stuff happening? I just see female pistils wrapping a bit on the new growth of every bud. I just tea soaked her, and I'm reluctant to mess with her much until she adjusts to the "alt" flush I just gave her. I will pull her tomorrow for pics in favorable light and distance.
Ya sorry I wasn't saying yours was, I was wondering if autos actually did since they have a short veg period.
I don't know the answer to that. I have seen myself as more of a photo guy and haven't done as much research in the auto direction. @MrSauga do those look like buddlings to you in that last pic I posted?
I am in soil. My ph that I am watering at is 6.2. The run off measures between 6.1 and 6.6...depending. I am generalizing now because I am attempting to run different feeds for each plant based on what I am observing. PH never seems to exceed 6.5 or lower than 6.1 in any of the 7 plants. I am using filtered tap warter for feeding and my nutes are basic. I am low budget here for another few months. I'd rather attempt to go natural than go miracle grow, if you know what I mean?

as a side note, I am pretty smart and have a memory for books and reading like you wouldn't believe. Through my reading and absorption, I can diagnose other peoples problems more easily then I can self-diagnose. When I get involved in my own stuff, I tend to over-think.
Next time I up-pot I plan on adding banana peels to wrap the root ball. I have read amazing things from tomato growers with this method. I am sure some of our organic growers can chime in when I do it.
What's in the soil? Is it a potting mix or the soil where you found the plants? Your pH isn't that bad but you can probably go more to the 6.5 side to get the P, Ca, and Mg if it's true soil. I think you have a Calcium Magnesium issue. Do you have any Calmag?
I don't know the answer to that. I have seen myself as more of a photo guy and haven't done as much research in the auto direction. @MrSauga do those look like buddlings to you in that last pic I posted?
I tried finding what light schedule you have them on?
Can you take more pics not so close? It's hard to tell with that shot.
I do not have any calmag, but I have a tab on amazon right now with it open. That was my next step...stop reading my mind. The tea I made today was eggshell and the calcium part of the equation hopefully has been short time remedied. If you read back, I am sort of fund insufficient in the short term here and I'm trying to re-purpose until I have this loan payed off, which will be soon! I think I'm doing the best I can for the moment, but I hope to have better ways to address my problems in a month or two.
I tried finding what light schedule you have them on?
Can you take more pics not so close? It's hard to tell with that shot.
The plants in veg are 24/0 under a 250 hps. I have a few lower wattage CFL's on the side to supplement. New pics coming tomorrow. I only took that pic so close as to show off what I think are buddlings.
I do not have any calmag, but I have a tab on amazon right now with it open. That was my next step...stop reading my mind. The tea I made today was eggshell and the calcium part of the equation hopefully has been short time remedied.
Well eggshells are a slow release and probably will have no effect, even in tea form. It wont hurt but it will need a faster acting component to get you going. Do a search on liquid calcium alternatives to Calmag and see what comes up.

If you read back, I am sort of fund insufficient in the short term here and I'm trying to re-purpose until I have this loan payed off, which will be soon! I think I'm doing the best I can for the moment, but I hope to have better ways to address my problems in a month or two.
We work with what we have and I totally respect that. Don't sell yourself short. You have done a great job.
The plants in veg are 24/0 under a 250 hps.
They are bagseed correct? So you have no idea what strain they are or type (photo or auto). Are you vegging them to be clones? I think they should have a rest period to be honest. Autos can take a 24/0 but if they are photos they like to sleep. 18/6 in that case.
Well eggshells are a slow release and probably will have no effect, even in tea form. It wont hurt but it will need a faster acting component to get you going. Do a search on liquid calcium alternatives to Calmag and see what comes up.

We work with what we have and I totally respect that. Don't sell yourself short. You have done a great job.
The funny thing is, my first plants that are now in flower, which I will post pics of in about 90 mins when their 12/12 is up, I had zero issues. None. I just started having issues with this one last week, and I have changed nothing. I spend more time looking online than I care to admit. I boiled the eggshells for about 3 hours today..added the banana peels in the last hour and man, what I got was murky as hell after I strained it etc. If I was a plant, it looked dank AF. lol Cross your fingers, and I'll keep you all in the loop. Check back for the flowering pics from the Yard Girls.. They are stretching like I wouldn't believe.
They are bagseed correct? So you have no idea what strain they are or type (photo or auto). Are you vegging them to be clones? I think they should have a rest period to be honest. Autos can take a 24/0 but if they are photos they like to sleep. 18/6 in that case.
Brother, I have found that from this bag I have like 8 different strains. It was all good stuff at the point of ignition though..I'm just not a critic until they start to grow.
Subbed also. Cheers. Down to Earth organics has Oyster Shell- for calcium. Among other products.

as a side note, I am pretty smart and have a memory for books and reading like you wouldn't believe. Through my reading and absorption, I can diagnose other peoples problems more easily then I can self-diagnose. When I get involved in my own stuff, I tend to over-think.

Over-thinking is a double edged sword I had to swallow as recently as yesterday. I recently went organic, started making teas, mixing organic ferts with my coco. All good things. I even went as far as giving people advice on their seedlings but failed to heed my own advice about seedlings not needing any nutrients for 14 days. My soil mixture was burning the poor little things even at a very diluted rate. But as I used this site to express my frustration with seedlings @InTheShed set me back to basics. I was too focused on every fucking thing else I forgot the basics. Slaps self and moves on. Cheers, happy to learn with you!
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