Subliminal's First Grow Ever

I hate posting 1 day pics, but you know when you hit that point where shit starts going nuts? I am there. They are going crazy... god I love it. IMG_2319.JPG


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And the rest...

Hope you enjoy half as much as I do. I like this reverse light cycle I am on, it gives me something to look forward to at 9pm-ish. They look flawless to me considering I am make-shifting half of this.

Edit: obligatory pic of Bowie jumping in the closet as soon as it gets opened.


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Subbed also. Cheers. Down to Earth organics has Oyster Shell- for calcium. Among other products.

Over-thinking is a double edged sword I had to swallow as recently as yesterday. I recently went organic, started making teas, mixing organic ferts with my coco. All good things. I even went as far as giving people advice on their seedlings but failed to heed my own advice about seedlings not needing any nutrients for 14 days. My soil mixture was burning the poor little things even at a very diluted rate. But as I used this site to express my frustration with seedlings @InTheShed set me back to basics. I was too focused on every fucking thing else I forgot the basics. Slaps self and moves on. Cheers, happy to learn with you!

Gotta say, @InTheShed is quality material. I love reading his grows and his advice. Glad you listened and got what you needed
@High Wally I think it's a big part of why my Veg plants are going through so much shit now. Not all of them, but the bigger ones. I have over thought them, watered them according to other plants needs etc. I am going to try and take a step back and just treat them as I see them individually, like I did with the plants in flower now....and see where they go.
Thanks sub! I try to help wherever I can, and sometimes pull a grower back from the edge :).

Plants look good and pretty stretchy, at least on my phone!
Thanks brother! They look better in person lol :) Look back at my first posts, these have come a long way!
I hate posting 1 day pics, but you know when you hit that point where shit starts going nuts? I am there. They are going crazy... god I love it.IMG_2319.JPG
hehehe i feel you there. Be proud and enjoy what you post. never too many pics. i am just the same. i worry about overdoing it on another thread shared with critical growers but jave to show how amazing they are. Also we understand it isnt an overconfident issue but it is rhe excitement of each and every grow. You are doing amazing and bookworm or not , it shows in your responses and posts. fingers crossed for a great yield and smoke
Is there a question? MrSauga is giving you great advice. Plants look happy if stretchy (I'm assuming they're heavily sativa). And that's the bluest HPS bulb I've ever seen!
I have a little restaurant here in town and they are the replacement HPS for my soffit lighting around the building. 250W. I liked their hue too, but they are not intended as grow lights I am confident of.
So are the rest of us...;)

It's probably great for veg but way too cool for flower. Looks like it's 6500K easy and flower would be 2700-3000K. HPS bulbs are really cheap. Craigslist has them too. Do you plants a favor as long as you're working so hard on the training!
sound advice here. HPS is relatively cheap to buy and rhe running costs are way lower than the value they give in flowering. without her needed light range , she will become straggly and produce very small buds . Any money soent is a HUGE benefit to your goal.
So are the rest of us...;)

It's probably great for veg but way too cool for flower. Looks like it's 6500K easy and flower would be 2700-3000K. HPS bulbs are really cheap. Craigslist has them too. Do you plants a favor as long as you're working so hard on the training!
heehee shed. have to hold back from posting daily in it. lol
I've got a 600W COB light coming this week. Plan on moving the light in this closet to the Veg closet when it does so I can replace a few of the CFL's I have in there.

Here's a few pics of the YG's. They stretched about 4 inches since my last update and are looking good. I picked up some worm castings for their next feeding tomorrow.


Cheers guys and thanks for all the input and help!
@fanleaf This isn't a super popular thread, but once I get some new lights in here I think the plants will perform a bit better. But these are healthy happy plants and doing the best they can :)

My two day update pics are coming in a few minutes.. the cat has to quit sniffing and I can actually take a couple pics :)
Ok, so I marked on the wall with little black tape when I posted my last update. That's what I am pointing at in the first pic there..after Bowie(kitty). They have stretched significantly in even the single day after I added the worm castings. Things are looking solid and I can't wait to get a better flowering light.




I'm almost 3 week into flower and I think it's looking pretty good. Looking to defoliate in another 2 weeks or so. Starting to bush a bit and I'd like to get those lower areas in a bit more light.

Thanks everybody for watching and helping!
i wouldn't take too many fans off that plant if I were you. It's pretty thin in the foliage department as it is. If you have some lower budsites getting shaded, tuck the adjoining fan underneath it.
Not planning on doing too much, but nothing is coming off for another couple weeks.
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