Sukafr33's Third Indoor Soil Grow

Soooo i just got done transplanting all the plants and guess what?? i had just enough soil, im talkin down to the last grain, im soo f'in happy rite now i got that done, now its smooth rollin from here, and i bet they even start lookin better now that i got that done..
Soooo i just got done transplanting all the plants and guess what?? i had just enough soil, im talkin down to the last grain, im soo f'in happy rite now i got that done, now its smooth rollin from here, and i bet they even start lookin better now that i got that done..

That is great news!
sooo i got a couple pics of my little transplant ordeal lol ...
my 1/4 bag of soil..

before i started..

after im done..

and them in the cab..


and after watering im finally done and relaxin and smokin a bowl !!!! :tokin:
sooo i got a couple pics of my little transplant ordeal lol ...
my 1/4 bag of soil..

before i started..

after im done..

and them in the cab..


and after watering im finally done and relaxin and smokin a bowl !!!! :tokin:

They look GREAT! :welldone:
Glad you got enough for the transplant. I have reuse soil before and found that the reused soil has increased pest living in it, so by the second grow they moved up to the plants. There are proper ways to recycle soil to so your new batch does not suffer deficiency. If you want to save cash on grow medium go with hydroton and switch to hydro, you can reuse that stuff every grows.
thanks guys, they really turned out great, i was soo damn happy when i got done, im sure everybody feels the same way about transplanting, its a pain in the ass, well for the ones that use soil..eventually i'll switch to hydro when i get a job and im able to buy things to put together, because if im gonna do it i wanna do it rite and not half ass and cheap.. I was pretty cheap on the cab i got now but it still turned out damn good, i think i might have spent $150 all together, im not sure though, cant really remember due to my memory bein shot from smokin weed practically all my life lol, oh well shit happens.. I also have a question, do you guys think it was stupid to give them a dose of sugar daddy and root 66 to get their roots growin better and to help the stress from transplanting, do you think that was ok to do?? instead of just givin ph'ed water like i was suppose to on my feeding routine, considering my last watering was a feeding, do you think it might have been to much?? it said to do this on the website, but i wasn't really sure since i just fed them yesterday, it also said to give it to them 2 days in a row and then return to your feeding routine, i dont know, like i said let me know what you guys think, thanks... :thanks: :tokin: :thumb: :yahoo:
if you put reflectors on your lights you will waist less light. using cfl they should be on for 24 hours a day while vegging. when i veg i use mh lights for 24 hours for 2 weeks straight and because im limited on my height i only veg for 2 weeks. when the cycle gets put on to a 12/12 you see the biggest gains anyway. the plant should almost triple in size within 4 weeks of being put into flower. also the farther the lights are away from the tops the plants will try and stretch to them so lower the lights if you can and just raise them as necessary. if you can put the back of your hand on the bulb ( cause they give off lil to no heat)... the bulbs should almost be touching the top. great job btw and keep trying. great journals
i dont need any reflectors, all my walls in my cab are already covered in reflective shit, and the way my cab is built the lights can only be but so close, usaully they are about 3 inches away from the tops, and yes some people go straight for 12/12 due to space but i wanna make sure they are completely healthy before i start them, plus i just got done transplanting so i know their stressed alittle bit so i wanna wait untill their ok from that then i do plan on startin them in 12/12 before they start gettin too big, but yea i dont plan on veggin that much longer anyway, plus i still have about another 20 inches of space anyway, so im ok for now.. Also thanks for joinin in, the more the merrier!!! :tokin:
Sukafr33, your plants look very healty and happy as well. It looks like you do very well with what you have. I agree to let them recover a little after the transplant before switching them to 12/12.

I'm subbed for the rest of your grow. :goodjob:
Hey there Sukafr33, I see our friends above have already given you some good, sound, advice about those questions you asked and such, and I think you made the right decisions already, and know what you can do in your cab and what you can't do. I'm just glad you got them into a bit bigger pots, but I see they are still on the small side, unless the scale is way off and I just can't tell for sure...but about using the soil from your male plants...I would NEVER EVER do that! I had the worst experience with the few males I ended up with, thought about keeping them so I could use the little bit of edible stuff into "medibles"....but instead I infected my pretty, and gorgeous girls with pollen I believe from the males I was trying to keep in another room, only 25 feet from the grow chamber...I imagine that a lot of male pollen will have got down into the soil after dropping down onto it, then when it gets kicked up somehow, you have infected females and could lose your whole crop like I did! I say it's better to wait on the money for a bag of fresh FFOF.....I got the smaller one, and when mixed almost 50/50 with perlite, it makes a great medium! And the small bag only cost me about $7.50 at my local nursery.....I had enough to do a dozen plants in 3 gallon pots, with a 1/4th bag left over! Go with the fresh when ever you can.... And they look great otherwise! Congratulations!:yahoo::peace::morenutes::goodluck:
thanks guys, but also what do you guys think about me givin them a dose of sugar daddy and a dose of root 66 last night after transplanting, even though they were suposed to be watered, also technaflora's website said it was good to do this after transplanting, they seem to look fine, but they also look like their deprived of something, i kinda wanna get this grow over with so i can start over since i got alittle more knowledge and also know better techniques but im still hopin and prayin these turn out good, i also need to figure out exactly how old they are, that way i can start plannin 12/12 these next couple weeks, also thinkin about fimmin a top or 2 since im gonna give them a couple more weeks.. Let me know what you guys think about these two situations please.. :tokin:
thanks guys, but also what do you guys think about me givin them a dose of sugar daddy and a dose of root 66 last night after transplanting, even though they were suposed to be watered, also technaflora's website said it was good to do this after transplanting, they seem to look fine, but they also look like their deprived of something, i kinda wanna get this grow over with so i can start over since i got alittle more knowledge and also know better techniques but im still hopin and prayin these turn out good, i also need to figure out exactly how old they are, that way i can start plannin 12/12 these next couple weeks, also thinkin about fimmin a top or 2 since im gonna give them a couple more weeks.. Let me know what you guys think about these two situations please.. :tokin:

I wish I could give you some advice on them products, but I have no experience with them.

As far as topping or FIM I would do it as soon as possible if you are going to do it so they have some time to recover from that. I believe GoldenGoose said he likes to wait 4 weeks after a topping before flipping them to 12/12 I waited a little over 2 weeks after topping to flip, and they seem to be doing fine.
I agree with HMG, you would probably benefit from a good 2 week recovery after topping, or FIMming. As for the nutreints, you may want to read up as much as possible about each product, and how it works, and base your decision on those findings....Look for info about how other people like to use them and so on. Usually, there is a recomended use, and schedule for each product. Sometimes, we buy a product thinking "This looks cool, sounds like it does what I want plants to do...."
But in reality, a lot of what is sold is really only useful, or beneficial if used a certain way, or in conjunction with other products from that company, ya know what I mean? Gotta do yer homework buddy! Good luck though.
Oh, and dont even think about starting over man, have patients! You can bring those girls full cycle with good results, they're FINE!!:rollit:
I know your plants been through alot bro, but they don't even look like they have in the last pics. They're looking nice and healthy, since you got everything tuned in right. As faras giving them the root 66 and sugardaddy, i think your fine bro. From what I've seen online and other grows a lot of ppl use the root 66 right after transplant to reduce the transplanting stress your plant goes through. And I've also seen other growers use sugardaddy, which is the same as giving molasses,throughout their whole grow too. All in all your plants are looking real nice bro
I agree with HMG, you would probably benefit from a good 2 week recovery after topping, or FIMming. As for the nutreints, you may want to read up as much as possible about each product, and how it works, and base your decision on those findings....Look for info about how other people like to use them and so on. Usually, there is a recomended use, and schedule for each product. Sometimes, we buy a product thinking "This looks cool, sounds like it does what I want plants to do...."
But in reality, a lot of what is sold is really only useful, or beneficial if used a certain way, or in conjunction with other products from that company, ya know what I mean? Gotta do yer homework buddy! Good luck though.
Oh, and dont even think about starting over man, have patients! You can bring those girls full cycle with good results, they're FINE!!:rollit:

yea they say its best to use the tiger bloom with another nutrient in the same line, i actaully baught when i knew absolutely nothin about growin, like you said, i baught it cause everybody said it was a good product and it did good things, no knowin at all how to use it, but hey like i said i'll just stick it with the collection of all the other bottles i have..also thanks for the help man, its highly appreciated, thanks.. :thumb: :tokin:
I know your plants been through alot bro, but they don't even look like they have in the last pics. They're looking nice and healthy, since you got everything tuned in right. As faras giving them the root 66 and sugardaddy, i think your fine bro. From what I've seen online and other grows a lot of ppl use the root 66 right after transplant to reduce the transplanting stress your plant goes through. And I've also seen other growers use sugardaddy, which is the same as giving molasses,throughout their whole grow too. All in all your plants are looking real nice bro

cool thanks man, i think after i get them on a steady feeding and ph'ed at the rite spot i think their gonna turn out nice, just gotta give them about a week or two and and i bet im gonna run outta space, its gonna look like one big bush in there, just aslong as its all buds on top im cool with that, and again fingers are definitely crossed, i think im gonna give them 2 more weeks or so depending on how they look to go ahead and put them in 12/12, because they are definitely turnin theirselfs around!!! :yahoo: and also thanks to you guys for the help, thank you!!! :thanks:
so last night i was checkin them to see if they needed water or if they were ok, and they were ok, so i plan on waterin them after my daughter goes home, cause like i said i dont like doin this shit around her, but when i did check them last night i checked the holes in the bottom of the pots and already the root tips are startin to poke out, i bet it was that root 66, i dont care what anybody says, the TechnaFlora line is damn good!!! hasn't let me down yet!!!!
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