Sweet Seeds Are Back With Yet Another Delicious Promo For Team Vault

Hi again ;)

Just a quick note about the name of the strain, as our version is Afgani without the "h". Tried to PM George but seems like I don't have permission to use the private message system yet, so just leaving the quick note here. I know that it's probably to late to change it now, but maybe for a future occasion :)

Sweet smokes!

Hi Tommy,

so Sorry about the typo buddy, noted for future!

We have a total of 40 Sweet Afghani Delicious F1 Fast Version to be won!

To enter here just comment below!

If you are looking to make a purchase at The Vault you can use discount code VAULT15 for a 15% discount on your Cannabis Seeds.
Yet another great giveaway !! Count me in ... I mean how can anyone say no ? It simply just can’t be resisted ! Thank you again for yet ANOTHER great giveaway/contest !

We have a total of 40 Sweet Afghani Delicious F1 Fast Version to be won!

To enter here just comment below!

If you are looking to make a purchase at The Vault you can use discount code VAULT15 for a 15% discount on your Cannabis Seeds.

We have a total of 40 Sweet Afghani Delicious F1 Fast Version to be won!

To enter here just comment below!

If you are looking to make a purchase at The Vault you can use discount code VAULT15 for a 15% discount on your Cannabis Seeds.

2 Promos Good luck to me this week
I’d like to grow that.

Hi Buddy,

Congrats, you were chosen at random as the winner in The Vault Cannabis Seeds Store and Sweet Seeds promo!

You win 5 Sweet Afghani Delicious F1 Fast Version from Sweet Seeds.

Please send me a PM to let me know your postal name and address so I can ship your prize!

It is not required but if you would like to post about your win to our blog, social media or here that would be very much appreciated as this helps prove our promos are legit and of course give thanks to our partners. If you do, then please tag The Vault Cannabis Seeds Store and Sweet Seeds.

Congratulations, Dr. D.! And thanks to George and the rest of the gang at The Vault for another fine giveaway.
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