Sweetsue's First Grow - Stealthy Trio of Autos Under CFLs

best way to smoke it sue, I agree. we call them 'single shots', or I do anyway. the wife just looks at me funny,,,again
Hi Sweetsue.

Ive not said much, but I have been reading here everyday. I just wanted to say it was true delight to watch your little christmas trees of yumminess (thats what they reminded me of) grow and mature, the whole cycle.

Thank you for letting us watch and for teaching us important things and the great conversations Ive read here. I even enjoyed the bits of your personal life as well, next time make it all good news, though.

Enjoy those fat "ornaments". :)
Damn Sue. Your plants are amazing. When you get your hands on an LED, the plants are going to LOVE you!

And I'm in the same boat smoking. A little goes a long way with me,, I find myself taking 2-4 times smoking to finish a bowl.
I also know exactly what you mean about the details of life that we miss. It's one of my favorite things about Cannabis, the awareness. Being truly alive, and not letting any minute detail pass us by unnoticed.

It really makes me wonder if we were really meant to consume Cannabis, and the high we feel, is actually supposed to be how we feel normal, and the "sobriety" we feel when we're the effects have worn off, is actually allowing ourselves to slip into a bad sense of existence.

That's the second reason I enjoy Cannabis, which is related to the first. Accept nothing at face value, question everything, and I think we'll all experience a much more heightened sense of living.

Hi Sue,

I've been quietly following your grow and journal and enjoying every bit of it!

You have been a real inspiration to me as I'm about to start my first grow soon that will also be an indoor under CFL grow. I can only hope to come close to your kick-ass results. Thanks to you, COorganics and everyone else for sharing what they've learned. I am totally stoked to be setting up my LOS grow soon.

Needless to say... Great job! I have learned a lot from you and I'm looking forward to applying all that new found knowledge to grow some fat, tasty buds in the near future.

Take Care and congratulations on your success! You obviously worked hard on it and put in a lot of love!
Hi Sue,

I've been quietly following your grow and journal and enjoying every bit of it!

You have been a real inspiration to me as I'm about to start my first grow soon that will also be an indoor under CFL grow. I can only hope to come close to your kick-ass results. Thanks to you, COorganics and everyone else for sharing what they've learned. I am totally stoked to be setting up my LOS grow soon.

Needless to say... Great job! I have learned a lot from you and I'm looking forward to applying all that new found knowledge to grow some fat, tasty buds in the near future.

Take Care and congratulations on your success! You obviously worked hard on it and put in a lot of love!

Thank you kindly Tomtos and :welcome: to the excitement. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Obviously I've had the time of my life. Tomorrow is Harvest part deux and then we roll into no-till preparation while we wait for seeds. I look forward to watching you be amazed by your own soil.

ALL drugs should be legalised, including the production, and then regulated like alcohol and tobacco. It is insane that adults can not do what they bloody well want to do with their own lives. It would even pay for rehab that way, through taxes. Get it away from organised crime.

How are they going to tax if you grow your own for personal use?

There are many toxic psychedelic plants legal to grow in my state, plants where an overdose cash kill.
It's legal to grow them.

My grow is currently state legal (locks on the door and everything,) but could be declared a crime when the first dispensary opens.
It will be legal for a business to grow them, but not me. I get a bit angry when I think of that.

By what logic am I supposed to pay more for a product that might be inferior to the black market or my personnel grow?

P.s. That sounded a bit grumpy, especially after all that sweetness and light and those quiet growers coming out of the shadows to say "inspiration well done." Be assured, I am smiling and happy and also a total lightweight when it comes to smoking cannabis. It's been weeks since I smoked, but somehow I still enjoy the sparkle of granite, the artistry of fitted stone facing, and the sweet smell of nature's finest plants. Sorry about your waiting for a bus in the cold, I know the feeling well. Thank you all for the joy, tonight.
The nursing home is a royal fuck up. Tomorrow I need to go in and raise hell and Monday morning I need to get him moved to somewhere that has some idea of what nursing care stands for before they give him an infection.

In the meantime I need to finish preparing for tomorrow's harvest of the Bomb. The first step in that process is to clear the drying rack. That means we need to start

The Cure

In a flash of inspiration I used a TV tray and some twine to throw together an impromptu drying rack for the larger colas, which will take longer to dry enough to jar up.


That left the seven smaller ones.


There's a trick to cutting off the buds. It took me a few times to get it right.


Towards the end I was getting the hang of it. By the time I get the rest of Buddha's colas done I'm going to be much better than today's attempts.

These were the best ones from today.



Wet, these 7 branches weighed a cumulative 2.1 oz. Their dry weight is right in line with expectations.


That weight was minus the grower's cut, which I'm going to stop and smoke some of so I can calm down a bit.


It's so strange that the third hit always makes the tongue go a bit numb. :laughtwo: You know you're smoking quality cannabis when I'm this pissed and I'm still laughing. (Sigh) There are times when being in the lower economic strata just sucks. Wealthy people get quality nursing home care. The rest of us hope we don't get sicker. Damn! How did this happen?

Stop. Breathe. Take three more hits. Be right back.


Ooooooo, I like this strain. The high suites me. Ethereal, spiritual, conversational.

Antics, I couldn't agree with you more. Cannabis takes me beyond myself and back into myself simultaneously. The enhancement of creativity is a scientifically proven fact. I've never before had easy access to anything this potent and effective as a creative stimulant, so I don't really know what to expect. What I do know is that this feels normal to me.

Back to the narrative.

The improvised drying rack is back in the bedroom and covered.


That worked out rather well. Nice inspiration. I love it when the universe works with me and I actually let it happen. I feel a lesson in there. :laughtwo:


The back of this shelf in the hallway will be dark, cooler than most other locations and easy to access. Note that the cap is on, but not tightly closed. That was instinctive. Was my instinct correct? My thinking was needing to keep dust and wildlife out, but still allow for some air exchange. It seemed a reasonable concept. I haven't had time to research curing much so I'm kinda wingin' it.


The twine hangers are in place for morning. The buckets and supplies are by the sink. Cutter is at hand. I'm so excited I hope I can sleep.

Oooooo. Body rush. Ha.


The Bomb sleeps in the tiny closet.


It's been a challenge to type this. My fingers keep touching the screen and I have to correct. Sometimes that means I have to find where that errant touch sent the curser, which can be a challenge for one who wears bifocals.

You guys are worth the effort. It has been an honor to run a journal populated by such incredibly interesting individuals. We've just met. It feels like I've known some of you much longer than that. What fun the next years will be, eh?

Tomorrow's harvest is dedicated to all of you. Thank you for the joy of your company on my first grow. Wasn't this great fun? :laughtwo::green_heart:


Cheers. :love:
How are they going to tax if you grow your own for personal use?

There are many toxic psychedelic plants legal to grow in my state, plants where an overdose cash kill.
It's legal to grow them.

My grow is currently state legal (locks on the door and everything,) but could be declared a crime when the first dispensary opens.
It will be legal for a business to grow them, but not me. I get a bit angry when I think of that.

By what logic am I supposed to pay more for a product that might be inferior to the black market or my personnel grow?

P.s. That sounded a bit grumpy, especially after all that sweetness and light and those quiet growers coming out of the shadows to say "inspiration well done." Be assured, I am smiling and happy and also a total lightweight when it comes to smoking cannabis. It's been weeks since I smoked, but somehow I still enjoy the sparkle of granite, the artistry of fitted stone facing, and the sweet smell of nature's finest plants. Sorry about your waiting for a bus in the cold, I know the feeling well. Thank you all for the joy, tonight.

I rant about this all the time Rad. Why should I have to pay someone else for what I've proven myself quite capable of growing (and enjoying the process of growing), and trusting that their quality and purity is a match for my own? How idiotic. How insulting. This is America dammit! It really pisses me off.

Just get out of my way and let me grow legally. For my own consumption. For my husband's health. What really rankles me about your situation is now they know you're out there. They had you register with the promise that you could grow your own. Is stealth a real option anymore? That makes me a little sick. How can we force a change in this legislative pattern to outlaw personal gardens? How did they lose sight of the fact that most people will never even attempt to grow their own, or be successful in being self sustaining, so the market will still be profitable for merchants and tax collectors? Or that growers pay taxes on supplies and services like electricity to keep those gardens operating? I have a difficult time with politics.

I felt your joy Rad. The grow has been a refreshing balm in the madness. I need to start a new one as soon as this one wraps so I don't miss a step. :love:
I rant about this all the time Rad. Why should I have to pay someone else for what I've proven myself quite capable of growing (and enjoying the process of growing), and trusting that their quality and purity is a match for my own? How idiotic. How insulting. This is America dammit! It really pisses me off.

Just get out of my way and let me grow legally. For my own consumption. For my husband's health. What really rankles me about your situation is now they know you're out there. They had you register with the promise that you could grow your own. Is stealth a real option anymore? That makes me a little sick. How can we force a change in this legislative pattern to outlaw personal gardens? How did they lose sight of the fact that most people will never even attempt to grow their own, or be successful in being self sustaining, so the market will still be profitable for merchants and tax collectors? Or that growers pay taxes on supplies and services like electricity to keep those gardens operating? I have a difficult time with politics.

I felt your joy Rad. The grow has been a refreshing balm in the madness. I need to start a new one as soon as this one wraps so I don't miss a step. :love:

We haven't had to register as grower, or caregiver, just a patient.
The requirement to register as a grower started a few days after we did an early patient re-register. ( not a coincidence :) )

Word from someone who just did first time state registry, the doctor didn't even mention growing as an option.
Quite a change from when they handed out a magazine full of ads and said "You are good to grow!" This may be because their doctor was near Rhode Island, where they specialize in (highly illegal) interstate delivery.

Please don't take to much time between grows. You don't need lazy soil !
Sue, I like to do this for harvest, and for me it seems to give me great smoke and flavors in the end product. I like to keep the plant in big chunks for the first few days at least of drying. I take the fan leaves all off first thing and hang. Later I'll trim the buds and let them hang some more, right before the stems will snap, they are ready for the jar. Only then do I like to cut the buds off the branches. It helps me slow down the drying process, which I think is good.

Your drying rack setup looks nice. I guess I just was gonna caution you against jarring your buds prematurely, while there is still too much moisture in them. It's definitely something you just get a feel for, so you should pick it up easily! Right before the stems will snap, the outside of the buds will be crispy, but there is moisture in the middle still, then you jar it and the moisture slowly and evenly redistributes itself throughout the buds. Then you open the next day, and inspect a bud to see if it's too moist, if so keep jar open for a while. If really moist get it outta jar and wait a day or so to try to put it back in.

I can see the lighter green color on the stems of your buds that says maybe they aren't quite yet ready for jar.

For example, check out the stem color on the bud:

Not ready for jar:

Ready for the jar:

See, you can kinda look into the bud through the stem and see if your looking at a really fresh bud, or one that's dried out a bit.

Also, kinda funny, but effective... I've taken up the habit of breathing into my jars every few times I open them. Works perfectly to keep cured buds from drying out and turning to shake. Turns out we all have a built in boveda pack. :)
I'm glad to hear that Rad.

I'll be making my mind up about seeds in a day or two. If I'm considering photo flowering strains then why not that Medical No Name I've such fond memories of? If I could fit two plants in there the other could be the Bomb Berry Bomb. This Bomb THC Bomb was spectacular. I really want to do another of their seeds. I think I could manage them together.

I'm thinking of some upgrades too. Chasing that perfect grow. :laughtwo::green_heart:

This grow came close to perfection. Next grow I will burn fewer leaf tips.
Thank you for that information CO. I put them back into drying.


It'll be fun to watch these change as they dry and cure.


Must. Go. To. Bed. :laughtwo::green_heart:
How are they going to tax if you grow your own for personal use?
Same as with alcohol. It's illegal to own a still, unless the place where you have it is sealed and administered, etc. If they catch you with a still without the needed paperwork, you are fucked in a big way. You will be paying what they THINK you might have distilled.

This could easily be done with cannabis too.

There are many toxic psychedelic plants legal to grow in my state, plants where an overdose cash kill.
It's legal to grow them.
Hence why it is stupid to forbid some, and allow others. Regulate it, spread awareness, educate.

My grow is currently state legal (locks on the door and everything,) but could be declared a crime when the first dispensary opens.
It will be legal for a business to grow them, but not me. I get a bit angry when I think of that.
That is just dumb, agreed. Again, hence why it should be made legal, and since the government relys on taxes from these products, make sure they can tax it. I rather pay an amount of money taxes, then grow illegal. Why ? Because then I can be a small business.. now I'm a small criminal.
By what logic am I supposed to pay more for a product that might be inferior to the black market or my personnel grow?
I'm not sure prices would go up .. I'd bet they would come down due to more cannabis being grown all over the place. We saw the same thing with booze .. prices went up when it was illegal, and came down when it was legalized again. Not sure why it would be different with cannabis.

And with booze too, we still have a community of people who are dodging the law, having fun, and taking a risk, and trying to get rich fast. Sometimes it works, most often it doesnt.
That left the seven smaller ones.


There's a trick to cutting off the buds. It took me a few times to get it right.


For the small ones (small area) I like to use a pair of nail scissors (not clippers)
easier to get into that small space.

Re. keeping bugs etc off the drying pieces, a piece of window screen should work well
(hardware stores sell them to replace damaged window screens)

Again, good grow, and enjoy, life is too short to get upset over what others do. Take care of Dale and yourself. :Namaste:
Hi Sue,

Thank you so much for your journal, it is one of the most comprehensive growth journals I have ever read!

You really have provided not only inspiration for myself and my grow, but confirmation of many thoughts i have had regarding soil make up and quality!

Your harvest looks EPIC!

All the best!
:welcome: Oz23. Just in time for the big Harvest Deux. Thank you for the compliments. It's been great fun to do. There will be many journals to follow. :love:

I'll have the main post up later. I need to finish and get to Dale. I'll tease you all with this shot of my breakfast break.


Having a great time! Next up - bud washing. WooHoo!!!

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