This just happen within 7 Hours of feeding

I also don't see how the feeding schedule for this stuff says that week 1 rooted seedlings need 5ml of the biothrive grow 4-3-3 But I also mixed in some Calimagic I wonder if that had anything to do with it. Can you mix those 2 items in the same gallon.
I think you will find its tea spoons per gallon & not the table spoons :peace:

From what i understand from labels of biothrive / calimagic is that you can mix both nutrients together & i would be more inclined to use at half strength for a little while.

I myself use tap water with a high alkline content about PH 8 & organic nutrients (biobizz)

I don't ph my nutrient solution or check ph value of tap water & never have done ! my soil growing medium has a PH value of 6.6 and normally sits at PH 6.8 after watering, i only use a soil moisture/PH probe to check that sort of stuff... nothing to techinical.

Once the friendly soil bacteria/microbes 'n' stuff get going it keeps it all in check for me :thumb:
I think you will find its tea spoons per gallon & not the table spoons :peace:

From what i understand from labels of biothrive / calimagic is that you can mix both nutrients together & i would be more inclined to use at half strength for a little while.

I myself use tap water with a high alkline content about PH 8 & organic nutrients (biobizz)

I don't ph my nutrient solution or check ph value of tap water & never have done ! my soil growing medium has a PH value of 6.6 and normally sits at PH 6.8 after watering, i only use a soil moisture/PH probe to check that sort of stuff... nothing to techinical.

Once the friendly soil bacteria/microbes 'n' stuff get going it keeps it all in check for me :thumb:
Dangg I think I accidentally grabbed a table spoon measuring tab.. Makes a lot more sense as to why this happen. That it awesome to know about your Ph. tHNXX

Here is some picture of them now

Notice the bottom right plant the 5 fingered leaves are lightesh green around the edges unlike the others and it has been that way before all this happen is that a clear sign of CaMg Def? I didn't think a CaMg def can happen this early But I am not sure the other arn't like that really maybe one is a tad bit but I really want to know what it is? Maybe from using tap water?

Here is another photo of the burns turning brown and crunchy..
My final advice how to correct this issue...

1st...go back and read my posts...

2nd...go back again and read my posts..

3rd... NO more Nutrients for 3 weeks!

4th....transplant your girls to new pots and soil

5th...make a compost tea (follow instructions on page 1 link) and feed the girls with it after the transplant.

6th...NO nutrients or additives for 3 weeks

7th...Continue compost tea for next 3 weeks... bubble for 24-48 hours till ph is around 6.4ph, and feed. the tea only lasts a few hours if bubbles are removed so dont save any extra, make a new batch every feeding... costs way less than bottles of un needed nutrients and your plants will be healthier!
Thanks icemud your the best.

Thanks man!! I hope this helps ya out...nobody likes to see sick plants... Your not alone, I did the same thing on my 1st grow. I thought by giving them nutrients sooner that they would grow faster, but my plants got all messed up too. I've learned that with organics you have to let the soil work for you... and what happens is microbes break down food and supply it to the plant when its needed... and the plant feeds the microbes sugars and carbs to give them energy to break down more nutrients... So what happens when you start adding too much organic fertilizer is that the microbes will get "full" and lazy which actually slows the whole process down...opposite of what we would think... this allows the soil PH to take much longer to "buffer" itself which when your soil PH is out of wack, then it locks out certain nutrients to the plant... So you have to let the soil start to build up those working microbes...(thats what the compost tea is for)

compost tea adds milllions if not billions of microbes to the soil which will turn your soil into a even more effective "nutrient processing center"
Here is everything you need to know about compost teas...

AACT (actively aerated compost tea)

and if all else fails...
click on this link and type in "compost tea" You will find those answers your looking for...

Advanced Search - 420 Magazine
Re: This just happen within 7 Hours of feeding. :O

you need a multi meter!! PH and PPM.. You cant truley grow until you have these. they are essential!!

I strongly disagree because I've had above average crops before I knew about PH & PPMs although controlling these variables can be very advantageous. People have been cultivating pot for years without these tools.
This is why I came to 420. Good convo and advice goin on from growers who kno and give a fuc ! Personally I kinda agree with both of you. In nature people have been growing without meters since growing began. I look to what happens in nature as a bases of my common sense approach to growing. That being said, I do strictly organic unless I have to start over for any reason, after whatever interruption and have no cash, but either way, I don't ph or ppm or any other meter reading during my grow per say. I say that because even though I don't stalk the meters, I still use them when a problem comes up that I can't fix organicly by adding or subtracting something to, or subtracting something from the soil if it's not a 911 type thing, because in truth, if I haven't amended the problem then it's something I can't identify, and that's when I use science to bale my " getting in the way " ass out. Then I can treat the problem at that point, for a more instant result. (as instant as a plant can be, lol) Unfortunately homie, plants kno how to grow, they don't need us to fuc up their groove. We can definately help by creating an optimum environment for a plant to grow. But all to often we're just getting in the way. So I think you should do what you do if it's working for you, but don't disgard the meter advice my friend, Icemud has shown he kno's a thing or to bout growing along with the others that have chimed in here. Even if it's not part of the starting lineup, you always need a player to come of the bench and score for you, there are several uses for meters that I won't get into now. For those who I like to call " FREE " growers ( Finally Remembered Everything's Elementary ). I was a nit picky control freak, trying to make sure nothing went wrong, until I Finally Remembered Everything's Elementary and got the fuc outta the way. Fix a problem before it starts, at the beginning, which means the soil is the number 1 most important asset to your grow being healthy and successful, get it correct at the beginning and then it's just about commonsense maintenance. You can make a soil that needs nothing more than water for the duration of the grow, making allowances for treating pests, disease or defficientcies, that will let you to basically just sit back and enjoy the greenery !! You can also be pleased with your ability to let the Great Mother do her thing without you. My goal is to be as invisible as possible in my grow room. Keep it growing homie !

Keep it Growing Chronicly
@ Chronic grower! Yo I love that F.R.E.E (finally remembered everything's elementary)....thats a great new catchphrase...hope you don't mind if I happen to use it in the future sometime :) Very well written post about PH and PPM...its way more important for synthetic and hydro but for organics...more of a "cool" tool to use time to time, or to troubleshoot :) great posting +rep
Thanks Icemud, just call'n it like I see it. And I'm honored you wanna use my " catch phrase ", by all means be my guest. For me, it was like a light finally lit up in my head or the heavens opened when I finally understood it's easier than I was making it. That's when the saying started, by talking about my traumas in growing and how I got to the growing sense I have now. I had to finally realize everything's elementary and I went back to the basics and stayed there. At that point I felt free and the saying came from there. Glad to share. Keep up the good work.

Keep it Growing Chronicly !!
Thanks Icemud, just call'n it like I see it. And I'm honored you wanna use my " catch phrase ", by all means be my guest. For me, it was like a light finally lit up in my head or the heavens opened when I finally understood it's easier than I was making it. That's when the saying started, by talking about my traumas in growing and how I got to the growing sense I have now. I had to finally realize everything's elementary and I went back to the basics and stayed there. At that point I felt free and the saying came from there. Glad to share. Keep up the good work.
Keep it Growing Chronicly !!

I did the same when I first started to grow... I thought by adding all these different additives and nutrients that I was "supercharging" my plants, but when I realized I was doing the opposite, I realized that less is more. The current grow I am doing, I haven't hardely used any bottled nutrients, all soil fortified and tea's, and so far I have the best looking plants I've ever had.... definitely agree that less is more!!!! Great advice :)
Curious how those little sick plants are? Hope there getting better!
Sorry bout interrupting. Am curious bout critik's girls myself. Did you correct the problem ?:confused:

Keep it Growing Chronicly !!
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