Too early to top?


420 Member
I am 3-4 weeks away from putting my plants outside and they are growing like crazy. I've been reading some posts about topping. These plants are almost a month old and was just wondering if topping will stop the vertical growth and is now a good time to top? Thanks


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Now is a excellent time to top. You've established a nice little root system there. Some people would take that down all the way to 2nd or 3rd node and train them all fancy! I'm not sure what the ratio or where the right chop is but sometimes you get 4 tops from one chop down low after you've let them go 5 or 6 nodes. Lets poke pot yoda she's the one who told me about it back yonder. Hey @Emilya can you check me on that claim?
yep, if you wait till node 5 is just rising up and then chop way back down between 2 and 3, you will get 4 main tops, which usually can be quadlined to spread out the plant and produce 8-16 tops in the middle of the bushy plant
So you are saying to pretty well cut the plant in between 2nd and 3rd node? This will leave me with a pretty short plant once that is done. So I take it this will allow a shorter more bushier plant in the long run?
Somewhere on this site I read to top directly above the 4th node and then take off the bottom branches at nodes 1 and 2. Just leaving the branches coming out of nodes 3 and 4. Worked out great on several plants. Gave me 4 strong main branches to grow from. And several cuttings. later on to slow growth more I then topped all 4 branches to make 8. Feels like math!
And yeah looks like a good time to up pot if the roots have filled out that pot. Make sure you harden them off before going out. It's easy to burn em. good luck!
I skipped topping this grow
So far, I like it
Right on, I would try lst and super cropping if you are willing. But if you are growing outside probably wouldn’t matter with all the sun light. I would think it would grow amazing without topping or lst because the sun lights pretty powerful. But with lst and super cropping you can shape the plant like a hobby, and all that extra space from opening the plant up should result in more explosive growth. Can make one gnarly bush or tree
That is the primary reason it is done this way, yes... that and more yield.
Even after topping I am still getting lots of vertical growth. I don't get it. Seems to be growing in between the other nodes not the top node.


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Even after topping I am still getting lots of vertical growth. I don't get it. Seems to be growing in between the other nodes not the top node.
exactly right. This is survival mode. The plant doesn't know what happened, but lets say a deer just ate the top of the plant. This sends a hormone down through the plant, accelerating the growth of all the lower nodes. The nodes just below the cut will race up to the top, trying to take dominance, while the very top two also join in the race. If you slow each of these down by topping them a second time, the nodes further down will race to the top to try to take dominance. At that point you have a gob of buds all fighting for the top spot, and by keeping a good eye on it and either chopping the top one each time or tying it down, you can cause all of the nodes, clear down to the first true leaves, to rise up and meet the canopy.
I am growing these indoors for another 2-4 weeks getting them ready for outdoor grow. I know i started indoors too early but its too late know i am stuck until the weather warms up. I guess what i am trying to do is slow the vertical grow and get a bushier plant so its no as tall. I hope that makes sense.
exactly right. This is survival mode. The plant doesn't know what happened, but lets say a deer just ate the top of the plant. This sends a hormone down through the plant, accelerating the growth of all the lower nodes. The nodes just below the cut will race up to the top, trying to take dominance, while the very top two also join in the race. If you slow each of these down by topping them a second time, the nodes further down will race to the top to try to take dominance. At that point you have a gob of buds all fighting for the top spot, and by keeping a good eye on it and either chopping the top one each time or tying it down, you can cause all of the nodes, clear down to the first true leaves, to rise up and meet the canopy.
I am growing these indoors for another 2-4 weeks getting them ready for outdoor grow. I know i started indoors too early but its too late know i am stuck until the weather warms up. I guess what i am trying to do is slow the vertical grow and get a bushier plant so its no as tall. I hope that makes sense.
I am growing these indoors for another 2-4 weeks getting them ready for outdoor grow. I know i started indoors too early but its too late know i am stuck until the weather warms up. I guess what i am trying to do is slow the vertical grow and get a bushier plant so its no as tall. I hope that makes sense.
Makes perfect sense... around here we call it training. Welcome to the forum! Look around, you will find that this is done all the time.
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