Two Stars In The Night

Day 41
The ladies are progressing as expected and looking beastly..

At the beginning of the week I used an LST clip to bend the main stalk of Star Spangled Banner III to keep the two separate canopies as even as possible. . She seems to have taken it well, as she recouped quickly.​


Their vigorous growth and rapid flowering has demanded soil Amendments weekly, so I've continued to do so at the exact same measurements.

Aromas are ramping up, and Star Krunch seems to have a subtle sweet hashish type of scent. While Star Spangled Banner III has a very loud Strawberry type scent that you'd expect from Bruce Banner III.

Star Spangled Banner III

Star Krunch

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Day 51

The ladies are moving along as expected, building thick carpets of trichomes. They continue to receive weekly soil Amendments as growth remains vigorous and steady. Yesterday I treated them with NPK Bloom Microbes, to try an encourage voracious nutrient uptake..

Star Krunch

Star Spangled Banner III

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Day 53

Checking progress and the ladies are growing in size very nicely... It's difficult to pin point the exact aroma of Star Krunch. But if I had to describe it. It smells somewhat like Brown Sugar, and coffee. It is difficult to pin point though.

Star Krunch

Star Spangled Banner III

Day 63

Star Spangled Banner III has taken on her black fade she is known for, and Star Krunch is beginning to show signs of her fall colours as well. Their feeding schedule has now been reduced to solely Flower Girl until harvest. Both continue to dry their pots daily, so the schedule will remain the same. For the past week they've received CO2 to help enhance the final bulk, and to help them to remain as healthy as possible.

Star Krunch

Star Spangled Banner III

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