Un-Lucky Queen 12/12 Hempy

I wouldn't worry about it, they will bounce back I'm sure.

We've all been there or are gonna be, so don't feel bad.

hoping they pull through!

Nice shades of green you got going on there Doc...

Sorry to hear about the accident brother....wishing your babies a full recovery!


Well, I just checked on them. They perked up and look like they're going to make it. The new growth on the branches is definitely injured....but interestingly, the top growth looks fine.

The fan leaves are back to normal......

But what is really bizarre is that the male flowers are gone. It's like the plant just sucked them back in. This is pretty powerful stuff.

stay tuned, we may not be out of business yet. They took a hit, for sure, but I think they'll live.

It's funny, on Thursday, I came in from the garden and told my wife: "things look perfect! I wonder what's going to go wrong?"

Here's how I take all these set backs......I'm learning! I'm getting years of experience in weeks, because I get to see and deal with all this stuff. It's a blessing, actually.
Good to hear Doc!

As of this morning, the youngest growth on the plants is definitely injured, while the old growth is still healthy. Everything is green, but it appears that the new growth is dying.

I don't know how the Reverse works....but I'm hoping it stops the flowering progress for a few weeks, while allowing the plant to continue to grow.

I've royally screwed up what would otherwise be a very nice grow....lesson learned.

I tell ya what, I don't get emotional when a tomato plant bites the dust. But when it comes to these girls, well....I've got a relationship with them, ya know?
As of this morning, the youngest growth on the plants is definitely injured, while the old growth is still healthy. Everything is green, but it appears that the new growth is dying.

I don't know how the Reverse works....but I'm hoping it stops the flowering progress for a few weeks, while allowing the plant to continue to grow.

I've royally screwed up what would otherwise be a very nice grow....lesson learned.

I tell ya what, I don't get emotional when a tomato plant bites the dust. But when it comes to these girls, well....I've got a relationship with them, ya know?

I am sending positive vibes your way Doc. I hope everything works out. I defiantly understand about getting emotionally involved with your girls. The last crop I had to cull left me in a funk for about 1 week (time it took to get new girls in their place lol).
Reminds me of when I dumped a pint of ph down solution intended for my DWC into the dirt mothers pot... she survived, so you know they are tough plants! ;)

Sounds like everything is going to work out. :cheer:
few questions

I like the Osmote idea and would like to start using it. The questions I have are:
1. My bud has 3 hempys in a very light mix called Magick Moss. the bag it came in was light as a pillow, its made of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite. but they only had one bag so the other three are in MG with moisture control, says coco in it. Anyway can he just add the Osmote on the top of the Magick Moss ones?
2. Mine will be going outside in the garden. Do I mix the Osmote in with some soil then plant, or do I plant them and then sprinkle the osmote on the top of the soil?
Re: few questions

I like the Osmote idea and would like to start using it. The questions I have are:
1. My bud has 3 hempys in a very light mix called Magick Moss. the bag it came in was light as a pillow, its made of peat moss, perlite and vermiculite. but they only had one bag so the other three are in MG with moisture control, says coco in it. Anyway can he just add the Osmote on the top of the Magick Moss ones?
2. Mine will be going outside in the garden. Do I mix the Osmote in with some soil then plant, or do I plant them and then sprinkle the osmote on the top of the soil?

hey bro!

Just try to work the osmocote into the top few inches of soil if you can. Then top water. No problem.

I wouldn't PH the water in the Magick Moss hempy's. Just use tap water and add Osmocote to the top.

Just to let everyone know....the Osmocote works better than expensive nutes so far. It remains to be seen how it compares in flower.....but I suspect it is superior in every way to the expensive stuff.

Wouldn't it be kool if they would just legalize all this.
Wouldn't it be nice to be able to have meetings with local grow clubs and swap ideas like we do in here.
Wouldn't it be fun to have some local grow cups instead of letting Amsterdam have all the fun.
Wouldn't it help the country and the economy if they legalized at least growing for personal consumption, they could stop spending money on trying to stop the trade and stop money from going to other countries to support terrorists.
Sorry for getting up on the soap box, just a little depressed this morning.
Just a quick update:

They're all still alive, still growing......but I definitely hurt them. I've got twisted new growth, strange looking flower development, and some very droopy petioles on 3 plants.

However, the others look better than that. One hempy looks normal and healthy, all the soil plants will pull through.

There are no male flowers to be seen. This Reverse product really works. If I wasn't such an idiot, I'd have a stellar garden. I did talk with a wise jedi grower today, and he said everything would be fine, I'll just be about 2 weeks behind schedule. We'll see.

Now, the Advanced Nutrients plants are DEFINITELY lagging behind the Osmocote in every way.

Osmocote is making:
and no burning compared to the Advanced.

As much as I love hempy growing, I think I may become a soil guy, because the soil plants, while significantly smaller than the hempys, do appear healthier than the hempy plants.

Perhaps the hempys need beneficials? I don't know, but Osmocote kicks ass.

I'll take some pics tonite.....but I get mad at myself every time I look at my plants, because I see what could have been. Had I not screwed up, my garden would have made you guys drool.

I'll be repeating this grow, that's for sure.
I have a friend who grows the same cut of Chronic as I and I can't believe how different the taste and smell are. The high is the same, but the soil wins hands down in taste and smell.

I have a similar experience. The hempys yield better, however.

I'm re-thinking the whole beneficial bacteria thing in the hempys. From what I learned, they are not needed.....but taste and smell is muy importante!

My whole deal is to find a way to make growing weed as easy as growing vegetables, and I think I've done that with Osmocote. I'm hoping someone else will try Dynamite or one of the organic time released ferts.
I read an article the other day which more or less said that there is no way to do organic in hydro. The article ended with saying the best you can do is foliar feeding with fish emulsions and kelp to get as close as you can as far as taste. I'm not nuts about the idea of putting fish guts on my plants but I'm thinking of making home-made seaweed spray.

"Another way of bringing your hydroponic crops closer to organic and also improve the flavor of the end product is through the use of foliar applications. Seaweed and fish emulsions can be taken in directly through the leaf and stems of the plant. This also enhances chlorophyll content and supplies trace elements of organic origin. Some composting preparations such as worm cast tea can also be used in this way. In the same way soil or compost-grown crops are fed, the results are immediate and hugely beneficial. Foliar applications of fish emulsion on plants grown hydroponically show the same improved grow rates as their conventional sisters in a pot or the earth. Similarly seaweed applications serve as a rescue remedy to poor or sick plants just as they would in the soil."

Here's the article
Maximum Yield - Indoor Gardening

Thanks for the link!

Personally, I don't get totally disappointed with a slightly lesser smell and taste....it smokes smoother. On the other hand, if you can have smell, taste and a good smooth smoke....well that's pretty nice! :yummy:
Some of these pictures break my heart, knowing what it would have looked like had i not made the spraying mistake. But, they're all still growing and I think they'll recover.

The one thing I notice about the reverse/saturator problem is that the white pistils are injured. They're starting to come back now, however.

The two above are the worst. Not all of them are bad, however:



Shoot man, the green/brown ratio is still favorable ;).

On the grow where my plants got burned bad outside during a heat wave in late veg, they recovered so well that by mid-bloom you could barely tell.

I'm excited as regards your Osmocote results thus far!

I'll be testing the organic Dynamite time-release nutes very soon.
Me too, lol. My two indoor experimental TR nute plants look so good I just switched my 5 outdoor plants from GH to Osmocote. The plants are in flower and are beginning to consume some of the lower fans. I'm really curious to see whether they stop eating fans when being fed TR nutes.

Don't sweat the mistake Doc, they will forgive you. Have yourself a nice long :ganjamon:
Me too, lol. My two indoor experimental TR nute plants look so good I just switched my 5 outdoor plants from GH to Osmocote. The plants are in flower and are beginning to consume some of the lower fans. I'm really curious to see whether they stop eating fans when being fed TR nutes.

Don't sweat the mistake Doc, they will forgive you. Have yourself a nice long :ganjamon:

Thanks bro!

I predict your lower fans look perfect throughout the grow with the Osmocote.
When my ladies get over their temporary ugly phase, I'll take pics comparing the AN to the Osmocote. No comparison, the Osmo's are better in every way.

I can make this statement without hesitation:

Osmocote is a perfect base nutrient for a soil grow. It is every bit as good, if not better, than any 2, 3 or 4 part, expensive product out there.....for a cost of about 25 cents per plant.

I'm already envisioning my next grow....and I'm very tempted to go all soil and Osmocote.

I'm not giving up on hempy.....no way....I love that method! But I want to explore this "Cannabis specific" nute sold at Home Depot!
I'm not giving up on hempy.....no way....I love that method! But I want to explore this "Cannabis specific" nute sold at Home Depot!


Have you researched enough to know if the quality of the components used are as good as some of the better high end lines?

The real test is going to be how it does with my "ell ess dee" - a most finicky plant.

Have you researched enough to know if the quality of the components used are as good as some of the better high end lines?

The real test is going to be how it does with my "ell ess dee" - a most finicky plant.

I'm confident that Osmocote Plus is every bit as good, if not better than the most expensive, multi-part nutrient line out there.

The only way to beat it is to mix up your own guano/worm casting/compost teas and get really good at feeding the soil, etc.

The Osmocote people are the one's who have done all the research.
Dynamite might be even better!
I'm confident that Osmocote Plus is every bit as good, if not better than the most expensive, multi-part nutrient line out there.

The only way to beat it is to mix up your own guano/worm casting/compost teas and get really good at feeding the soil, etc.

The Osmocote people are the one's who have done all the research.
Dynamite might be even better!

You guys are making a believer outa me!

I got nothing to add but a hardy thanks for this convo!

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