Virgin Ground And The Little Star Asterion


And where I get to say that I’m jealous of your newly-renovated grow closets! :bravo:

Only time I experienced damping off was because of fungus gnat larvae in the soil (weren’t even visible ones flying around at that stage). Saw the same scenario play out in someone else’s journal recently too, so worth mentioning :) Justin Case :cheesygrinsmiley:

Really sucks. We’ve talked about EDS (and/or HSD) already I think. The Subluxing club is not a fun one to be a part of :(. It’s not fixable as you know it‘s just management (and pain relief and physical therapy). It’ not up to me or anyone to tell anyone else how to manage their own health so you go right ahead and tell me to f*off VG... Alls i can say right now, is start learning NOW how to do less, to not push, becasue pushing through is potentially disastrous and exactly what got me where I am today LOL (that’s not a good place, physically). I am a former surfer and amateur carpenter builder now in the process of being assessed for a wheelchair can no longer play my guitar or sing or go upstairs in my house etc. I didn’t know, and I kept pushing for years, as you do. I’m in my early 50s and this has, apparently, been coming on for about 20 years. Don’t end up like me!! :love:

Oof! (As Shed would say :love:

I would never tell you to f* off Amy.
I only do that to crazy stalker types.

After this weekend I will be able to slow down a bit.
The rate that I've been working isn't sustainable and I know it. I've been trying to get my grow/bedroom situated. Ran out of steam at about 80% completion. I have about a dozen boxes to go through and most of it will get tossed.

I have an online consultation next Wednesday to discuss surgery and pain management options.
Yes hopefully get set up this weekend,
I definitely owe one to all of the fantastic people who have helped me in this community :thanks: and I'm sure I'm going to need more lol

Oof indeed,
It was most unpleasant.
Tag me in :love: :green_heart::love::green_heart::love:
My arms and hands are numb and that isn't a good sign. I have to have a pretty bad pinched nerve for that to happen.

Same with my neck the nerves going down towards the arms sits in the neck, I get super intense pain down in my arms specially the right one and I got much numbness in that hand and worse on the back of my hand it constantly "feels" cold.

I'm sorry to say that I never gotten any help from anything except the lidocaina shots I get in my neck region for this once a month which is far too random to give me any relief more than a week and maybe a few days more depending on what I do.

But I now got some Botox treatment as well and its given me some longer relief and I managed to get back to 50% work again so I'm hoping to be able to step that up next month if my employer don't kick me out first. Having a sit down with them and my doctor beginning next month.
Radio frequency nerve burning(ablation) treatments are the only longish term help I know of. I had it done and immediately ended migraines for months. Now nerves are growing back and I'm starting to get them again. I think it's been 5 months and I can still manage fairly well. I'll do it again in a heartbeat when the time comes.
Good morning VG,

Thanks for that shout out! I’m so excited to grow along side of you all. I put my name in the combined Seedsman thread but wanted to add it to the new Classic Comparative grow but didn’t see my name was there already.

Sorry to hear about your pain flairing again. I’m a 25 year veteran as a chronic pain patient. As you probably know - its common for the discs above & below the surgical site to also crap out thus requiring more surgery. In early 2000 I was at 4800 pills per year and growing, I ate Vicodin like they were skittles. Now I’m still on pain management meds but tapering down.

I also had a pill problem in my younger days. A few years back I hooked up with a pain management nurse & she helped me to realize - there is a lot of difference between someone who depends on there meds versus someone who abuses their meds. Even after 2 decades of opiates, I often regularly go cold turkey 30 days no meds - no problems. Not advocating that anyone go full bore on meds. For me it’s a quality of life issues. No meds = lay around, hurt and be totally unproductive or light doses of meds = reasonable amount of light activity. Here are some tricks from my tool bag.

Medical grade heating pad $80 to $100, this is a huge improvement over a regular heating pad. If it does not have a suicide switch then it’s a plain old heating pad - not the same as a medical grade one. I keep my suicide switch Velcroed in the on position so it works while I sleep. I just unplug it each morning and replug it at night.

Infrared heating pad $160. Works differently, penetrates deep under skin, but the pad itself is not very hot to the touch. It’s totally worth the investment.

Silver foil covered gel ice packs. The kind that is filled with pliable gel that conforms to the area it’s applied to. Alternate between heat & ice.

I’ve also found some relief with acupuncture & massage therapy but $$$$$ plus doesn’t last long.

Capsaicin $11 Wally World great stuff but hear my multiple warnings now. This is same active ingredient as PEPPER SPRAY. If you are fair skinned it may burn your ass off. If you apply too much it will burn your ass off. If you apply too much then add heat - yup same same. If you slather it on and go into strong direct sunlight it can burn your hide. Also apply it using a disposable glove & not your bare hand because even after thoroughly washing your hands there are enough trace elements to burn your eyes or other sensitive skin areas. It’s great stuff but use it very sparingly until you get acclimated. Also one part that I love is that a hot evening shower will reactivite the ointment. A small amount applied to the DMR (small area where neck bone near shoulder blades) goes a long way towards calming the whole spinal region.

Ok funny but true story, kinda embarrassed to tell it but here goes. Me & buddy go riding 4 wheelers in nearby National Forest. I get greased up good with capsaicin that morning. As the day wears on the temps rise & I begin sweating profusely. Sweat tends to run downwards and accumulated in my skivvies. A bit later my whole undercarriage was on fire, I bet my azz didn’t touch the seat for the rest of the day. Imagine trying to rinse / cool your backside in the creek hoping 1) nobody sees my dilemma 2) this fire lighting up my hiney will soon extinguish itself via the cool creek water and lastly 3) some amphibious creature does not find the back door!

All kidding aside, capsaicin is great stuff to help with pain, aches, limited mobility etc but ya gotta learn how to use it properly.

If everything else fails to counter your specific pain symptoms this always works. Take a ball peen hammer and using the flat side smash the fuk out of your pinkie toe. See there ya forgot all about that neck pain now didn’t you?? Anyway so sorry to hear about your flair ups doll, hope this helps or at least puts a grin on your face. Sorry for writing a book here.

Please visit my brand spanking new journal - Visualize Whirrled Peas.

Also I’m not seeing journals listed in signatures anymore, can you chime in on that? I turned off a bunch of notifications in settings cuz my email account was getting hammered every time someone posted.
Radio frequency nerve burning(ablation) treatments are the only longish term help I know of. I had it done and immediately ended migraines for months. Now nerves are growing back and I'm starting to get them again. I think it's been 5 months and I can still manage fairly well. I'll do it again in a heartbeat when the time comes.

Is this ultra sonic treatment I have a coworker who had a locked elbow who got this treatment but its very controversial here and not part of our tax funded healthcare system so he had to pay it from his own pocket. He have asked if they would treat a neck patient with it but they never tried it directly on the spine on someone before. You get this directly on your spine?
Highya VG, 013, guys,

Laughed pretty good, 013. Thank you for your story! I love to laugh at stuff like that!! Hope it didn't take long to put the fire out!!

VG, Looking forward to more bud porn! Happy Smokin'
Is this ultra sonic treatment I have a coworker who had a locked elbow who got this treatment but its very controversial here and not part of our tax funded healthcare system so he had to pay it from his own pocket. He have asked if they would treat a neck patient with it but they never tried it directly on the spine on someone before. You get this directly on your spine?
I don't know CraZ. I think he'd have to find out if the treatment was in the radio frequency band of frequencies. It's a form of radiation with the ability to pinpoint where it goes in my mind. It sounds like it to me. Radio frequency ablation is the name it's called. Web MD says this:
Image result for Radio frequency ablation
Radiofrequency ablation (or RFA) is a procedure used to reduce pain. An electrical current produced by a radio wave is used to heat up a small area of nerve tissue, thereby decreasing pain signals from that specific area
Same with my neck the nerves going down towards the arms sits in the neck, I get super intense pain down in my arms specially the right one and I got much numbness in that hand and worse on the back of my hand it constantly "feels" cold.

I'm sorry to say that I never gotten any help from anything except the lidocaina shots I get in my neck region for this once a month which is far too random to give me any relief more than a week and maybe a few days more depending on what I do.

But I now got some Botox treatment as well and its given me some longer relief and I managed to get back to 50% work again so I'm hoping to be able to step that up next month if my employer don't kick me out first. Having a sit down with them and my doctor beginning next month.
I know of the cold spots you are talking about. Both of my hands were like that before my first surgery. I had pain shooting down my arms almost constantly. Not fun.

Hope your meeting goes well with your employer and your doc. :green_heart:
Nostrovia! It's always 420 in my house these daze! :passitleft:Yep I do.
:love::love:NOSTROVIA!!!!! :love::love:
My grandmother was fond of screaming that at the top of her lungs.
Hope you are well Stone.
Good morning VG,

Thanks for that shout out! I’m so excited to grow along side of you all. I put my name in the combined Seedsman thread but wanted to add it to the new Classic Comparative grow but didn’t see my name was there already.

Sorry to hear about your pain flairing again. I’m a 25 year veteran as a chronic pain patient. As you probably know - its common for the discs above & below the surgical site to also crap out thus requiring more surgery. In early 2000 I was at 4800 pills per year and growing, I ate Vicodin like they were skittles. Now I’m still on pain management meds but tapering down.

I also had a pill problem in my younger days. A few years back I hooked up with a pain management nurse & she helped me to realize - there is a lot of difference between someone who depends on there meds versus someone who abuses their meds. Even after 2 decades of opiates, I often regularly go cold turkey 30 days no meds - no problems. Not advocating that anyone go full bore on meds. For me it’s a quality of life issues. No meds = lay around, hurt and be totally unproductive or light doses of meds = reasonable amount of light activity. Here are some tricks from my tool bag.

Medical grade heating pad $80 to $100, this is a huge improvement over a regular heating pad. If it does not have a suicide switch then it’s a plain old heating pad - not the same as a medical grade one. I keep my suicide switch Velcroed in the on position so it works while I sleep. I just unplug it each morning and replug it at night.

Infrared heating pad $160. Works differently, penetrates deep under skin, but the pad itself is not very hot to the touch. It’s totally worth the investment.

Silver foil covered gel ice packs. The kind that is filled with pliable gel that conforms to the area it’s applied to. Alternate between heat & ice.

I’ve also found some relief with acupuncture & massage therapy but $$$$$ plus doesn’t last long.

Capsaicin $11 Wally World great stuff but hear my multiple warnings now. This is same active ingredient as PEPPER SPRAY. If you are fair skinned it may burn your ass off. If you apply too much it will burn your ass off. If you apply too much then add heat - yup same same. If you slather it on and go into strong direct sunlight it can burn your hide. Also apply it using a disposable glove & not your bare hand because even after thoroughly washing your hands there are enough trace elements to burn your eyes or other sensitive skin areas. It’s great stuff but use it very sparingly until you get acclimated. Also one part that I love is that a hot evening shower will reactivite the ointment. A small amount applied to the DMR (small area where neck bone near shoulder blades) goes a long way towards calming the whole spinal region.

Ok funny but true story, kinda embarrassed to tell it but here goes. Me & buddy go riding 4 wheelers in nearby National Forest. I get greased up good with capsaicin that morning. As the day wears on the temps rise & I begin sweating profusely. Sweat tends to run downwards and accumulated in my skivvies. A bit later my whole undercarriage was on fire, I bet my azz didn’t touch the seat for the rest of the day. Imagine trying to rinse / cool your backside in the creek hoping 1) nobody sees my dilemma 2) this fire lighting up my hiney will soon extinguish itself via the cool creek water and lastly 3) some amphibious creature does not find the back door!

All kidding aside, capsaicin is great stuff to help with pain, aches, limited mobility etc but ya gotta learn how to use it properly.

If everything else fails to counter your specific pain symptoms this always works. Take a ball peen hammer and using the flat side smash the fuk out of your pinkie toe. See there ya forgot all about that neck pain now didn’t you?? Anyway so sorry to hear about your flair ups doll, hope this helps or at least puts a grin on your face. Sorry for writing a book here.

Please visit my brand spanking new journal - Visualize Whirrled Peas.

Also I’m not seeing journals listed in signatures anymore, can you chime in on that? I turned off a bunch of notifications in settings cuz my email account was getting hammered every time someone posted.
That is a funny story.
I too have experienced exteme flaming butt pain.
I was on a farm and had to pee. I squatted near the treeline and really should have looked first.
I got a bunch of burning nettles wrapped up in my g-string when I pulled my pants up. All up in my whatzit and between my whozits. Lol
I was with my husband's creepy best friend at the time. When I got back to his truck I emptied an entire bottle of hand lotion into my jeans.

I was just recommended the capsaicin by another member as well. I'll see what they have locally. My pain oil works really well. It isn't always easy to get the BF to put it on for me.
He owes me big time so tonight he'll do it for sure.
I had to babysit drunk adults last night.
Highya VG, 013, guys,

Laughed pretty good, 013. Thank you for your story! I love to laugh at stuff like that!! Hope it didn't take long to put the fire out!!

VG, Looking forward to more bud porn! Happy Smokin'
I'll be updating soon. Ive been super busy for the last few days with a house guest.
It has been interesting to say the least. I have zero clue why the cops weren't called other than it's a rare occurrence for us to get rowdy and my neighbors love us. We were drinking bourbon and playing around with medieval weaponry around a fire.
That will never happen again.
Windows open tonight. I want the cool air in. I was looking at my Ammy and her buds are starting to turn pink. She had really pale pink pistils but I didn't think her buds would turn. All of the pics I've seen have really dark green buds that look nothing like mine.
Also I’m not seeing journals listed in signatures anymore, can you chime in on that? I turned off a bunch of notifications in settings cuz my email account was getting hammered every time someone posted.
There are three little dots with an arrow next to the report button. There is a hide signature option if you click on those dots.
Unless I'm misunderstanding you...
Otherwise you can click on your avatar on the top banner. Now choose preferences and check the box that says to show members signatures.
Both of my hands were like that before my first surgery.

Good to hear you got that surgery then and that it helped you in such a good way. I asked time after time if there is some surgery available for my injury but they keep saying no and it could get worse if they tried. Seems like they only try to operate this if the patient is completely numb and not even able to move the limb.

I suspect this has to do with our common healthcare system here, everybody has the chance to get surgery / help with conditions but there are just a few that actually get selected for it and these are the few worst cases there is. Think a thumb rule they use for this is if a patient had the condition for at least +10 years they can consider doing a surgery. If you are able to walk and move but with pain, there is nothing wrong with you.

They even told me like this is only in your head and comparisons with my cold sensitivity to breast feeding women can get engorgement from cold, think about that...


Windows open tonight. I want the cool air in. I was looking at my Ammy and her buds are starting to turn pink. She had really pale pink pistils but I didn't think her buds would turn. All of the pics I've seen have really dark green buds that look nothing like mine.

Thought this trick was just with the red / dark strains... I often take my plants out from the tent and expose them to ordinary ambient light and the green color is usually more dark then. The light in a grow tent is extremely narrow in coloring and often make the plants look pale. Just a thought / reflection I had when doing this.

Sounds like you are really looking forward to this sativa lady and I think you will get satisfied, she looks amazing... amazing Ammy. :)

Miss my Kali's Mistery, loved to grow that one again and I will... soon I hope.
Ah great story VG, hope your whozits and whatzits recovered well! Bet he was shocked by that lotion gesture huh?

Thanks for the settings info, I will check on that!

You sound remote, can’t remember US based or Canada seems like MI but not sure. Capsaicin is cheap at the mart of wal, costs much more at cvs or drug store. You know your spine probs, you also know that a tube of ointment is not going to fix your problem or allow you to postpone surgery forever, never less it can really help take some the edge off. And some days that’s as good as it gets for chronic pain patients, take the edge off.
Good to hear you got that surgery then and that it helped you in such a good way. I asked time after time if there is some surgery available for my injury but they keep saying no and it could get worse if they tried. Seems like they only try to operate this if the patient is completely numb and not even able to move the limb.

I suspect this has to do with our common healthcare system here, everybody has the chance to get surgery / help with conditions but there are just a few that actually get selected for it and these are the few worst cases there is. Think a thumb rule they use for this is if a patient had the condition for at least +10 years they can consider doing a surgery. If you are able to walk and move but with pain, there is nothing wrong with you.

They even told me like this is only in your head and comparisons with my cold sensitivity to breast feeding women can get engorgement from cold, think about that...


Thought this trick was just with the red / dark strains... I often take my plants out from the tent and expose them to ordinary ambient light and the green color is usually more dark then. The light in a grow tent is extremely narrow in coloring and often make the plants look pale. Just a thought / reflection I had when doing this.

Sounds like you are really looking forward to this sativa lady and I think you will get satisfied, she looks amazing... amazing Ammy. :)

Miss my Kali's Mistery, loved to grow that one again and I will... soon I hope.
That's some strange reasoning and the engorgement thing is just confusing.

My Ammy does have some light pink or purple. I think I should take her out and look at her under more natural light. Cold brings anthocyanins out in the plant. I would assume that most if not all plants have it. It just depends on the amounts that each has.
If I do pop I hope confetti comes out! :party:
That made me giggle so.... **Tee-Hee**
Ah great story VG, hope your whozits and whatzits recovered well! Bet he was shocked by that lotion gesture huh?

Thanks for the settings info, I will check on that!

You sound remote, can’t remember US based or Canada seems like MI but not sure. Capsaicin is cheap at the mart of wal, costs much more at cvs or drug store. You know your spine probs, you also know that a tube of ointment is not going to fix your problem or allow you to postpone surgery forever, never less it can really help take some the edge off. And some days that’s as good as it gets for chronic pain patients, take the edge off.
He enjoyed the show immensely. Everything healed up fine. Lol
It took a few days though.

I'm upper Midwest based. I have Wal-Mart and CVS etc.
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