VIVOHUT 2 Point Oh! Bill284 Grows North Atlantic Seed Co. In Coco

Thanks Gv. :thanks:
Moving Day is here.:thumb::woohoo:
Hope your weekend is going well Amigo. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Happy weekend :yahoo: make sure yours includes some rest :hippy:
Good luck with the move! šŸ’Ŗ
Good Morning Stone. :ciao:
Cold wet and miserable here today.
Throw in blackflies and you have a typical May in the north.
I'm just listening to thunder as I'm typing. :rolleyes:
Nevertheless the forecast for night time is finally above 10c.:thumb:
That means I can finally use the greenhouse.
So the heck with blackflies I'm starting the move.
They don't fit in the veg room anymore, so time to go.
Post a couple pics soon.
Hope your doing well Amigo.
Have a great weekend. :passitleft:

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
You'r eon the move man! Weather's getting better! Those black flies got me a few weeks ago not bad today here now. I feel you! Trees soon in the GH!
You'r eon the move man! Weather's getting better! Those black flies got me a few weeks ago not bad today here now. I feel you! Trees soon in the GH!
Between the black flies and mosquitoes Iā€™ve lost a pint of blood already šŸ¤£
Comes with the territory here.
If you donā€™t like bugā€™s your in the wrong province šŸ¤Ŗ
If Charlie closed the door properly it wouldnā€™t be bad in there.
The boys love playing in the greenhouse while Iā€™m working.
Iā€™ve got everything ready , pots and all. :thumb:
Was hoping to mount the light before I filled the greenhouse.
I guess Iā€™ll dig out the Medicgrow.
Itā€™s a 1000 watts though.
I was hoping to spread it out more.
But I can always turn it down if I add another couple lights.
So thatā€™ll work.
Enjoy your weekend Amigo :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Between the black flies and mosquitoes Iā€™ve lost a pint of blood already šŸ¤£
Comes with the territory here.
If you donā€™t like bugā€™s your in the wrong province šŸ¤Ŗ
If Charlie closed the door properly it wouldnā€™t be bad in there.
The boys love playing in the greenhouse while Iā€™m working.
Iā€™ve got everything ready , pots and all. :thumb:
Was hoping to mount the light before I filled the greenhouse.
I guess Iā€™ll dig out the Medicgrow.
Itā€™s a 1000 watts though.
I was hoping to spread it out more.
But I can always turn it down if I add another couple light.
So thatā€™ll work.
Enjoy your weekend Amigo :high-five:

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
I will! You enjoy too brother! Work safe!
Happy weekend :yahoo: make sure yours includes some rest :hippy:
Good luck with the move! šŸ’Ŗ
Thanks Gv. :thanks:
As soon as F1 qualifying is over I'm back to work.
That's my rest for the day. ;)
Appreciate it Buddy. :thanks:

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž

Medic Grow EZ8 1000w:thumb:

This should do;)








1000 watts of Glory :yahoo:

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Since nobody else claimed it.
The official 420 greenhouse :thumb:

-15 outside +20 inside with that light in late Oct looks good Bill, did you find a solution for air intake & exhaust?
Installed a new cover on the back intake vent.
No big deal now but come September Iā€™ll need the 4 layers of poly in this king size mattress cover.
Folded a tuctaped to be 4 layers with some air in between.
80% of the greenhouse is double wall 6ml poly.





-15 outside +20 inside with that light in late Oct looks good Bill, did you find a solution for air intake & exhaust?
Just double 24ā€ fans stacked up at the intake.
I mounted my 8ā€ vivo Turbo fan up as a discharge.
Iā€™ll get a pic in a minute.
But Iā€™m still hunting for a squirrel cage :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Looks good to me you hold the title. :lot-o-toke: šŸ‹
I didnā€™t want to seem presumptuous :Namaste:
There are a few others I see.
If anyone else wants to claim it go ahead.
I can wait to see?
Otherwise Iā€™ll take the name.
420 Green House :thumb:


The original 420 green house šŸ¤£

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Hey @con
This is my current intake. 2 - 24ā€ fans
And a 8ā€ turbo discharge up high in the heat zone.
Most durable fan I own.
It will progress to something better.



That looks like it should move some air, that set up don't move enough air volume for you?
It might.
It might not.
I intend to run only 4 plants this summer.
I had rh issues last summer. Late flower.
So if I can maintain the rh Iā€™m ok.
Heat shouldnā€™t be a issue just rh.
I can add another 24ā€ intake fan no problem, lots of room.
Itā€™s getting the rh out Iā€™m concerned about.
2 squirrel cages would be great.
Still nothing economical available yet.I have time.
I can add another turbo discharge if worse comes to worse.
With a reduction in leaf matter discharging moisture I might be ok.
Time will tell :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Btw not reducing my expectations.
I want 5 pounds each.
20 pounds total.
High hopes :thumb: hehe

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
Heck of a light fella, good luck outdoor season i'm more than ready to eat a fresh garden tomatoes an beans.
Compliments of the good people at Medic Grow.The EZ8 1000.
A true 1000 watt light.
Iā€™ll box all four underneath as long as I can.
Then spread out.
Each girl will have 1/4 of the greenhouse.
Iā€™m trying something different this year.
4 instead of 25 šŸ¤Ŗ 5 pounds each.
You have some nice veggies going too.
Thatā€™s fantastic.
I pump from the river so I donā€™t grow extra vegetables.
Maybe this year though I wonā€™t constantly be refilling the tanks.
Coco still needs fed every day though.
We shall see ;)

Stay safe
Bill284 šŸ˜Ž
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