Volksball's Critically Purple Ride On The Red Dragon, 2020

So here's a question..

I knew this would happen, but the Red Dragons are ready, but the CPKs likely need another week.

Do you run one strain longer? Or cut one shorter? I'm thinking longer is better than shorter, but..

Day 140/72F

I don't understand the question. You harvest each plant when it's done.

Get a couple of cardboard boxes if you need another place to dry!

Yeah, that would work. I don't think the kush is that far behind, so I just might let the Red Dragon ripen a bit longer and chop once and dry in the tent. I figure a week or less won't hurt that much. Go ahead- couch lock me..

Hung in the tent and drying at 20-22c/60-63%.

Some great frost and color. Hard to see in most pics, but the strains loved up to their names.

A few pics pre-chop, post chop and some from today, actually days on. Also, one plant wasnt in the spread shot. No room. Good issue to have.

Thanks for all the help, as always.

Chop day: Thurs- 144/76F










Thanks, Shed.

Yeah, a fairly easy grow with great results. Surely yours will be the same, if not better. You'll love the red that comes through in the pistils. They're almost hot pink, where most are that bright orange.

I should mention that these were an easy grow, seemingly some pretty good genetics.

It all comes down to the smoke...will report back..

I want to drive moisture out in the first 24 hours, so I'd be down in the low 50% range then. After that raising to the high 50s will slow down the dry and get rid of the chlorophyll.

Nice thing about RH is it's relative to temperature! Anything room temp is good, just stay clear of warm and cold.

This is not your first harvest though... ;)
Ha. Nope. Yeah, missed the opportunity for the low RH in the first days, so I'll just shoot for high 50s from here out. Am I risking mold? Or will this just cause more burping later on?
And we're done. 6 hour trim.

Total of 20oz. The CPK2 was fluffy, but the other was stinky and tight, so hopefully better luck next time there. Somewhat the same for the RDs. Headroom became an issue after the one girl split and she not only healed herself, but almost instantly grew a foot.

I may have also left them hanging a day or two too long. A bit drier than I would have liked, but they're jarred up. Will start burping tomorrow to get them to 62% for the long hold.

Alot of small stuff and trim for butter and a nice surprise after panning for kief with, I came up with 8g of it.









Jars for days...nice haul VB! I am confused about the panning for kief thing though. Aren't those just trichomes that are now missing from your buds and trim having been sheared off by the screen?
Thanks Shed. The kief is from the trim and the lower branch stuff that is in the bags. The jarred buds never touch the screen after trim, so they aren't affected. The bagged stuff is for butter, so yeah, maybe a few less trichomes for that, but surely still good enough for butter. And who doesn't love a big hash ball!?
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