What a Long Strange Trip it's Been!

I'm not certain that this is even where I should post this but here it goes and I'm sure if I am in the wrong place, (it wouldn't be the first time) , some one will kindly let me know. I wanted to join this site because it seems to be the ellowist friendliest site I have found. Here is a little about myself

I'm an old guy. I started growing for friends back in 1976 when I didn't even smoke. I have a B.S. in Horticulture and have been growing since then.
I am a professional farmer of produce so I guess I kind of come by this naturally. I have been growing produce since I was 10.

Back in 1979-81 I began to try to improve the mexican and columbian genetics that i had been working with. I copped (that's 70's terminology for you youngsters out there) some thai sticks with seeds, I was even able to get some loose thai from a diplomatic source as my reputation grew. Some friends went to Jamaica on spring break and brought me some lambs bread seeds. But none of these did much for the important part of strain improvement that I was looking for. You see back then the seeds had the kick. Mexican varieties yielded earlier and crossed with columbian santa Marta golds and reds made them even better.But they flowered so late in the midwest that they didn't yield the large mature buds that i was shooting for. Finally in the 81 I got some Afghan seeds from Chicago. That was the ticket.I began crossing affies with jamaican /thai/mexican crosses that I had been working with. The funny thing was that the bigger sticky buds that we grew no one was interested in buying at 100 dollars and ounce! We had to lie and say that it was Maui Wowie then they snatched them up like candy and bragged to their friends about the killer weed they had scored! It makes me laugh even today.

After years of low level outdoor guerilla grows just a few heavily pruned plants pinned down in the fence rows for personal use. I have to admit I am proud and even a little envious of some of the newer growers on here! You folks are kickin some serious butt. Back in the day when the fuzz wasn't flying all over the place me Linc , Pete and Julie (that's another throw back reference to you youngsters out there) could put a thousand plants in a cornfield ad get away with it. Now those were some harvest parties.

I have come up with alot of tips and hints and am more than willing to share some of my limited knowledge. Ive done buckets with soil, Hydro woods and field grows. I found that walk in coolers make great grow rooms.

I look forward hearing from some of you folks on this site and wish you all the best.

Your Bud,


Here are some places that you might consider all have been tried and personally proved successful!

-Rural Cemetaries: Now don't laugh or get freaked out. Think about it for a moment. Perfect place to park. Out of respect most people don't mess with folks in a cemetary. They are generally surrounded by crop fields and woods. Most have a source of water like a hydrant that folks use to water plants with. My suggestions is locate 2 or 3 that have the appropriate scelusion the older the better. Adopt a grave of some one who is old enough that relatives don't attend to it. You don't want someone wondering who is taking care of grandmas grave. But it gives you an excuse to be there. You will notice that that is a reoccuring theme in my site locations. What other reason do I have for being there. If you go with someone ti is fairly simple for one to stay behind and tend a grave while the other slips off to tend the plants. I like to go on weekday mornings but don't ever go if it needs to be mowed. Often times mowing crews are prisoners on work release being guarded by an officer of the law. You don't want to be there when they are. I go right after it's been mowed.

-Buy a Canoe- You can buy a canoe for fairly cheap on CL or even a new one on sale will set you back only about 300. Now you have access to miles of the least patrolled areas of the country. You go fishing and jump out here or there to plant a few. This is an old time tried and true method to huge harvests. you can spread out the plants. You have an excuse to be there -canoeing or fishing. My tips would be ..

Harvest a little at a time. Nothing looks more suspicious than a canoe loaded with garbage bags in October. Noones going to believe that you were cleaning trash up along the creek!

If you are fishing have a liscense. Any game warden you meet will just be a tag checker. Be cool talk about what's biting and don't worry. Most counties only have 1 or 2 game officers. In 20 years of doing this I have never met one. At harvest though I do have a buddy that calls in a poaching call acrossed the county from where he is harvesting to make sure he knows where they are at.

Don't plant on islands. they are magnets for other folks on the creek. Do plant on the shore 50 to 100 yards down stream from an island most of the time they got out on the island and are now slipping on downstream.

-Go wading it's just like canoing but without the boat. Lots of people wade and fish every year. Same rules as canoe planting.

That's the first few places I have more to come so stay tuned. Next time I will describe hiding plants out in the open. It's fun!
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Cannafan;bt7866 said:
Wow, I have a lot of reading to do today. Your blog posts are all very well written and interesting to read.
I was in Indiana for quite a few years myself, I can relate to what you wrote about your history there. LOL
I'll be lurking and reading. :high-five:

Cannafan I am truly honored to have a fellow former Hoosier visit and take time out of your day to read my blog. Feel free to jump in with ideas and suggestions. I think that the folks that are on this site are the greatest!
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uptheholler;bt7867 said:
Here are some places that you might consider all have been tried and personally proved successful!......

......That's the first few places I have more to come so stay tuned. Next time I will describe hiding plants out in the open. It's fun!
I'm personally looking forward to your ideas on that. Spring is getting closer and I'm moving the grow outside! :thumb:
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Hi fellow adventurers! Let's take a look at areas for small clandestine grows this time. This is aperfect time for another point to remember and that is ....remember where you put your plants! I am not a big proponent of storing GPS locations on a phone. someone that you think is a friend and boom there goes your plants. I have had a ton of free smoke from very small clandestine grows. I used to drive 55 miles to work every morning through beautiful farmland into the city. As fields got up I would take 2 or 3 small transplants in the truck with me and simply jump out and count 7 or 8 rows in and plant them all in a short row. It worked great! And some of those early weekend drives back in the fall yielded me top notch no work smoke!
I had a friend who used to plant on what around here we call "Government Land". Basically State parks and forrest land. No big surprise there a ton of people do it. But here was his twist. Instead of walking way back into the hills he would park in public parking and head up a trail. But then he would double back out to the front of the parking lot ...out by the road. He would plant some pretty impressive plants 20 yards off the edge where the maintenance folks would be mowing. Oh my gosh the plants he would bring to the harvest parties. Plants that were driven by and not discovered by literally hundreds if not thousands of people each season. The secret is plant them where they aren't looking!

Plant them late- Think about htis idea for a minute. I used to notice how many small weeds would grow up in fields that I had disced or bush hogged. I could work a patch in August and find miniature fully developed weeds in November when I was deer hunting. So I would bush hog a field then immediately
after I would randomly transplant seedlings or clones throughout the field . I would water them in and leave them be. Coming back in November I would be treated to some of my favorite memories. 500 little plants 8 inches to a foot tall with buds on them the size of pingpong balls colorful as heck from the cool weather and frosty as all get out. Now lets do the math 500 hundred times 7 grams dry each plant.
Well if Mrs. Taylor taught me right in 3rd grade that eaquals 3500 grams dry!! It is amazing and the best part is that all of the other plants and weeds grow up with them and detection is almost impossible.
Trust me on this one it is a winner! It would be perfect for autos!
Come on back and see me now next time I will be adding still more food for thought for your grows this season!
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This is going to be the final installment of possible locations for your summer time fun. Again this is an open blog so feel free to add ideas of your own.

Golf courses- Come on Holler really? There are ton's of people there all of the time! Really not as many as you would think. And a friend and I pulled a little ove 3 pounds from around one each year for 3 years until the housing boom. Here is how it worked. We played a course that was surrounded by farm fields. After teeing off on hole 3 my partner would shank one into the woods bordering a farm field. As he went searching for his ball he would slip into the field and edges and plant the clones he had in his bag. After three rounds we had it done. He would then get back in the cart on Hole 6 which ran back along hole 3. We visited the plants with everything they needed in water bottles down in our bags. The harvest came out the same way. We played mid -week ,mid -day and alot of the time had the place almost to ourselves.
-Hiking-Camping-Campgrounds: This is no secret there are thousands of miles of hiking trails all over the place. This differs from planting on Government land as I talked about earlier all of which offer some opportunities for secret gardens. My suggestion is that I prefer the Mom and Pop ones. State and national parks get alot of scrutiny and alot of times penalties are stiffer on that ground.

-Rural Motels & Resorts- These have always been great. Small operations especially if they offer ammenities such as canoeing, horse back riding and 4-wheeling offer access to lots of secluded ground

-Logging roads- If you have a four wheel drive, dirt bike or four wheeler in almost every state there are miles of abandoned roads. The only caution here is that they are already being used by the locals for everything from stills to grow ops. So I suggest you tread lightly. That is where working the outside edges can work out for you.

Thhis wraps up the location ideas for you most of these I have tried and used myself at one time or another. Remember I would never encourage you to do anything illegal. Next time I will cover some other details to consider so come on back when you get a chance and visit a while!
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uptheholler;bt7514 said:
I too grew up in Indiana where we have great sunsets, hot hay fields and damn good watermelon. !
Happy to count you among the tribe!

Back in the 70's we surfed on the NORTH SHORE of Oahu, Hawaii.

Throw down some seed in the spring come back in the fall to harvest!
It was PURPLE BUD from HUMBOLDT (INDIA originally).
After the Vietnam war the THAI STICKS disappeared!
While people on the mainland were smoking leaf we use them to keep the mud off our feet.

You claim you can't over fertilize?
OK you have your degree and I respect that.
However why is grass burned when over fed?

When I had a grow issue I had a overdose situation.
Root Hormone and Kool Bloom and START.
When I took out the Start and the Root Hormone my girl recovered?
I add back a little RO water each day.
I want to do this right.
Back in the day it was out side.
Today it's indoors!
I'm in California and wish I could just grow outside and keep it super simple!
A/C, WATER CHILLER, HPS lighting, Fans, Ventilation, Air Stones, Pump!
Thanks for listening!
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Hey Ataxian! Glad to have you on board! No I didn't claim that you couldn't over fertilize you can burn them right to the ground. What I said was you can't make them use more than their physiological processes require. It's the old you can lead a horse to water ...but.. thing. Oh my friend you can make any soil toxic with fertilizer and that's my point exactly with these chemical companies. I have seen two problems with plants on this site over and over again and I have only been here for a month. They are over fertilization and over watering. Heck you can't only burn plants by too much fertilizer you can also do it by applying it at too high a temperature. I foliar feed acres of fruits and vegetables in between spray tanks as I'm filling the next one I check my ambient air temp constantly anything over 80 degrees and I'm done.
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uptheholler;bt7908 said:
Hey Ataxian! Glad to have you on board! No I didn't claim that you couldn't over fertilize you can burn them right to the ground. What I said was you can't make them use more than their physiological processes require. It's the old you can lead a horse to water ...but.. thing. Oh my friend you can make any soil toxic with fertilizer and that's my point exactly with these chemical companies. I have seen two problems with plants on this site over and over again and I have only been here for a month. They are over fertilization and over watering. Heck you can't only burn plants by too much fertilizer you can also do it by applying it at too high a temperature. I foliar feed acres of fruits and vegetables in between spray tanks as I'm filling the next one I check my ambient air temp constantly anything over 80 degrees and I'm done.
I was cannabis free for 30 years until I had to retire early due to ataxia!
I'm only 55 and 2 years ago I had to leave a white collar corporate job!
Actually the science of growing is as fun as vaporizing cannabis!

So refreshing to have some one from my generation on here!

I hope to learn from you.

Currently I have a one plant grow with maximum yield in a small space.
24" x 36" x 80" is my flower area. Super Cropping and LST. 6 onces is my goal however I think I will have more. This is only my 2nd grow in doors.
For me It's 100% medical. 8oz is the most we can have.
My wife (finance and marketing degree BA) wanted me to grow my own medicine. She thinks it's foolish to buy it! She never consumes it. However she knows of it's benefits!

So glad your here to help us!
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Hey Ataxian! Yeah us old guys have got to stick together! I'd be happy to help you out where ever I can. I really specialize in fruits and vegetables. I grow 15000 tomatoes, about 8-10000 watermelon and muskmelon, about 6000 bell peppers and theneverything else from asparagus to zucchini. And that's just the veg side. I also have a large orchard and do alot of small fruits also. So I kind of come by it honestly. I have been growing and selling produce since I was 10 and I turn 57 this year. And the amazing thing is my back still bends!! Glad to have you as a friend on here and if I can be of assistance just let me know!
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Hey, who you callin' old?
Well, I'm in your age bracket too...so I guess I'm old. LOL
Love the ideas you gave on discreet outdoor grows. I agree, sometimes it has be out in the open to be ignored and looked over. :thumb:
Your farm sounds like something I need right now, have to go on fresh fruit and veggie diet, along with other things I'm not used to eating. and I don't have any home grown veggies. Guess I better gear up for this year and get some going, to harvest this time. :19:

The fertilizing and overwatering convo is interesting, and you are correct...it happens a lot. Did it myself to my first set of seedlings and almost killed them all.
I have to tell myself to back away from the plants and leave them alone. :laugh2:
I'll be hanging around reading your blog. Good stuff here. :thumb:
Take care

uptheholler;bt7910 said:
Hey Ataxian! Yeah us old guys have got to stick together! I'd be happy to help you out where ever I can. I really specialize in fruits and vegetables. I grow 15000 tomatoes, about 8-10000 watermelon and muskmelon, about 6000 bell peppers and theneverything else from asparagus to zucchini. And that's just the veg side. I also have a large orchard and do alot of small fruits also. So I kind of come by it honestly. I have been growing and selling produce since I was 10 and I turn 57 this year. And the amazing thing is my back still bends!! Glad to have you as a friend on here and if I can be of assistance just let me know!
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Cannafan;bt7911 said:
Hey, who you callin' old?
Well, I'm in your age bracket too...so I guess I'm old. LOL
Love the ideas you gave on discreet outdoor grows. I agree, sometimes it has be out in the open to be ignored and looked over. :thumb:
Your farm sounds like something I need right now, have to go on fresh fruit and veggie diet, along with other things I'm not used to eating. and I don't have any home grown veggies. Guess I better gear up for this year and get some going, to harvest this time. :19:

The fertilizing and overwatering convo is interesting, and you are correct...it happens a lot. Did it myself to my first set of seedlings and almost killed them all.
I have to tell myself to back away from the plants and leave them alone. :laugh2:
I'll be hanging around reading your blog. Good stuff here. :thumb:
Take care

Hey Cannafan! Glad to have you back. It's funny we are empty nesters now and oour children who used to complian about all of the fruits and vegs now call me up to say that they can't get a decent peach or asparagus or whatever. I get to tell them they were just spoiled. I'm not sure they feel that way after working in 90 degree field their whole lives but ......? If you have any questions on any produce just let me knopw I have so many time and labor saving tricks there I'd have to start another blog! As always, It's a joy to have you come visit me in my blogosphere!
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ataxian;bt7912 said:
In my 20's I was a landscape contrater.
My parnter had a BS in Oralmental Hortacuter.

I raise SAGO Plams and garden everyday.
Retired at 52 I'' be 56 this summer!


5 weeks into flower!

Hey Ataxian! Man we have alot in common. I too worked as a landscaper for about 5 years. My boss use to give us 5 minutes per hole on 3 ft diameter rootball trees. We would drop them off as close to where they went as possible and we had 5 min per tree to get the hole dug. Boy that old man would make you sweat now. Now I pretty much am a huge advocate of edible landscapes so every thing that goes in around here you can eat or make syrup ourt of! I figure if I have to do the work I'm going to get some thing that I want off of them.
What variety is your plant? I'm working on improving my barn grow space right now so I'm kind of getting excited. Really glad to have you come back and visit!
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Ok we are back sitting on the front porch of old Uncle Holler's log cabin. We decided to grow and we have even started to pick out a few possible places to go. Put your feet up on the porch rail kick back and we will talk about how we are further going to hide our plants. One thing I decided about the mid to late 80's was that tall waving plants sure look nice bending over in the fall loaded down. But what looked great to me stood out like a sore thumb to thieves and helicopters. it was time for a change. Hmmmm...
What should we do?

Prune- When the plant reaches its third node I pinch out the top. This breaks apical dominance in the plant. It reacts by stimulating its side nodes to begin growth. As they begin to grow I also pinch a few of them. I won't go into detail here but there are plenty of pruning tips on this great site. My goal is to have a three foot tall or less plant with a lot of tops by the time Mother Nature flips the light switch. This happens on June 21st. The first day of Summer is also the longest day of the year after that it's a daylight slide towards Autumn.

Better step on it!- What? Holler is an idiot. Why would I step on my plant? Well it's not really steping on it but into it as the first phase of leaning the plant over. After a rain or a good watering put your foot at the base of the plant and apply enough pressure to lean it over. Slow gradual pressure does the trick.
Keep in mind 2 things as you do this. First where is your best sunlight coming from. I like to lean the plant so that it is exposed to the longest daylength as the sun moves acrossed your canapoy opening.
Secondly I bend it in relation to other surrounding vegetation that might offer good concealment cover as the grow progresses. After you have your plant tilting use a rock to lean on the stem or a short piece of baling twine to tie it into this position. I carry small hoops of bent wire that I simply push into the ground to help hold it down. This is a gradual process.If you go too quick you can break the stem.
Eventually you will end up with a plant growing out about 8 to 10 inches off of the ground.

On our next visit I will give you the some more steps in our training process and how to use your surroundings to help hide the girls. Until then lean back have a glass of tea listen to the turkeys over the ridge thereand help Uncle Holler find his papers!
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Hey Ataxian, You maybe on a 10 week ride with a monster plant here! My first advice is go out and get a machete! Just kidding. I think that from earlier she looked like you had over fed her. Especially Nitrogen. This can extend the entire process even once you corrected it. I guess the simplist way to explain what I think happens in this case is that you were kind of giving the plant mixed signals. Shortening the daylength at the same time she was still using up available nitrogen. A good comparison would be local gardeners that I know that dig giant holes for their garden tomatoes and fill the hole with pretty hot manure and transplant into it. Then they brag about the giant tomato plant that they grew but wonder why it has very little if any fruit until late in the season. I personally have been called to a persons house to see tomatoes higher than their garage roof with asbout 3 tomatoes on it. Same type of thing may have happened here. You seem to have plenty of light but your flowers looked like they "ran" on you a bit. Now that you have the nutrients back in line it should come around and you may harvest a pretty darned big crop in the end. Bottom line is now stay the course. The yellowing is harder to get a definite opiion on without a pic but It could be from almost the same thing now the plant is shifting gears nitrogen is not as plentiful and your newer growth may show some yellowing. On long time grows like this you will be seeing more yellow leaves than in a typical 8 week flower then cut grow. Don't let it concern you too much. The Plant is going to start shutting down those leaves as it begins to go further into senescence. If you need me I'll be just uptheholler! Best of luck!
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Yep if that's an up to date pic....and with me not knowing her current growth rate and if she is in week 6 right now I could guess her to be needing 10 weeks total. That isn't terribly long for a sativa dominant plant. But I do like my plants at the extrme end of maturity at harvest. I always figure that I've gone this far I might as well see it all the way through. Keep me up to date I'd love to follow it with you!
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#1...Wow, one fine blog you got going here, very informative.
#2...Old dogs can learn new tricks.
#3...Call your weed anything...I don`t care. All I care about is quality, not names.
#4...Damn, ton of reading to do. Should have stopped by before now.
#5...Peace my man of the green thumbs.
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yooper rex;bt7940 said:
#1...Wow, one fine blog you got going here, very informative.
#2...Old dogs can learn new tricks.
#3...Call your weed anything...I don`t care. All I care about is quality, not names.
#4...Damn, ton of reading to do. Should have stopped by before now.
#5...Peace my man of the green thumbs.

Yooper I am so stinking happy that you made it over to my neck of the woods to sit for a while!I have really enjoyed your posts and it is I ,my friend, who will be learning from you. It's a good time for me to make a few things clear about my blog. I never want to come acrossed as a Mister Know-It-All. I am old and I have been growing things since I was a kid. Alot of what I suggest comes from sitting around alot of campfires and in alot of kitchens in alot of farm houses listening to alot of growers in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Ohio, Tennesee and West Virginia. I have tried alot of what we talked about and thrown in a few twists of my own from observations that I have made growing all kinds of stuff. But you my friend need no lessons from me. But if I made you think of some different ideas or ways of looking at stuff....then.... I can hardly wait for what a grower like you comes back with. So don't be shy come back and sit on my old cabin porch and share what you come up with here on my blog. The more the merrier and if you need me i'll be just uptheholler! Thanks again my friend!
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