
  1. Hugoi

    New member - Introduction

    Hello everyone, My name is Hugoi and I am Engineer with a passion for innovation. I am new to this site and want to engaging with everyone . I believe in the potential of cannabis to improve well being and quality of life, and I am excited to learn more from this community. I join this group...
  2. ProToker

    Greetings & Salutations!

    Hey Fellow Tokers, I hope all is well with you and yours! I'm in ATX, Austin, TX, for those unfamiliar with the acronym. Back in the day, the '90s, I was a heavy, Heavy, HEAVY pothead, but now I primarily smoke to maintain what little sanity I may have and combat my bipolar, adhd, and anxiety...
  3. York Genetics

    Danny Terpintine Says Hello :)

    Hey, super glad to be here! For those who don't know me, I'm Danny Terpintine! I've been growing for just under 14 years now, making seeds for 13 years. I've been a licensed med patient (helps me with chronic paaiinnnn!) for my entire grow career - fun fact, I actually got licensed to grow...
  4. ShroomsNweed420

    What's up y'all I'm Ant from Atlantic City NJ just introducing myself!

    I just started growing bought everything week ago will start in a month I got mars hydro ts1000 and 2x3 2x3 mars hydro tent wit cloudline t4 quiet fan setup with filter looking to find some orangeade pure strains fems and crosses with it i really like this strain i smoked one time and never seen...
  5. G

    NorCal Newbie

    Here’s a funny...lives in Mendo, has for a million years, is a million years old, but is new to growing and making medicine! Kinda new. I mean, I just do stuff. I thought I made up fermenting! Ha! Crawling back into my cave now. I’ll peek out when I need or can give any help! Not involved...
  6. RoyalSeedBank

    Royal Seed Bank: Introduction

    Hi 420 family :) I want to introduce Royal Seed Bank to the 420magazine community :cool: Simply put: we are a Seed Bank Directory that is constantly growing and our goal is to be the largest seed bank directory in the industry. As of now (Beginning of March 2019), we have 351 strains listed...
  7. TLC333

    New Girl

    Hey all! New to the community, not super new to growing but fairly new compared to the veterans. Really excited about this place for sure. Have been quietly cruising the threads and I am very impressed with the neighborhood! Really looking forward to it! Thank you for having me.
  8. L

    New toker & grower hailing from LV NV!

    Hello, my name is Adam. You can call me Breeze. A little back story on the name, I work with this dude at a restaurant, who is the main cook his name is D. I used to rock a man bun, and D would call me Samurai. I cut my bun off because I was heading into management so i gotta look sharp. I came...
  9. R

    No-till newbie here to commune

    Greetings Brothers and Sisters! I'm a 29yo guy from Maine who's passionate about no-till gardening and cannabis. Happy to be on Earth with you and part of this community. Last month I started my first indoor, no-till grow and will share its progress in a grow journal soon. Started with two...
  10. E

    Personal Introduction

    Hi, Short introduction: British Male, 64 years of age living in rural Portugal with my wife and dog. Would welcome correspondence with like minded people especially those living in Portugal to swap experiences. Enjoying early retirement in this beautiful Country for the last 4...
  11. I

    Hey Everyone! Intro - White Walker Kush Grow Leaf Curl Issue

    Hello Everyone! This is my first post, hopefully first of many. I just signed up for this website because i was coming here almost everday to look up questions and all kinds of things related to my grow because im also doing my first grow ever on my own. Its going great so far! Its quite a joy...
  12. K

    Starting First Grow Soon

    Hey guys, I'm currently in the process of planning my first grow. probably getting started within the next month or two, been lurking the forums here for awhile now just trying to learn what I can and I'm pretty excited to get going just thought I might as well introduce myself.
  13. S

    New Guy wants to say Hi

    Hey all - Just wanted to say I love this site and have been reading it for a long time. Now I wanted to be more involved. I use marijuana for medicinal purposes and I am trying to find working ways to make my own vape juice. I am 100% behind legalization at the federal and each state level...
  14. Greenfox

    A wild greenfox appeared! High guys

    Hey everyone! Just starting out with growing as a hobby and a potential business option. I live in California and grow primarily indoors. Looking to rub elbows and green thumbs with other growers both virtual and in person. Look forward to hear from you all and posting some great threads!
  15. R

    A beginner to novice Caregiver - That really does care!

    I like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain.... Now that I got that out of the way, I am a Legal Caregiver and Patient in the state of MI. The main reason I started growing myself was to help out my wives friends mother, we well call her Bertha, Bertha has cancer and she cant...
  16. D

    Old schoolweed smoker

    My intro here is now, my pot intro was 1973. Been a long strange trip for sure. First grows, usually with other plants for camouflage, never satisfactory. First education, took agriculture classes in high school, they never did figure out this long hair's reason to hang with farmers. My...
  17. Lord Simmer

    New Grower - Hello from a sunny and wet location

    Hey everyone, I originally did a hydroponics grow 8-10 years ago and it was successful. I moved to a sunny, wet, and hot location recently. I figured I would try an outdoor grow with good seeds. The link is in my signature line. I have done a ton of research and I'm passionate about the...
  18. weblock420

    Hi from the UK

    Hi 420! Great community you have here :) Ive joined a few recently as i'm a n00b grower but a long time smoker of 30 years and you're place definitely looks like one of the more active forums. Looking forward to reading and learning a lot from the pro's in here and hopefully in time...
  19. A

    Cancer Patient - First Timer

    Hi all, I hope this is in the right place and greetings from the Pacific North West! I don't typically do this as I'm extremely reserved and usually reside under my rock but I'll start this off by saying that I was diagnosed May 25, 2015 with cancer (lymphoma) to my surprise and...
  20. V


    Been checking this site for a while, very helpful so decided to sign up. Very new to growing, so far only done 2 autos both northern lights, managed 25g/30g of each plant, under 4 45w cfl. Im in a country where smoking/growing is not welcomed at all but needs must and all that :-)
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