1st-ish Grow, California Snow Auto, Help Needed, Day 19

Digger welcome and I want to put my 2 cents in for you maybe save you some time and money while im at it. You are doing good and want to share what I was taught when I startes working at Harvest moon hydroponics in 2011
You do not need to feed coco everytime you water thats bologna especially if you are growing autos they do not like a lot of food and it is a wierd shift compared to the transitio nal requirments of nutrition in autos compared to photos I will share a common newly established rule for feeding autos after my rant is done.
Stop using enzymes everytime first off... i seen a nother member wrote that enzymes killed his plant I believe it. You should only need to use enzymes when reconditioning media or starting new cubes for proogating or fresh media with nothing in it.
Its good to use once a month bc the roots are not gonna be dyeing everyday no need to keep trying to clean them.
Secondly, cut the watering... Keep the coco moist and I know bill says don't let it dry out but why dont you top dress and give a gentle water maybe with a microbial tea wake the rhizospere up. Stimulate the microbes and they will stimulate that plant. Its good to let a pot that larges get decent dryness to where its pliable and you can move iy loosely but its not cracking and shrinking bc thats where the root damage occurs... You can brush a little soil in the sides that show gaps when that happens... Also if you arent working your soil what are you doing.. I say soil bc thats what it is going to turn into pretty much.
Its almost beneficial to run silicic acid based silica if you can and push regular silica in later when its ready for more K levels the regular silica will also help raise PH.. Push that silica! Stronger more resistant plants with hardier trichome stalks thats what you want not crumbly brittle poof dusts.
Third, I second the notion to the common fact coco needs cal mag so keep that around.
4 you should try to get your temp a little lower bring in more fresh air.
Ppl will bash me on this but it is a myth that the fan is going to make your plants stronger... Its a myth I am encouraging a flush when your girl dries up free some of the out of balance elements and look into getting some plant sugars for her as well. I hope this helps. Ou should chrck out mr. Grow it he has a lot of great discussions and is stufent to professor Bruce Bugbee from Utah State university, 40yrs in plant science from engineering. Worked with NASA on growth chambers for intergallactic gardening.. I encourage you to watch his videos and subscribe to his channel so you dont miss any new content. Take notes and have fun.. I watch his same videos all the time and am constantly pulling new tid bits of advice I highly HIGHLY recommend.
I promise you the less you water that plant the more it will grow trust me. I was where you were 10 yrs ago. One of the best pieces of advice I read in maximum yield is water less you do not want a flooded plant... That plant has a root system as big as what you see above the soil ok the tip is your plants will grow more if you water less but the key is to mot under nor over water got it?!
Most nutrients are designed for photoperiodics, making it easier to over or underfeed and damage your autoflowering plant. That's why we recommend following the best nutrient schedule for autoflowers which has been adapted for you to grow autos using nutrients designed for photos.

Week 0 Germination - Plain water;

Week 1 Seedling - Plain water;

Week 2 Vegetating - ⅛ veg. nutes;

Week 3 Vegetating - ¼ veg. nutes;

Week 4 Vegetating - ¼ to ½ veg. nutes;

Week 5 Pre-flowering - ¼ veg. nutes + ⅛ bloom;

Week 6 Flowering - ¼ bloom + ⅛ veg. nutes;

Week 7 Flowering - ¼ bloom nutes;

Week 8 Flowering - ½ bloom nutes;

Week 9 Flowering - ½ bloom nutes;

Week 10 Ripening - ⅛ bloom nutes;

Week 11 Flushing - Plain water
my other advice is if a leaf is more than 50% damaged take it off use clean sterile blades and cut at 45 degrees to eliminate a flat spot mold can grow on or a water bead sits if you do a topping creating a spot for possible infection...
Then get those ties off her that you have they don't like to be bunched that can open a door for spores to grow the VPD you create in that leaf taco is going to cause mold especially in a basement above 50 humidity.
One Love Y'all
Okay, here’s the girl today, before feeding,

she’s starting to smell quite a bit, i love it! But I think I’ll have to start the carbon filter as well as at least one of the fans.

I’ve kept my hands off, except to remove a few real low leafs that had wilted bad, just naturally no disease/pest etc

Can you all please give me some feedback of where you think she is and how I should proceed.

without counting I believe she’s day 30, will check soon.

Many thanks all!

EDIT: I should add that slight upturning on the pointy bits of the leaves has only started today.
Could it be I missed feeding yesterday? or something else?







Okay, here’s the girl today, before feeding,

she’s starting to smell quite a bit, i love it! But I think I’ll have to start the carbon filter as well as at least one of the fans.

I’ve kept my hands off, except to remove a few real low leafs that had wilted bad, just naturally no disease/pest etc

Can you all please give me some feedback of where you think she is and how I should proceed.

without counting I believe she’s day 30, will check soon.

Many thanks all!

EDIT: I should add that slight upturning on the pointy bits of the leaves has only started today.
Could it be I missed feeding yesterday? or something else?







Good morning @Digger3691 your lady looks great.
I noticed in a pic what looks like pistols.
So she might be flowering and time to change her nutrients.
Can you get a clear pic.
I'll show you where.

Stay safe


Thanks theres little sites like that dotted around, here’s another pic, not much better I’m afraid.
My phone has a good camera but I left it at work, these were done trying to hold an unwieldy iPad.

ill try for better tomorrow,

thanks for your help.

Thanks theres little sites like that dotted around, here’s another pic, not much better I’m afraid.
My phone has a good camera but I left it at work, these were done trying to hold an unwieldy iPad.

ill try for better tomorrow,

thanks for your help.

That's perfect. :thumb:
Ok so you have pistols.
She has flipped to flower for you.
It's time to change her nutrition to the flowering schedule.
What nutrients do you have?

Stay safe
The plant is looking good! Might be asking for a little magnesium curling upwards they call taco or even praying for magnesium sometimes demanding plants can be quick to show you were off a day or 2 chances are you can be using more but be precise and not feed too much keep the grow formula going but dial it back half strength go half to qr strength bloom food or even a 1/4 and a 1/4 of each veg and bloom autos still want to be treated like a photoperiod plant in this time I recommend blasting it with continous light to get her massive so you can get some bigger buds while youre getting the plant in better shape she likes what you been doing! Great job!
That's perfect. :thumb:
Ok so you have pistols.
She has flipped to flower for you.
It's time to change her nutrition to the flowering schedule.
What nutrients do you have?

Stay safe
The only nutes I’ve been using are Canna Coco A + B, which states it can take it all the way through, although I’ve suspected ill need need something else. Also just recently started adding about 1/5 teaspoon of black strap molasses.

What else would I need? PK, CalMag?

The only nutes I’ve been using are Canna Coco A + B, which states it can take it all the way through, although I’ve suspected ill need need something else. Also just recently started adding about 1/5 teaspoon of black strap molasses.

What else would I need? PK, CalMag?

Good morning Digger.
If you are in coco you must put cal mag in you water first.
Wait 15 minutes then add A then B.
I'd get potassium silicate aswell .5ml/l once a week in plain water.
Canna A and B can get you through flower no problem.
They do recommend a pile of stuff with it.
Not totally necessary.
But their Rhizotonic and pk 13-14 would be beneficial.
Did you look around their feed chart and nutrient line?

Stay safe
Good morning Digger.
If you are in coco you must put cal mag in you water first.
Wait 15 minutes then add A then B.
I'd get potassium silicate aswell .5ml/l once a week in plain water.
Canna A and B can get you through flower no problem.
They do recommend a pile of stuff with it.
Not totally necessary.
But their Rhizotonic and pk 13-14 would be beneficial.
Did you look around their feed chart and nutrient line?

Stay safe

Yes, I’ve got their feed chart, I also have their Rhizo which I’ve been using approx 1 out of 3 feeds, and CannaZym which I’ve used now and again just for a bit of variation.

So CalMag added to water first, followed, 15 mins, by my normal nutes? When would the PK be added, I’ve read (somewhere) that stuff should be added in order to stop one cancelling out the other.

Would you use potassium silicate once a week (first time I’ve heard of to tell truth) as well as PK?

Thanks for all your, and everyone else’s help.
It’s so tricky out there trying to work out what to do!

EDIT: Also she seems really thirsty, I did miss one day but the last 3 days I’ve given her 1.5ltr (approx 0.4 gallon) and have had no run off at all! The reason I started to use this amount was the spring water I use (I only do this as it’s a single plant and the water is cheap) and I’d get approx 10-15% run into bucket below.
Yes, I’ve got their feed chart, I also have their Rhizo which I’ve been using approx 1 out of 3 feeds, and CannaZym which I’ve used now and again just for a bit of variation.

So CalMag added to water first, followed, 15 mins, by my normal nutes? When would the PK be added, I’ve read (somewhere) that stuff should be added in order to stop one cancelling out the other.

Would you use potassium silicate once a week (first time I’ve heard of to tell truth) as well as PK?

Thanks for all your, and everyone else’s help.
It’s so tricky out there trying to work out what to do!

EDIT: Also she seems really thirsty, I did miss one day but the last 3 days I’ve given her 1.5ltr (approx 0.4 gallon) and have had no run off at all! The reason I started to use this amount was the spring water I use (I only do this as it’s a single plant and the water is cheap) and I’d get approx 10-15% run into bucket below.
Hey Digger here is the order in which to put your ingredients.
Silicate I mix separately and feed after reg feeding once a week.

Stay safe

I removed a total of 8 leaves today, not defoliation, but were withered/wilting/torn/discoloured etc.
There are still a few wilting around the bottom but I didn’t want to do too much at this stage of her growth.

Also there’s still a few potential bud sites that are getting next to no light.
As this is my first real grow should I just, as mentioned by some earlier in the thread, let her go and be happy?

I hate the thought of losing out, but that thought is nothing compared to getting this far and losing everything just because I’m being greedy.

I have the Canna CalMag and Canna Pk 13-14 arriving Tuesday (it’s Sunday afternoon here now, ordered Saturday, but we happen to be in a State Of Emergency here due to flooding in my state/area) otherwise it’d be here Monday, damn you nature lol).

Here’s a few pics of her now.
Thanks guys, stay safe and healthy!








She’s looking good to me but in still worried about so many bud sites hidden under canopy.
Should I just put interest into the main sites?

I have CalMag and PK arriving tomorrow.

We have major flooding here her in the east of Australia, humidity through the roof, temps getting high, at least our power is on though.







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