1st time closet growing

ok well i finaly got a way to get pics up on here just gotta take the pics an make sure it works an then my lil ones will be viewable by you sorry guys its taking me awhile i know but i still have them going just bin busy and havnt bin on here in a while hope to here back from you all you helped me alot the lil ones are looking good
definitely look at the nute description before you buy and make sure that it is soluable in soil or soil/water. some are for hydro only!!

and as far as the light being 12 inches away, i'm thinking that's a bit close. i have a regular 400w light w/ reflector, no air-cooled or anything, and i couldn't keep it that close. especially them being so young. they might stretch a bit more b/c of the kind of light(HPS), but unless you get some blue spectrum fluoros or CFLs, you should expect some stretching. i would get one of those thermometers that has the wire probe thing on it that you can hang at the top of your canopy. they usually display the temp. and the humidity. probably get one for 10 or 15 bucks.

my experience is w/ the CFLs and 400w in closets, so if i can help let me know. good luck!!




ok so i finaly got some pics up for you all to check out i know they dont look the best but bare wit me its my first closet grow an dont have alot of stuff i really need. let me know what you think and anymore tips
Looks like it's about time to transplant into larger pots. About quart size I'd say.
I would get rid of the heat lamps, and get cfl bulbs in those fixtures. Then you can put the lights closer to the plants. Like 4". This will keep them from stretching out so thin. Also, when you transplant, you can bury the stems to like an inch or two below the first leaves.
Plants look healthy though.
Good luck!
i got the little ones replanted in some bigger bowls with all natural organic soil. they are looking better all ready since i replanted them ill have to get more pics up. whats the best way to trim the leaves off the very bottom two are turning yellow. thanks to everyone that has helped me or gave me tips i dont think i would have even made it this far with out your help.
hey dutch lose the heat lamp and buy another cfl most stores with a hardware dept have some that are 43 watts it will do you more good then the heat lamp you wont know the sex until you flip them on 12/12 for a couple of weeks but you are not ready for that yet imo.a small fan in the front of the shield you have up will them get stronger just dont blow it right on them ok goodluck buddy
you can keep them on 18/6 till your ready to bud them maybe a month or so if you used potting soil most of them have nutes in the soil which should be good for a month then you will need to purchase something.when you get the clone you will want to keep it on 12/12 so you will need to have a seperate space for it so the lights wont overlap one another.goodluck hope this helps
You might want to move your lights closer. Light diminishes fast. A 1000 watt hps light produces 140,000 lumens a foot away from the bulb at 4 feet away it only produces 10,000 lumens. Intensity= Light Output/Distance(sqaured)

A good way to check how close you can put your lights is a good temp gauge. Or hold your hand under the light and if its to hot for you then its to hot for the plants. Move away till it is comfortable and your lady's will be to.
Unfortunately they dont sell fox farms at home depot or lowes but check this thread out some pretty good fert finds at home depot you might want to check out, also sometimes when you go onto the Fox farms website they have this thing that you can figure out where their products are sold and maybe there might be something in your area check it out

Home Depot Nutrient Finds
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