1st Time Grower - Blue Mystic Indoor June 2012

I know I didn't say anything your entire journal just because I like to watch and let the plants be in the light lol sorry bad pun....anyway good job I can't wait to see how our blue mystic turns out...
Haha, thanks Arizona and Spiffy. I'm glad my organized closet is getting the credit it deserves. :thanks:

One thing I realized as I was researching curing threads was that some people trim a lot more of the actual sugar leaves off and save it as trim. I cut them down, but didn't remove them entirely because it didn't seem right considering they were just covered in trichs. I read this may produce a more "leafy" smoke. But it's a plant, so I was expecting that anyways. :hmmmm:

What do you guys normally do when trimming?
Thanks Jfault and seedback.

I got the seeds from maryjanesgarden.com. I originally bought 10 seeds, but have only used 6 so far. At current count I have 10 plants (not counting the 7 clones still in the tray, the 2 males I destroyed, or the 1 that I have recently harvested). I have lost about 4 clones I think during the learning process but honestly now it is my 2nd favorite part of this growing hobby behind LST'ing (smoking it is it's own hobby, lol). My goal is to get to a point where I am harvesting 4 plants every month. To do this I will need 16 plants + 2 mothers (for variety).

I did test smoking the little popcorn nug that I had picked a couple days before harvest. I haven't smoked in a couple years and damn was I coughing, haha. My biggest fear was that it would taste like shit and not even get me high. Thankfully neither of those fears were realized since I enjoyed the familiar weed flavor (although perhaps now I get what people mean by saying it was "leafy"), and I def got high. It was a small piece so only like a one hitter, but it felt so good to know I had grown it myself. The remaining bud is currently in jars starting to cure. I tried weighing it, but the digital scale was so sensitive I swear it moved if I even blinked. Anyways it tended to hover between 14-20 grams so a little over half an ounce from my little girl.

Thanks everyone for checking me out. I promise my next grow will be 10 x's better now that I know just enough to be dangerous, haha.
Hey Amsterdam,
I guarantee your yields will get bigger and better if you continue to hang out here and you continue to grow, once again way to go buddy, how was the taste?

So I smoked some more this past weekend and it wasn't as leafy as the first time, but damn was it still harsh. I am coughing like my first time. In fact, it has made me start looking into vaporizers, lol. I like the high feeling but that strain on my lungs is far too much. For now though I will just let it sit in the jar and cure for a month or more to see if that helps enough.
You can try re-hydrating it and drying again. I find if you leave it in the jar and in the fridge. Then open it once a day. The condensation that forma on it when the cold bud hits the warm air tends to smoothen out any harshness after a few weeks. Could be that they were not flushed out enough before taking them down.
There are a couple of DIY plans on line for vaporizers. Temperature is very important. It is the difference between vaporizing and burning your bud. I will find out what my buddy uses his works great. Came with extra bags and glass bowls. NICE
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