2 days into flowering and this! Hydro

personally i do not use it. sometime if i remember to due it i do go down to ten hours the first tree days or so. some phenos sometimes have a hard time flipping to flower for some reason. one other guy i am helping in real life just had some seeds i got from a shop stirring in his closet. they did not flower under 12/12 for tree weeks so i turned down his light for tree days and they popped into flower asap after those tree days. i do not know about that 36 hour thing never tried it..

klovneposen, let me know if you think any of my suggestions are not good, im winging this with the best of my knowledge but can do with help for sure if you spot something wrong.


klovneposen, let me know if you think any of my suggestions are not good, im winging this with the best of my knowledge but can do with help for sure if you spot something wrong.



i'll do mate but just letting you take the lead a bit so its not gets to controversing oppinions and such that confuses them.

but i will keep an eye out and pitch in with a note here and there when i see something you leave out or such.

i feel sometime when having experience in a field one sometimes tend to leave out some important details when helping a beginner on a given subject. Be course the techniques or whatever it might be, is almost just stored in ones muclememory and has become an automated routine. you know what i mean?
i'll do mate but just letting you take the lead a bit so its not gets to controversing oppinions and such that confuses them.

but i will keep an eye out and pitch in with a note here and there when i see something you leave out or such.

i feel sometime when having experience in a field one sometimes tend to leave out some important details when helping a beginner on a given subject. Be course the techniques or whatever it might be, is almost just stored in ones muclememory and has become an automated routine. you know what i mean?

I sure do cheers and thanks, :thumb:
im leaning towards Kiwi's 12 hours off and maybe just some 200watt cfl or something if you have it. Or leaving them in the outskirts of the growroom the first days, so they only recieve a passive lighting while rerooting. if the leafs are running on overdrive under to hard light they will not be balanced with the cut back roots capability to take up water.

and maybe take temps down a tad to about 24-25c 75-77f degrees when lights on the first couple days also.

thats how i do with the hydro to soil tranplantations at it has always worked for me.

I know its a bitch having to do this but it is not wasting a week to do these things to keep the plants on track, it is more spending a week to safe months.
ok up to page 4 of reading, a few things I would change is your veg lights are far far too high, too much stretch when growing in veg, also your master tank feeding those pots is kinda small which makes it harder to maintain stable PH, but easier to change regularly... still getting up to speed with your system, so may edit this post as i read more.

im about to fire up a SOG flood and drain tray, so reading this help me with my own set up so thanks.

If it were me , on your next grow, i would, fill your flood and drain veg tray with hydroton, and zero veg a sea of green under it.

No Veg straight to flower with large clones or 1 week veg if you choose

You will have massive amounts of smoke in 7-9 weeks. Take big clones 15- 20 cm in sphagnum moss, wash roots clean and then pack 4 clones per square foot (or 1 per foot) into that flood and drain tray full of hydroton no pots and straight to 12/12.

That is the highest yielding method in the shortest amount of time for your system. with the least amount of issues.

your wasting time and space with these pots.

I can yield 1.6 pound in that 3 foot by 3 foot tray (its actually only 93 cm x 93 cm) shown above in 7-9 weeks using only a 600 watt HPS, imagine what you could do with yours..

going to try 1200 watt in a 4" x 4" tent over this tiny tray this time and see if i can keep the tent cool enough.

I have air con.

Food for thought, or is that smoke n toke for thought :tokin:

pack dem in like sardines like this .





some inspiration

clone in sphagnum moss like this. remove all sphagnum (very easy to do) then bang straight into hydroton flood drain tray for 12/12 flowering.

I Only use 60 litres of hydroton in the tray for up to 48 plants. (Dont flood the top 4 cm, it needs to be dry)

bake them in light. cuts power usage too being zero veg, so you can afford to double your flowering watts.

I run with 56,000 LUX in flower minimum. download a free lux light meter app to your smart phone from the app store and test,


These photos are from a guy called high country on another forum, this guy grows very close to the way i do.

so added his pics from google image for example of how you could grow too.

Zero veg and high turn over. done in 6-8 weeks Very little time for things to go wrong like salt build up for example.


instead of sphagnum moss for this run im using my home made bubble cloner. so far so good.



All just ideas for what you can do with your system,

Snichols1 , Im so jealous of your gear it is so nice and allows sooo much flexibility and you will master it.

Like the pro you are.

clone in sphagnum moss like this. remove all sphagnum (very easy to do) then bang straight into hydroton flood drain tray for 12/12 flowering.

I Only use 60 litres of hydroton in the tray for up to 48 plants. (Dont flood the top 4 cm, it needs to be dry)

bake them in light. cuts power usage too being zero veg, so you can afford to double your flowering watts.

I run with 56,000 LUX in flower minimum. download a free lux light meter app to your smart phone from the app store and test,


These photos are from a guy called high country on another forum, this guy grows very close to the way i do.

so added his pics from google image for example of how you could grow too.

Zero veg and high turn over. done in 6-8 weeks Very little time for things to go wrong like salt build up for example.


instead of sphagnum moss for this run im using my home made bubble cloner. so far so good.



All just ideas for what you can do with your system,

Snichols1 , Im so jealous of your gear it is so nice and allows sooo much flexibility and you will master it.

Like the pro you are.


First of all you are my hero for helping me through this. We hit wall after wall but we ARE in this until the end and plan on learning to the point where i can help others like you are to me. We can bring our veg light down 6 inches or so with paracord. We have the flo n gro system in the basement so thats why we are implementing those buckets. our 4000 watts are in the basement and we wanna make use of those so thats why we are flowering with them. But if we could complete a whole lify cycle in the tent upstairs, we may be able to move in the direction of 2 active grows. We chopped that guys roots down to just a few thick rtoots and planted in hydroton. misted a lot and left him in cool and dark overnight. just put him in the tent away from the lights and here is what weve got. Looks scary. THoughts?
Deciding whether to cut the other 3.
We did put a penny into this equipment but then were kind of told that we bought way too expensive equipment for noobs that was potentially incompatible. So we have gone from that to some hope. And that is more than i could ask for :)

Wondering if we used just the tent, what we would do with the 4000 watts and triple the space downstairs? hmph im overwhelmed lol. Time to go to the happy place!
That bubble cloner looks awesome! The plants will grow up and flower in that same bubble? I guess I have only focused on what we are working with, but the extent of equipment is incredible. And I plan on finding the best way for us, but we have no guidance without you guys. Thanks again :)
Dont do the others, that wilting plant does not look good. Keep it as cool as possible 16 degrees Celsius and leaves wet.

Best to start a heap of new clones.

And to try flower those rock wool blocks.

Sorry im suprised at the transplant shock. So cant continue with that.

Get as many new clones going as possible.
Start a fresh with new clones and 100% hydroton and do your best keeping those rock wool blocks dry but moist with lots of airstones in the main tank during flowering.

Also new hydroton has a ph of 8 so needs to be washed in a ph water of 4.5- 5.0 until you get a reading of ph 6.

Im at work so thats all i can write for now sorry.
P.s im sorry but i dont think that transplanted plant will pull through that dehydration/wilt. Keep it wet (leaves) and cool 16 degrees c. But it doesnt look hopeful.

Really sorry for suggesting the transplant now, i feel terrible.

You should focus your energy on a new grow done right from the start.

If the rock wool plants pull through flowering, treat it as a side bonus or keep them as mothers or cut them down for clones.

Oxygen is so important for roots and rock wool doesn't hold much in ratio to the water it holds.

Use powerful air stones in your main tank.
The veg fluro tube lights want to come down as low as possible just inches above the plant if heat isnt a issue and raise the lights as the plants grow. This will keep your plants tight and bushy and they will grow much much faster speeding up veg time and be short and compact, they will stretch and double in height in 12/12 flowering.
P.s when i suggested trimming the roots i meant the length of the roots not the number of roots.

Is this what you did? It was to remove the bottom tangle and oxygen starved roots at the bottom and force the roots left to branch outwards into the growing media ( hydroton)

The more healthy roots would have been in the top 50% of the root zone.
We cut everything below the top 4 inches of thick clean roots. They were like stalks more than roots. I'd sat we cut about 80 percent total though to get out of that wool. Not your fault at all. Don't feel bad! Welive and we learn.

Sent from my SM-G925V using 420
should properly have cut the growth back about the same ratio as the roots or there will become an unbalance of what the small pruned roots are capable of taking up of moist and what the plant need due to its vegetative size. the misting is only to hold the moist inside the plant and the humitity around the plant up for a longer time, so the plant does not sweat it all off. A plant will not be able to live of foliarsprays alone. it will take up nutes this way but not enought moist. IMO. i would cut back the tops on the rest of em. and use those for new clones. then experiment with saving the rest by only cutting off oxygen starved roots in the bottom. you might as well make a experiment out of the bad and stressing situation for later reference.

when cutting back and trying to get them to reroot in low tempreturs and passive light you can also make use of see true garbagebags put em over the plants like a humitity dome with a few holes in it on the top so moist does not go stale. it will help the plant further not drying out while lacking roots. remember to take of garbage bags once a day or so to let fresh air in then put em back on.
P.s im sorry but i dont think that transplanted plant will pull through that dehydration/wilt. Keep it wet (leaves) and cool 16 degrees c. But it doesnt look hopeful.

Really sorry for suggesting the transplant now, i feel terrible.

You should focus your energy on a new grow done right from the start.

If the rock wool plants pull through flowering, treat it as a side bonus or keep them as mothers or cut them down for clones.

Oxygen is so important for roots and rock wool doesn't hold much in ratio to the water it holds.

Use powerful air stones in your main tank.

yeah my 24-25c was a bit to high for those big plants with so heavily trimmed roots. 16-20 whould be better im sureas long as the heat in the room does not constantly elevate back and forth from real low to real high there should not become any rot or moulding issues.

Just planted 12 Amnesia Lemon feminized seeds from Barneys Farm in rapid rooters that we soaked overnight and wrang them out so they were wet but not dripping. we dropped the seeds in ro water for a couple hours prior to planting.
We Planted and covered the hole with a bit of plug so they would not have light hitting them right away but could push through.
We have had trouble with germination/propagation before, but here we are. Moving on!

p.s We will be moving those other girls downstairs tomorrow. We are going to chop the wool off the top where there are no roots and hope for the best. I appreciate you guys so much and I hope you'll follow us through this.

Thanks, Snichols
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