420 Magazine Website News: December 2023

Teddy Edwards

Well-Known Member
Guidelines Relaxations
If you are a regular reader of this monthly update, you'll know that we have made some significant relaxations of our Posting Guidelines over the last couple of months. If you're new to this, you can review them here. Worth reading because they are designed to allow greater freedom for what our members can post, as well as reducing the workload of our moderation team.

Reporting Completed Journals
What would help us tremendously is if members could report their old, completed or abandoned journals. Just use the Report button at the bottom of every post. Please if you can find a moment, seek out your older grows and report them either "completed" or "abandoned". It will be a massive help to Mike Wright and the team. :thanks:

New 420 Memes Thread
As the use of memes just grows and grows - and because there are many, many excellent weed memes - we've collated many of them in a new thread - The 420 Meme Thread - Post Your Grow Memes!

Not only is it an amusing read, it's open for you to add to. Please just keep them all 420 related!

Sponsor of the Month: Seedsman
We are delighted to announce that Seedsman are our 420 Magazine Sponsor of the Month. As well as having been a long-term supporter, Seedsman they are currently running a series of comparative grows on 420 Magazine. We are truly grateful for their support.

For over twenty years, Seedsman has been at the forefront of cannabis innovation. As the first seedbank to commercialize autoflowering and CBD genetics, they passionately pursue new and old varieties, focusing on selecting a genetic library with a diversity of unique traits.

It's thanks to sponsors like Seedsman that 420 Magazine remains a free resource for all things cannabis, hemp and mushroom related. Please visit their website and support those who support us.

New Sponsors
Two valued sponsors have renewed again in November. Please check out their websites - it's our sponsors that keep the wheels turning on 420 Magazine, and we're truly grateful to them all.


In addition, Lady Cannafan has already written a splendid review of BudVac's innovative vacuum storage jars and accessories, complete with Lady C's own excellent photography. Check it out if you want to keep your valuable crop in peak condition - BudVac: Innovative Vacuum Storage

Sponsor Articles
Triminator, the leading post-harvest commercial manufacturer and supplier, have just released their newest piece of kit, the Maker™, a game-changer for commercial solventless producers. Alongside this they have launched a dedicated education program, which you can read about in their latest article - Triminator To Educate The Next Generation Of Hash Experts.

November Contest Winners
Congratulations to all of our monthly winners, who will be receiving some great prize packages from our Sponsors.

420 Magazine's Grow Journal of the Month: November 2023 - Gwhunran
420 Magazine's Plant of the Month: November 2023 - ExNavyInSTL
420 Magazine's Nug of the Month: November 2023 - Vick074
420 Magazine's Member of the Month: November 2023 - Roy Growin
420 Magazine's Photo of the Month: November 2023 - MicroGrowerMan
420 Magazine's Mushroom Grow Diary of the Month: November 2023 - CaptainLucky

You don't have to be an experienced grower to enter our contests. It's not always about winning, sometimes it's just about having fun and participating in the event to evolve the community spirit. Any member with a minimum of 50 posts can enter, participate and vote in the polls. There are some great prizes to win, including exclusive 420 Magazine merchandise and some high value products from our generous Sponsors.

So if you're into gazing at beautiful plants and nugs, engaging in friendly competition with your friends, or picking up a garden full of great prizes, our contests are the place to be. They are fun, inspirational and always entertaining.

Volunteer Opportunities
We are still looking for additional staff members for specific positions. Here's a summary. Just click through to get the details. Read the criteria for applying, and we'd be delighted to hear from you.

Seeking Volunteer/Intern For Miscellaneous SEO Tasks
Seeking Volunteer For Psychoactive Medicinal Fungi Forum Moderator
Seeking Writers for Cultivation Tutorials & Articles
Sales Manager & Sales Associate Positions Available
420 Magazine Seeking Volunteer Newshawk
420 Magazine Seeking Product Reviewers to Join Our Team

Thank you for being a valuable part of our collective mission, we couldn't do this without you.

Sending you all lots of love and positive energy through the universe.

Teddy Edwards
420 Support

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